Okay, maybe I'll talk to you.



Well, I'm tired.

I woke up today and made some muffins. They were pretty good. It took some time, though. Might not be the best way to get things done. It's nice to have some warm muffins in the morning. I'm sure Tony enjoyed them as well.

Racquetball was interesting, mainly because everyone was so tired. Me especially.

Improv was interesting as well, same reason.

I ate lunch with Max, since during Improv, he was asking about meetings. Turns out he might go to a gospel meeting or so. How fun.

I took a nap. A much needed nap. Wait, this was after going to the bookstore and accidentally buying $30 worth of "bargain" books. Got a big Foxtrot book for cheap though. Awesome.

I woke up and went to math discussion. What a doozy. Bah.

Dinner. I pretty much just inhaled my food, then grabbed my bag and went to my film viewing.

We watched Spartacus. We started almost exactly at 6 and ended exactly at 9. Boy oh boy. I'm thinking Spartacus was a Christ figure, since Jesus didn't really play a big role (or any) in the movie. We shall see on Monday though. I think it's funny how we've all become so adjusted to that era of actors and directors, where we start whispering to each other when we see Jean Simmons or wonder if that's Victor Mature or Stephen Boyd. How cool we are.

Well, I need to write some journals for my poetry class, so I think I'm going to go to bed now.



Well, lots of stuff has happened. If you're cool at all, you would have been there, so I'll keep it brief.

It was hot on Friday. Really hot. I was sad when I had to put on pants.

Brandon picked me up, we made it to Mountain Ranch in good time, right before the second meeting.

It was hot. Pleasant, actually.

Saturday was more of the same. It cooled down at night. Lots of people.

Sunday was downright cold. Blankets in meeting.

After the last meeting, Riddy and I helped take down the cafeteria tent while all the young kind were at the Pizza Factory. As a result, we missed out on our goodbyes to some, as well as paying for mediocre food. Plus, we got trapped underneath the tarp as we let it down.

Night was cold and boring.

Morning was cold and early. Breakfast was good. I helped clean pots, pans, and oven grills. Those took a while.

After that, we went to Riddy's and showered, then went to Russell's where a few were getting together. It was hot, I was lethargic. We left after a while.

Back in Davis, I did normal Davis things. I am exhausted. I go.

Simply Automatic


I've started making the titles of my posts reflect the randomness of my life. Basically, they are titled whatever comes into my head at the moment or just happens to be on my clipboard. Fun.

I played racquetball today. I was really tired when I started playing. Seriously. I'm surprised I made it the whole hour and a half. By the end, I was just dying. It was fun though. I actually played hard.

After that, I got back to my room and settled down, waiting for my pass time. About 2 minutes before, I got a stupid message popping up saying that some audio thing wasn't working. And it kept on coming up every 5 seconds. This severely hindered my registration process. But I made it through alive. That was fun.

After that, I ate lunch, then blah blah blah. At 2, I went with Doug to the Problem Solving Session. I was really tired there.

Afterwards, we went to the bookstore to get an ink cartridge. And browsed. I think I might get a jacket thing. Maybe.

So after that, we did other things. Just stuff. I tried to clean my room, play my trumpet, stuff like that. We convened later to study. Not a lot got done.

We ate dinner separately, and many hours later convened again. This was right after 9, because we met on the balcony to watch the fireworks. There were fireworks and we don't really know why. They were nice though.

We studied. It got late, I got sleepy.

Also, Brandon is taking me to Mountain Ranch tomorrow, right after my midterm. Meaning I must get packed. Right now.



Yeah, I'm falling asleep.

My day was a pretty normal day. But for me, normal is always different, so it fits.

Math was rather dull. I sat next to Zoe, so I wasn't very productive.

I got home and finished my concrete poem. I did it in quill pen, a tribute to Magritte. It was cool. I was almost proud of it.

I went to Physics. Amazingly, I sat next to Zoe. It was a little confusing, I must study hard tomorrow. Midterm on Friday.

I went to Olson. I got my scone, but for some reason, the cute girl behind the counter thought I always wanted to pizza bagels. Oh well.

Poetry was a little hard to keep in check. Long, boring, I was out of it. It's really hot here. It feels like you're swimming. Everywhere. It makes you want to sleep.

I got back, tried to finish my movie, prelab, etc. I went to the Physics lab at 3:40, as my Pass Time is during my regular lab. We got the lab done and everything, except our group was the last one done. Good picking, Jeff.

As I got back to the building, I saw there was a carnival going on. So I checked it out. I got dinner. It was delicious, oddly. Pleasant.

