Okay, maybe I'll talk to you.

Rocks Heart Me


What a weird day it is.

I got up at 9:30, then went to my improv class at 10. It was fun. I'm actually starting to solo. So cool. And good news too. The same class is offered next term, so it will be continuing on. Awesome.

From there, I ate lunch with Sarah. At the DC for lunch, I always pick up a copy of The California Aggie, our daily newspaper here. I turned to the editorial section and there just so happens to be a letter to the editor by Jeffrey Lee. It was exciting to me, since I didn't write any letters to the editor. I simply wrote an email to the author of an article that mentioned something about campaign allegations. One candidate said that there were never any formal allegations against him oh here:


That should be up there for at least a few days. Unless they update the site.

Anyway, after that, I had to go to the IT Express desk since my computer was being retarded. But not as retarded as the guys working there, who seriously are competing with Dell tech support on levels of helpfulness. It was there when I learned that I have Dad's technique of dealing with stupid people. It frightened me.

I left and went to English, where we watched a movie. "Oh good," you might say. "A movie." Which is what we thought too. We were a bit swayed when the title was announced as "Persona" and had two women on the front of the box. It was a little odd when C. Kiefer announced that it was entirely in Sweedish, with yellow English subtitles. "Ooh, a foreign flick." Then he played it. Entirely in black and white, made in 1965. It was weird. Just when the only weird thing left was the plot, the camera jumped and did some weird crazy things, then showed the crew, then went back to the movie. It was definitely weird. We weren't sure when it was over either. Just kept waiting for the credits.

I went back and did some math. Yippee. I went to the DC for dinner. I've decided the best salad dressing is 3 parts olive oil, 1 part balsamic vinegar. Good stuff. I throw some seasoning in there just for kicks.

The tech guys told me that my computer was screwed up and that I would have to reformat. That's why I was so bitter. So just to play around, I downloaded all of the windows updates and put them on, including SP2. Everything works fine now. Not slow, and I can access the UC Davis website.

Went to math discussion. Small and pretty boring. Rick Danner is aweosme.

When I got back, I knocked on Doug's door to go rock climbing. We got ready and went. After about an hour, Doug needed to go study, so ran a bit then went back. I stayed for an hour and a half after that. I am sore and my hands have blisters. They hurt. As do my arms and my legs. I met a lot of cool people though. I exchanged phone numbers with one guy, Jacob. We are at about the same level, it's just he has more experience under his belt. And I just have a really small belt.

Now I'm back here, falling asleep with numb fingers. I must go.

I Heart Rocks


My life is now back in its schedule.

After catching up on Chem and Math, I actually learned some stuff. I can't tell you what it is, but I sure learned it.

I then went to work on the dreaded chem lab write up. Fortunately, my TA gave us a handout that told you exactly how to do it. It made things so easy. It wasn't that bad.

What was bad was the next lab. I haven't felt this bad about a lab since the first one that actually took three hours. Part A didn't work for anybody, and our Part B didn't work. So finally I just left. I felt gross.

It was good though. I went to dinner with Doug and Jared, then Doug and I went to the ARC at 8 for racquetball. It was good to play again. After we got out, we noticed the rock climbing wall done, so we decided to check it out. I learned that I am deathly afraid of heights. I started shaking nervously, like I do. I the realized why I like bouldering so much more. But I am determined to overcome this, so Doug must take me there often.

Sorry about the length of this... something bad is happening to my computer. So now I must turn it off in hopes that Eric can fix it tomorrow. Bleh.

A Sunday Back in Davis


Well, I'm pretty pooped. That means I will most likely keep this short.

I am utterly exhausted. I want to crawl into my bed and fall asleep. But not yet. I must first shower and reminisce about the long (long) day.

Things were good when I left you. One hour, twenty minutes down the road, we were passing the Madonna Inn. At King City, we ate lunch at the same McDonalds we did before. Maybe it's the McDonalds that's cursing us.

