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Physics is so amazing, yet so repulsive at the same time.

I awoke and went throughout my sleepy day. My day has been surreal, since I only ate a few bars and a scone between lunch yesterday and dinner today.

Math was hard to focus. Something. No wait... I had a midterm. I can't really remember anything.

I got back, edited some poems.

Physics. Work. Something like that.

I ate my scone. Delicious scone.

I can't remember what happened in Poetry. I didn't talk much, as I couldn't really focus my eyes.

I then went to the music building to play some duets with Jose and Judy. It's amazing how trumpet players just flock together. In the span of an hour, we attracted probably 8 or so other trumpet players, all congregating together and acting like trumpet players. Fun times.

Back. Doug and I tried to work out the physics quiz problem for Monday. Close, but not quite.

So I went to Ryan Snow's office hours.

Which just happened to be two hours after the time posted on the web. But he saw me anyway.

So we worked on that problem until I had a clear understanding of the physics behind it. I could do it successfully and explain it to Doug. Then we sat talking about other physics things. I left around 6. Meaning I was there for 2 hours.

I got back and ate dinner. Delicious.

Brandon picked me up. We argued over the severity of Stephen Hawking's vegetative state.

Meeting was busy. John and Gladys were there. Fun to see them again. I realized how tired I was.

Back. I got settled, then wrote out the solution to the problem on Doug's board. Since then, we've decided it was wrong. That would have been in the 2 more hours we spent working on it. We've got it to the point where we can understand the physics, but can get the right answer using arc length and integral calculus, but not algebra. Also, our answer has limits at the extremes. Bah.

I am way too tired to think right now.

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