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Yeah, I'm falling asleep.

My day was a pretty normal day. But for me, normal is always different, so it fits.

Math was rather dull. I sat next to Zoe, so I wasn't very productive.

I got home and finished my concrete poem. I did it in quill pen, a tribute to Magritte. It was cool. I was almost proud of it.

I went to Physics. Amazingly, I sat next to Zoe. It was a little confusing, I must study hard tomorrow. Midterm on Friday.

I went to Olson. I got my scone, but for some reason, the cute girl behind the counter thought I always wanted to pizza bagels. Oh well.

Poetry was a little hard to keep in check. Long, boring, I was out of it. It's really hot here. It feels like you're swimming. Everywhere. It makes you want to sleep.

I got back, tried to finish my movie, prelab, etc. I went to the Physics lab at 3:40, as my Pass Time is during my regular lab. We got the lab done and everything, except our group was the last one done. Good picking, Jeff.

As I got back to the building, I saw there was a carnival going on. So I checked it out. I got dinner. It was delicious, oddly. Pleasant.

Funny. I knew Brandon was gone for Convention already, so I called Riddy. He left a message saying that his parents went to Convention, so he was home taking care of the dog. Then I called Jonathan, who was at convention. Daryl was at a meeting in San Diego. Finally, I called Dave Wood, who kindly gave me a ride, along with the wife and three kids.

Meeting was pretty small. A bunch of little kids too. After meeting, the sat around longer than the actual meeting. Crazy. How friendly.

I finally got back and was getting settled, when I realized I needed to go to bed. Still do.

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