Funny. I knew Brandon was gone for Convention already, so I called Riddy. He left a message saying that his parents went to Convention, so he was home taking care of the dog. Then I called Jonathan, who was at convention. Daryl was at a meeting in San Diego. Finally, I called Dave Wood, who kindly gave me a ride, along with the wife and three kids.

Meeting was pretty small. A bunch of little kids too. After meeting, the sat around longer than the actual meeting. Crazy. How friendly.

I finally got back and was getting settled, when I realized I needed to go to bed. Still do.

Pushing By


Today is Tuesday, right?

Well, that means I went to racquetball today. It was all right. I got to rotate with Billy playing the less good players. Meaning a quick game, 7-0, then an intense fun one. Good times.

I went over to improv. I was so incredibly tired. But I made it through. It got more fun as the class neared the end. We just played simpler songs, so I actually sounded like a soloist.

After that, I ate lunch. It was delicious.

I showered and got all clean. Then I wasted time on the internet. Why I do this, I do not know.

At 4, I went to math discussion. I don't really know why I bother going anymore. There were less than 10 people today. It was really pathetic.

But not as pathetic as trumpet ensemble, which has officially disbanded. So Jose and I played some duets
and another guy joined in for a trio. Good times. I miss playing with other trumpets.

I quickly got myself over to Hart, where we proceeded to watch clips of "Elmer Gantry" and then "Leap of Faith." It was the day for evangelism. It made me feel dirty.

Now I'm back, tired, and don't have much to say about my day.



Yeah, I'm tired. I hope to remedy that quickly.

I woke up and tried to study for math. That didn't go so well. I got plenty of procrastinating in, though.

By the time I was supposed to take my midterm, I knew a lot less than I should have. I sat next to Zoe so we could cheat. I don't think we did. I think I failed.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I failed that one pretty hard.

Physics was all right. A little confusing, trying to convert my thinking into angular velocity and momentum, but I have a few days for it. Yeah...

No English today, as Megan was out of town having fun.

So instead, I ate lunch. It was pretty good. I'm sure I did some other things, like contemplate life, but whatever.

In Bible and Film, we watched Hitchcock's "I Confess," his only overtly religious film. It was actually really good, but I felt saddened by the entire plot. It made me feel remorseful inside. Check it out, though.

Physics discussion went all right. Karen and I pretended to work, which actually went better than seriously working. I was really tired though. We worked slower than most others, so by the time we were done, everyone else was gone. Karen wasn't feeling all that great, so she left while I copied down the quiz problem. As I was the only one left, I asked the Commodore if he could explain the problem. He was a little surprised that everyone had left, since he was going to anyway. But we had a nice little chat, I convinced him to buy some magnets. They're really cool, I'm telling you.

I basically goofed off for the rest of the day. Seriously. I ate some dinner, then browsed the internet. Time flies when you're having bandwidth.

I played my trumpet then called Kirstyn to ask if there was anything important she needed to tell me. There wasn't.

The end.

Good Call


I'm really tired. But we'll get to that.

So I've been skipping out these past few days. Crazy, now isn't it? Where did I leave off?

Friday. It was a usual Friday, me performing averagely on that Physics quiz. Lunched up, etc. I packed my stuff into bags and around 3, Riddy picked me up. From there, we headed to his place, packed up, then went to Mountain Ranch.

We got there in the middle of the last meeting. Afterwards, we reserved our seats for the next meeting, front row, center. Good call, guys. Nightfall.

Well, in the rush, Riddy didn't have a sleeping bag. So we arranged that I would bring both of mine. As a courtesy and precaution, I took the itty bitty one, which was the equivalent of a damp towel. I did not sleep well.

But breakfast was good. It became a ritual that we would eat with Melissa. Apparently, she's funny. Who knew? I didn't even know she could talk.

Got dressed, the usual. Anything else of note that day? We washed dishes, saw people, yeah, the usual.

Perhaps the unhighlight of our convention was our eagerness to volunteer for nightwatch, accepting the 2-4 shift. We were told that the earlier ones were rookies, so we might have to clean the sinks or something trivial like that. Cool beans.

We were awoken at 2, informed that we had to clean the floors, showers, and toilets, then bitterly got to work. Traditionally, the 2-4 shift is mainly in charge of staying awake. The labor goes into the earlier shifts where energy is still available. But oh well.

By 3, we were finished in the bathrooms, so we went to raid the kitchens. Kindly, they made sandwiches and other fun things for us. So that's what we ate. With half an hour to spare, we sat out front and chatted. By the time we were going to bed, the cooks were already up for the day. Gross.

I got up for breakfast, Riddy stayed in bed. As I was talking to Kent about the shift, Harold whistled for me to sit next to him. So I joined him in my pjs. It was about that time I realized we were not only sitting at the workers's table, but on the sisters's side as well. Oh, Harold. Side note: the food is actually a lot better at the workers's table.

