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The Weekend

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So I didn't post for the past few days. Crazy. Where have I been?

Well, let me tell you.

I snuck off to Buttonwillow for convention to surprise my family. They just so happened to be going to Santee, so I had to do a bit of sneaky sneaky and ruin the surprise. But only my mother wanted to see my that badly. Bah.

After I did my school type activities on Friday, such as math, physics and the quiz (I didn't do too poorly), I packed my stuff and awaited a call. It came. I met Kirsyn VanDerMyden and her cousin Kyla out in the parking lot, threw my stuff in, then we headed to Buttonwillow. It's actually not as far as you would think or expect. You think it's going to be a few more hours, but it pops right under your nose. Crazy how that works.

We got there right in the middle of the evening meeting, so we sat outside on the benches next to all the other stragglers. Then we got some cocoa and called it a night. Well, more like early evening. Just being picky here.

Saturday was more of the acceptable convention norm. I slept through breakfast, but made it in time for the servers's setting. If you want the details, ask me specific questions and I will redirect them to other people. I generally have a terrible memory when it comes to things like that. There were quite a few people there though.

Washing dishes, singing, eating stew. You know, the usual.

Sunday, we left right before the second meeting. I know, whatever. I've been harassing the girls about that, but I guess it's logical. Need to say the goodbyes, but also have to get back to work. Real work.

So I drove the whole way home while the girls were being girly. I realized how tired I was when I was driving on I-5 for hundreds of miles of straight roads. I realized how lactose intolerant I am when I was drinking some creamy Starbucks concoction. I also learned that driving doesn't really hinder my tendency to eat large quantities in small amounts of time.

Well, I'm back now. And it's after 10, so it's past my bedtime. At least, that new one.

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