Well, it was hard to stay awake when sitting still for two hours at a time. Very hard. But we managed.

Stew, blah blah blah.

After the second meeting and packing up, a whole bunch went to the Pizza Factory. Riddy and I did, split a large pizza. I was falling asleep. Miserable.

On the way home, we were driving directly into the sun, so my eyes were all squinty. Somehow, then ended up closed.

Back, blah.



Well, I'd best be getting off to bed.

I woke up bright and early today, getting hyped to play some racquetball with Jon an hour early. So I was on the courts at 8, but he wasn't there until 8:30. It gave me plenty of time to realize I had no energy. It was a very lethargic 2 hours of racquetball. Exciting nonetheless, since Brad hit the sprinkler head and we had to move courts. Good times.

Shower, then to Physics lab. Something didn't work, so we had to redo half of it. It was a really long lab. By the time we were leaving, the next lab was already filling in.

Lunch. It was delicious and very filling.

Problem solving session. Rather boring. I was falling asleep.

I got back and did my laundry. My last load didn't dry all the way, but I got there a minute late, so they were sitting all damp on top of the dryer. Now I still have clothes draped all over my room.

Dinner was late since I ate so much lunch.

At 8, I went to a poetry reading. About half the audience was from my class. It wasn't bad. The first guy to speak had a little flair and spring in his step. I wonder.

Back. I'm tired. Whatever.



Well, I like getting sleep. It's nice.

Shoot. It's gotten later. So much for early bed.

It was gross this morning. Rainy and such. So I wore comfy clothes that promote sleeping in class. Math was hard. Sleepy.

I got back and did some English. Actually, I made a can of soup and ate the entire thing. I was proud of myself. But then I felt nauseous for all the chemicals they put in it. Or maybe it was just the bad taste.

Physics was all right. I got 9/10 on the quiz last week. Go me.

English was awesome. It was relatively small, so it was more personal. We were all laughing a lot. Making fun of drug references, poems, etc. It was a fun class. A little boring when we got to talking about poems, but it was all right.

After that, I just sat around. No wait, I went to the library. Good ol' Shield's Library. I went to the Religion section to try and find Hurst's book and did. So I checked it out, then went exploring the rest of the place. It's scary intense.

Back in my room, I sat down and read a bit out of Hurst's book. A bit. It turns out the book was an edited version of his thesis. Meaning it was to impress those who knew more than him. I understood the first point he brought up, but the rest was way over my head. I'm amazed I even read the words after that. It's awesome.

Dinner was delicious. Man, I really liked it. Salad, chicken, stuff. Good.

Brandon picked me up for meeting at 7. It was really really small. So small, I had to lead the singing. That went well, but a little too low. I ought to practice that.

Afterwards, I went around the floor, talking to other pepole about Survivor: Malcolm 5. It's crazy. Physics pre-lab, etc. You know the drill.



I woke at 7, then sat around. It's a long ways until 8:30.

So I went to racquetball at 8:20. Coach was gone, so Jon was in charge. Good times. We were supposed to play doubles, but Patrick was not there. But before that, Jon and I rallied and worked on technique for a good hour or so. Then Brad came and we played some Cutthroat. It was fun.

Improv was really fun. It surprised me. We just had an awesome time. We've been working on groove tunes, so it's a lot less progression based, more just about the feel. It's experimental, so anything sounds cool. I love it.

Lunch. I was hungry, it was delicious.

I showered, did some stuff. I don't remember what.

I went to math discussion. Seriously, that class gets more and more boring each week. I feel it's my duty to go though. I just feel bad, since out TA actually knows his stuff and really wants to teach us. Last quarter, my TA was just retarded.

Off to Trumpet Ensemble. Except there was no trumpet ensemble. It got cancelled, but nobody told me. So I played duets with Jose. That was really fun.

Film viewing. We watched "Friendly Persuasion." It was one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time. I was laughing really hard at some parts. A lot of it was subtle humor, but it was just beautiful. Watch it. I mean, come on. Directed by William Wyler (of Ben-Hur).

Now I'm back and getting ready for bed. Go me.



So I woke up early today. Crazy.

After writing a poem and doing other morning things, I went to class. First thing, then turning the corner on the sand gravel bike lot, I fell. Great. I twisted my handlebars and bruised my palm. Kind of put a damper in my day. My palm still hurts, by the way.

Math was all right. I was slightly distracted by my injuries.

I get back, edit my poem, print out 23 copies. To physics.

We got back old quizzes, I got 7/10. A better score for me. It was a little hard to pay attention. The demos helped though.

The snack shop was out of scones and most other bakery items. I got a cookie.

Unfortunately, Megan was there a bit too late, so they didn't even have cookies. So she was sad for the first part of class. It was all right, but slow. Actually, it went by quickly. I guess that might have been because we all were moving along. Concrete poems are also hard to talk about. Oh well.

At the end of class, we went outside for a writing exercise. When we were done, I took a little nappy on the lawn, waiting for class to begin. It was a nice nap.

Hurst was a few minutes late, but when he got there, he talked a little bit about Cecil B. DeMille, then we watched a short documentary on his life making movies. Sad man. After that, we watched an ending clip from "Samson and Delilah," one of his later films. Not bad. It starred Victor Mature, Demitrius from "The Robe" and "Demitrius and the Gladiators." Fun times.

When I got back, there was an email about "Malcolm 5 Survivor." Apparently this is Patrick's idea of fun. I think the concept is hilarious. We vote each other off the floor, symbolically. It's all done online. Basically an unpopularity contest. Cool beans.

Physics discussion was sad and slow. I felt really bad, but I could not concentrate. So we kind of got reprimanded from the Commodore. I shall try better next time.

Dinner was delicious. I had a lot to eat. Finally.

I played my trumpet, lah-de-dah.

I'm soon off to play racquetball with the guy whose name I cannot pronounce. Then I shower and bed myself. Part of my new regimen. I'm compromising schoolwork though. We'll see how that turns out.

The Weekend


So I didn't post for the past few days. Crazy. Where have I been?

Well, let me tell you.

I snuck off to Buttonwillow for convention to surprise my family. They just so happened to be going to Santee, so I had to do a bit of sneaky sneaky and ruin the surprise. But only my mother wanted to see my that badly. Bah.

After I did my school type activities on Friday, such as math, physics and the quiz (I didn't do too poorly), I packed my stuff and awaited a call. It came. I met Kirsyn VanDerMyden and her cousin Kyla out in the parking lot, threw my stuff in, then we headed to Buttonwillow. It's actually not as far as you would think or expect. You think it's going to be a few more hours, but it pops right under your nose. Crazy how that works.

We got there right in the middle of the evening meeting, so we sat outside on the benches next to all the other stragglers. Then we got some cocoa and called it a night. Well, more like early evening. Just being picky here.

Saturday was more of the acceptable convention norm. I slept through breakfast, but made it in time for the servers's setting. If you want the details, ask me specific questions and I will redirect them to other people. I generally have a terrible memory when it comes to things like that. There were quite a few people there though.

Washing dishes, singing, eating stew. You know, the usual.

Sunday, we left right before the second meeting. I know, whatever. I've been harassing the girls about that, but I guess it's logical. Need to say the goodbyes, but also have to get back to work. Real work.

So I drove the whole way home while the girls were being girly. I realized how tired I was when I was driving on I-5 for hundreds of miles of straight roads. I realized how lactose intolerant I am when I was drinking some creamy Starbucks concoction. I also learned that driving doesn't really hinder my tendency to eat large quantities in small amounts of time.

Well, I'm back now. And it's after 10, so it's past my bedtime. At least, that new one.



Today has been a rather interesting day.

Waking up bright and early, I went to racquetball. John and I warmed up quite well, then got our assignment. We were playing doubles as a team.

That actually went really well. We've gotten better at communication, to the point where we won both games. The only problem I could see was that I didn't hit the ball a whole lot. Whenever I play with people my level or better, I always play a lot more passively, especially in doubles. I don't have to hit the ball every time, so I rarely do.

After that, I showered then went to lab. It was an average lab, a little tedious, but still better than Chem labs. It also involved magnets of the neodymium kind, so that was fun. Luckily, I had my own, so it was even cooler.

I got some lunch in my stomach, then went on my way to goof off. I'm really good at that.

At 2, Doug and I went to the Problem Solving Session. It was really hot and pretty tiring. Oh well. Go physics.

More goofing of. Seriously, I'm amazing.

Trumpet playing, etc.

Dinnertime. It was a themed night: Broadway. The food was all right. But that wasn't the cool part. They had a piano set up. Just sitting there. So after dinner, I went up to somebody that worked there and asked if I could play it. He directed me to the guy they hired, who told me to go right ahead. So I hopped on and played some Phantom. His eyes lit up. Apparently he's more of a classical and blues player, so he doesn't know any actual musical tunes. Also, he used to work for the DC, so they asked him to play. Anyway, he asked me if I would like to play for half the time and he'd give me half of the $100 they were giving him. My eyes lit up. So I went home and got my music, then came back down. We rotated for a bit, talked, etc. Oh, the joys.

Well, they didn't pay him that night, so he gave me his phone number. The money wasn't all that important anyway, but it was a nice pleasant surprise. Very nice.

Anyway, I had to run out of there since I had a racquetball appointment at 8. Becca, Diana, and Doug all joined me. It was really fun. It was completely different than this morning, since I was the most agressive player. It was interesting seeing the game from the other side. Fun though.

Well, Doug and I were supposed to work on the Physics problems, but that never happened. Now I'm just really tired.



Well... yeah.

It's been a slow day.

I wore my cozies to math, but I got enough sleep last night, so it wasn't a problem. Afterwards, I went to the bookstore to pick up the course catalog. Somehow, I managed to leave with four other books. And a second course catalog, for Tony.

Well, I got back, did some nonsense. Went to physics with Doug.

Well, the midterms were back. I got mine and was extremely surprised to see I got an 89/120. Especially since Doug got somewhere in the 50s. And he actually knows what he's doing. The average was 71, with a standard deviation of 23. Meaning I did really well. It was a high B. Go me.

We talked about something. Momentum and Impulse. That's right.

I got my scone, then went to English. We workshopped my poem, that was fun. Did some others, read some poems, made fun of Megan because she knows an unusual amount about drugs. It was two hours.

Anyway, I fooled around after that. I don't really remember what I did. I played trumpet, pretended to take a nap. I figured some stuff out. I read the introduction to one of my books. I got tired.

Brandon called me to let me know he was swamped and would not be going to meeting. So I called Riddy who was going to his parents. Then I called Jonathan, who said it would be fun on the back of the motorcycle. He could get the car though.

Dinner. With the Aggie.

I enjoy Jonathan's company. He's a cool guy.

Meeting was sad without my other two-thirds. John and Gladys were there. We were missing some others though.

Afterwards, Jonathan helped Lois with her computer and I played piano. I poked fun of him, noticing he was slipping in Open Source programs, sneakily trying to convert her. Because Open Source is awesome.

Now I'm back, from outer space. And I've been doing the same stuff I've always been doing.

Yeah Yeah Yeah.


Well, yeah.

Racquetball this morning went well. I think it was a lazy day for everyone except Coach. We all played very casually, but he seems to think his life depends on winning the game. Every shot he misses, the blood flows to his face. Good thing we rotated quickly.

Improv was fun. We got to play new songs. That's always enjoyable. We're playing a lot of groove songs, not plain swing.

I got some food in my stomach and a nap in my head. That was fun. I always hate waking up from naps. Especially when I have to go to class right after.

Math was really boring. I mean, honestly. It was small, boring, hot. Bleh.

I then went over to Trumpet Ensemble. We played in the hallway. Nobody showed up. Well, besides Jose and myself. So Paul was forced to get out his trumpet and recruit another guy. And then we played a song from Mulan. It was weird.

We watched "Barabbas" in Bible and Film. It was a pretty good movie. Intense. I enjoyed Anthony Quinn. Jack Palance was interesting, as he played Wilson in "Shane." The crucifixion scene was intense. It was filmed during an actual total eclipse. It was really eerie.

Anyway, when I was out of there, I went back. Settled down, then forced myself to go to the DC and get some food in my stomach. It was all right. Good cookies though.

Now I'm here. Just... bored. Bed, maybe.

It's Been All Right


So I was going to go to bed at 10. I've got two minutes.

I was so tired when I woke up this morning. I hit the snooze buttons more times than Tony would have liked. But I eventually got up, wrote my poem, and got dressed for class. In spite of my aggrivation of being awake, I wore warm ups and a sweatshirt.

Bad idea.

I would say that's the closest I've ever come to falling asleep in class. Second row, center. Bad.

I got back, changed into shorts. Took off the sweatshirt. I figured I can't fall asleep if I'm cold. I go to Physics.

On the way there, it starts to rain. Good thing I'm wearing layers of comfy clothes. Yeah.

Well, I was a little less comfortable in Physics than in Math, so I was more awake. Slightly. I don't really remember what we talked about, but I'm sure it was in the realm of "Science."

I got my scone and went to English. It seemed nobody else did though. Everybody showed up late. Late and half asleep. It was a very quiet afternoon. With the sound of Megan's bubble gum popping and making a mess of her face. Seriously. That happens all the time. I've never known a teacher that would chew bubble gum in class. And pop bubbles. Crazy poets.

Yeah, then I took my midterm. It was a lot less scary than I thought it would be. The fill in the blanks, T/F, and matching were really easy. The essays took a little more time though. The three I chose were regarding symbolism in Ben-Hur, Messala's spiritual journey in The Robe, and the portrayal of fundamentalism in Inherit the Wind. I think I could have gotten an A.

Relieved, I went back and said hello to Becca, working in the coffee stand. I bought a muffin because it was looking lonely and delicious.

A slight break, then Physics discussion.

I went to help Karen on the quiz, but Layla was sleeping, so the whispering kind of hindered our progress. I sure knew how to do it though.

And I totally knew how to do it on the quiz. It was beautiful. Not too many other people felt that way though. Oh well.

Pretty much after that, I've been goofing off. Like normal, so whatever. I ate dinner, found a disturbing, yet pretty funny comic. Blah blah blah.

I played my trumpet, and did stuff I totally can't remember. Where did my evening go? Why am I so clueless?

Well, I have to pick a song to transcribe. I wonder what I will pick.

Gloomy Sunday


It really has been a gloomy Sunday. Probably not as gloomy as the Hungarian Suicide Song, but still pretty gloomy.

As I was getting ready this morning, I decided to wear my new slacks. After putting on brown socks, shoes and belt, I realized that the slacks emphasized the greenness of the brown, whereas all the other browns emphasized the red. It wasn't something I even thought about until that point.

For some odd reason, both Brandon and Riddy went home to see their mothers this weekend. So I got a ride from the Greenways.

There was a new couple in meeting. The Smiths, from Washington. Young folks. He got a job working for Granite in Davis, but they're living in Natomas. They move down in a month.

As the Greenways were having lunch with family, I went home with Jonathan. Good times. I miss driving stick.

Lunch. By myself. The usual. Except it was a weekend, so instead of the Aggie, I had the Sacramento Bee, which has roughly 100 times the pages. Crazy. And most of them are ads, so I feel a bit silly reading through an entire section in 20 seconds.

I don't recall much of my day today. At 4, I went to Ryerson to study for the midterm tomorrow. Kevin was there, but Jenny was not. We still don't know where she is. Hope she's okay.

I might add that it's been raining all day. I didn't realize this until I stepped out this morning. That's why it's so gloomy.

Ryerson is really weird. It's like a parallel universe to Malcolm. Crazy likes.

Dinner, blah. Not much to say there.

I really need to start inviting off-campus friends to the DC. I have so many swipes left over from this quarter. Want some food? Just come on over.

I've been trying to work, but it's hard. The internet is so distracting. Reminds me of this. Crazy how that works, huh?

Well, after a satisfying day of atrophy and lethargy, I now retire.

A Blah Day


It's been a regular Saturday, with the whole sitting around doing nothing thing going on.

I woke up around 11:30. It was nice sleeping in. I got some little food in my stomach, cleaned up, edited some poems. The usual.

I ate lunch with Doug. A quiet lunch, not much going on. We sat and talked for a while.

Pretty much the same all day.

I ate dinner, then played racquetball with Doug. I guess that would be the highlight of my day. Then Chris and Dan were playing on the court next to ours, so we played doubles. And Andy and Bob were playing too. So I said hello.

Honestly, this day has been really boring. I wish I got more work done, but what can you do? Go to sleep, for one.

Barfy Tired


Interesting. I'm sleepy. But I get to sleep in tomorrow.

I woke up and went to math. How exciting. I sat next to Zoe out of boredom. Series and Sequences. I was tired.

After math, I followed Zoe around. I was pretty bored and tired.

I collected my bike, went back to the dorms, got my calculator, then went to physics. I was sleepy.

Interestingly, Dr. Cole gave the problem of the loop in class, but didn't quite answer it. It made me mad.

After the quiz, I went up to him in class and tried to make more sense of the problem. Basically, I went for confirmation, but he explained that I was wrong again.

Off to Ryan's office. I spent another 45 minutes there, and things are once again happy. We went over the calculus, friction, limitations, etc. Bah.

Anyway, I got lunch, then my hair cut. The Whole Earth Festival is going on, so I walked around there for a while. When I was just about to go home, I saw a hilarious sight. Amongst hundreds of dirty hippie booths was one sore thumb: The Linux Users Group Of Davis. Seriously. So I went there to say hello, and who happens to be the president? Jonathan. Crazy. I asked him what they were doing there, and he explained how Linux is about the community, freedom, etc. And it was good publicity. I thought it was funny. Hey, I got a free stuffed tux out of it. I've been wanting one for a while.

Got back, blah blah blah. It's been pretty mellow since then. Tony is gone for the weekend. I ate dinner. I did some other stuff. I got really tired. Still am.



I'm having a serious problem holding open my eyelids right now. I'm just that tired.

I went to racquetball. I'm not sure what's going on, but it was fun and I was tired. We played doubles, more like screwing around. Good times.

I came home, showered, then went to physics lab. First I checked to see if Ryan was there. He was not.

Lab was all right, except we had an idiot join our group that made me bitter and slowed us down tremendously. Evil. We had to go back and nearly redo the entire thing.

I went back to Ryan's office. Still not there.

So I went back to the lab and asked my lab TA if he could help me out. As it's not his job, it was merely on a friendly basis. His only qualms were with the acceleration, which got me to finding the right answer.

I went back to Ryan's office to confirm; he was not there.

I went and ate lunch. It was delicious.

I went to the physics problem solving session. It moved rooms for some reason. I was very sleepy.

After that, I went back to Ryan's office. Still not there. But I learned that Jamie is also one of his officemates, another girl I played racquetball with. And there was a guy wearing a "Schrodinger's Cat is Dead" shirt.

Back here. I don't really remember what I did.

I did my laundry. The machine here was full, so I went to the 4th floor. I got my whites started. Then my darks on the 3rd floor, my lights on the 2nd. I am awesome.

I went to the "Sex Jeopardy" program on our floor. And folded my laundry there.

I ate dinner. It was good.

Back. Did some stuff. Then I studied physics with Doug. It was very draining. I'm falling asleep.



Physics is so amazing, yet so repulsive at the same time.

I awoke and went throughout my sleepy day. My day has been surreal, since I only ate a few bars and a scone between lunch yesterday and dinner today.

Math was hard to focus. Something. No wait... I had a midterm. I can't really remember anything.

I got back, edited some poems.

Physics. Work. Something like that.

I ate my scone. Delicious scone.

I can't remember what happened in Poetry. I didn't talk much, as I couldn't really focus my eyes.

I then went to the music building to play some duets with Jose and Judy. It's amazing how trumpet players just flock together. In the span of an hour, we attracted probably 8 or so other trumpet players, all congregating together and acting like trumpet players. Fun times.

Back. Doug and I tried to work out the physics quiz problem for Monday. Close, but not quite.

So I went to Ryan Snow's office hours.

Which just happened to be two hours after the time posted on the web. But he saw me anyway.

So we worked on that problem until I had a clear understanding of the physics behind it. I could do it successfully and explain it to Doug. Then we sat talking about other physics things. I left around 6. Meaning I was there for 2 hours.

I got back and ate dinner. Delicious.

Brandon picked me up. We argued over the severity of Stephen Hawking's vegetative state.

Meeting was busy. John and Gladys were there. Fun to see them again. I realized how tired I was.

Back. I got settled, then wrote out the solution to the problem on Doug's board. Since then, we've decided it was wrong. That would have been in the 2 more hours we spent working on it. We've got it to the point where we can understand the physics, but can get the right answer using arc length and integral calculus, but not algebra. Also, our answer has limits at the extremes. Bah.

I am way too tired to think right now.



Well, I woke up and went to racquetball. Since I was tired, I didn't really get there until 8:40. But I stretched and warmed up with John.

We were continuing the tournament. My partner never showed up, so I played against several people, one of which being coach. They were pretty even games until halfway, then I started my traditional decline in playing. Headache, blah.

Improv was fun. We started playing more. We continue to do that. Which is a good thing.

Afterwards, I went home. I talked on the phone with my mother... odd. By 1, I had showered and was on my way to lunch. It was not a bad lunch.

I got back and hopped in bed. A glorious nap. Awaking at 3:30, no... 3:40.... 3:50, I got ready for my math discussion.

Well, that was a bust. We did only a couple of problems. Midterm tomorrow. I believe I'm screwed.

I went to check out the music building to see if any other trumpets were there. Last week it was cancelled, so I wasn't expecting much. They yelled at me because I didn't have my trumpet. I run home, get my trumpet, run back. Bike, actually.

It was fun. I got stuck on 4th again. Really working my lower chops this year.

Anyway, because I wasn't expecting to go to trumpet ensemble, I wasn't expecting to miss dinner. Which I did.

Bible and Film. We went over the list of movies we should know, important people, etc. Then we finished Shane, then Ben-Hur. Both good movies. But I was really hungry. Really hungry.

So I called up Brandon, as he said they would go out for pizza after their game. This excited me. He called me back, saying that they weren't going out to pizza, as they had already eaten. This saddened me.

So instead of eating, I went to the ARC. Bouldering. It's been way too long. I am sore and sweaty gross.

Instead of going home, Ankit told me to come over and bug White Girl. So I did, which surprised him.

Now I'm at home, still hungry, and really tired. Bah.

A Monday


It's been a pretty blah day.

I had a hard time waking up. But I did, then wrote a poem. It was definitely not a bad poem, but it's something I'd like to fix up a bit. There were some nice lines.

I also read up on the poem I was supposed to present. My favorite line involved the phrase "abdicate decorum." The poem also used the word "profligate," which has been stuck in my head all day. You know I've been reading too much poetry when I have words and phrases stuck in my head, not songs.

In math, we talked about dreaded stuff, since the midterm is on Wednesday. Bah.

I cleaned up my poem a bit, then made copies. Off to physics.

In physics, we worked on work. Imagine that. Crazy stuff.

I had a blueberry scone before Poetry. It was good.

Poetry was long and I got sleepy. Pretty long. Two hours long. I presented my poem, it went fine. We workshopped more poems, handed out our new ones, etc. That was pretty much two hours.

I got a call from Jayna about 6 minutes before class ended. I called her back after class. She was in Hawaii, nearly pointlessly calling to tell me that she was in meeting with the Greenways. We chatted a bit, she quoted Napoleon Dynamite. Good for her. She bought me shoes, for which I am thankful, yet carefully neglected getting me a ukulele.

Bible and Film was interesting, since we kind of actually talked about stuff. Not really though. He handed out a sample midterm, which made so much sense. It was an actual sample midterm he created for this class, not just one from a previous year. Crazy. I suppose it would have to be, since he changes the movies every year. Then we watched another documentary about Jesus in movies. Then we watched a movie about the making of George Stevens's "The Greatest Story Ever Told." Looks interesting, but was a flop. Hurst liked it, though.

After that, I did something. Oh right. I played my trumpet.

Physics discussion. Commodore Ryan Snow has been warming up. He's remarkably like Shane. We worked on problems, then he gave us the problem that will be on the quiz next week. There was silence in the class for about ten minutes, so I told him to tell me something about physics that would amaze me. He went on to explain about electrons being shot at thin walls, going through. Amazing.

Since then, I've been doing stuff. Been pretty bored, actually. I played the Thompson piano. Then hung out on Malcolm 3 for 3 hours or so. Magnets are cool, and I have racquetball tomorrow. Early.



Today has been a bland day. Perhaps that's because I've actually been doing work.

I woke, called Riddy for a ride. Went to meeting. It was small. Riddy had to do a chem lab, so I stayed and ate lunch. We were at the Fleck's, by the way. Brandon was gone, Miguel, Abe, and Allen were gone... I was by myself. Lunch was good, though.

Anyway, I got a ride home from Jonathan. Apparently they're finishing up next year, so they'll probably be moving in December. Sad.

Well, my day has been sitting around. I've been doing quite a bit of reading about movies, reading poems, writing poems, writing about poems, etc. No math or physics though. That needs to change.

I ate dinner with Doug and Lorin, by accident. It was good company, bad food.

I went to Rite-Aid for some breakfast eatings for the week. Pretty dull.

I've been on the floor the whole time. In my room for most of it too. I feel pretty boring. Today has just been one of those days. I should get a little work done then head to bed.

Sleep Deprived


It's hard to keep my eyes open right now.

I went to bed late last night. Like 2:30 or something crazy.

So I woke up late, around 11. I did some morning stuff, then ate lunchy brunch. That was all right. I had many courses, spread through time. I read the Sacramento Bee instead of the Aggie, as it was a Saturday. Understandably, it took me longer.

After that, I basically sat around. No wait, I went downtown. That's right. Becca and Doug were going. Oh, now I remember. I was burning CDs on Becca's computer (my next computer must have a CD burner... what was I thinking?). Then we went downtown. First to Watermelon Music, which was fun. I saw Jose, another trumpet player, and we talked for a while. Such a long while, in fact, Doug and Becca left for Borders. So Jose and I went there later. I caught up with the two, then we all parted. Becca went to another bookstore, Doug back home, and me to the Gap. I got dark brown slacks, a faded striped burgundy shirt, and socks. I love the Gap.

After that, I played my trumpet. Rebecca called me to pick me up. For dinner.

Oh, that was fun. Homemade burgers and french fries. Very tasty. Also, as a soon-to-be married couple, they're getting rid of all their free furniture, so I went around testing out everything they have. I am totally taking the old red chair. Probably for my room right now.

We watched "A Day Without a Mexican." Interesting concept, poorly done. Basically, one day all the Latinos disappear from California. It makes everything go crazy. No basic needs are met. Especially not high quality filming needs.

After a bit of lounging, it was decided that we would go to Nishka's and play a game. The game picked by "me" was Uno. So the three of us went to Downtown Davis and got our game on.

On the way, we ran into a good friend of theirs, on his way to San Fransisco, but fixing his popped tire. He opted to stay for a game of Uno. Once we were there, another friend came in. She was nice as well. I'm terrible with names.

Anyway, the 5 of us played a terribly unintense game of Uno while discussing love and doctorly things. Rebecca won by quietly saying "uno" while the three others were engaged in a deep conversation and I was staring blankly into space. But it was fun nonetheless.

So we were done with that. I've been back here, doing my regular back here things. And now it's late.

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