Anyway, almost at Davis, we run out of gas. We had been debating the empty gauge for a while, since I was led to believe that the light was below the needle and had yet to turn on. I might have been correct and the car broken, but nevertheless, we were travelling slowly towards the shoulder.

Several calls later, AAA brought us a tow truck with a tank of gas. It worked, and we were now freezing (it's cold in Davis), bitter (not the first incident on the road trip), and exhausted. We went to a gas station to get some more fuel, where we then brought out the manual to explain how to turn off the high beams that we had been using the whole time. Also, we learned how to turn off the annoying hazard lights that we couldn't shut off.

I took David and Nick to their respective places, then went to Rebecca's. She took me back to my dorm. And since then, I've been bitterly repeating the story to everyone on the floor. I must go now. I still feel so exhausted I want to barf.

A Tuesday


I forgot to mention that yesterday, the professor before my math class took the microphone with him, so at the beginning of our lecture, we heard a lot of huffing and puffing until he walked back into the room, embarrased.

My day was a little disappointing. Just a little.

Improv wasn't so bad. It sort of got broken up at the end, since Mike's daughter was sick, so he had to make a whole bunch of phone calls. We got some new songs though. Song for my Father, Body and Soul, and Take the A Train. Fun stuff.

At the beginning of English, C. Kiefer announced that he would cut the class short because he had Thanksgiving plans. So instead of 2 hours, we were there for 40 minutes. The problem was the he mentioned this at the beginning of class, so we had to sit through however long we were there simply dreaming of the possibilities of our free time. We didn't get much done.

I tried to do my math homework. I didn't understand any of it. I think I might have gotten one question right. That's no good.

I turned in my math homework at discussion. Rick Danner had to leave early to catch a train. Not a whole lot of class today...

I've been doing nothing. There was an Italian themed dinner at the DC today. It was actually real food. How odd. They ought to do that more often. As for now, I must get ready to leave tomorrow at 8:30. And since I will be with most of the people that read this, there won't be much point in having any blogs for the next week. Bye.



I feel really crummy right now, so that will probably influence this blog. It will probably be short because of it.

My day has been full of nothing. I mean, if you think about it, nothing has happened all day. I carelessly went to Chem, then Math, but didn't really do anything in either class. After that, I just didn't do anything.

I did rearrange the room though. I lofted my bed. Switched some stuff around. It's a little weird, but I'll get used to it. Lots of space. I like the space. I can get into both sides of my closet.

Whatever. My night has been pretty awful. And I'm not quite sure why. And don't talk to me about it either. That will just make me want to shoot you. Especially right now.

A Day


I am still tired and sore. My thighs are especially sore. I will make this short.

Woke up, got dressed in wrinkle-free clothes. Met Brandon out in the car for a ride.

Meeting was big. Lots of people. I met Amelia, who mentioned she had met me recently, so I spent the rest of the time wondering where. It turns out the answer was Boring 2.

We ate lunch at Riddy's place, accompanied by Abe and Amy. It was delicious, except at the end of cooking, the power went out, so no extra hot things.

We went to gospel meeting. Riddy whispered a lot.

Afterwards, we went back to Riddy's place, but Brandon left to go study. We were accompanied by Miguel's extended family as well as the rest of the earth. I felt rather uncomfortable. So Riddy and I left for his floor hockey game. We did not buy bowling shoes.

Now I've been roaming the halls for a while. I've been settling down my Thanksgiving plans. I did not eat dinner, so I am starving. I'll go to bed.

Tired and Sore


It amazes me how my day was simultaneously very short and very long.

I had a terrible sleep last night. I never remember waking up because I never actually fell asleep, I don't think. Perhaps I should explain this with a summary of last night after the blog was published.

I heard some loud talking in the halls, so I go out to investigate. Little did I know, but I wouldn't be returning to my room until three hours later.

It turns out about half the people on our floor were drunk, each at a different level of inebriation. Rebecca was by far the worst, behaving how people act when they're pretending to be drunk. She openly confessed her love to pretty much everyone. I enjoy this incident in particular:

As Becca was writing a note on Doug's door, he walked by.

Doug: Hey Rececca. What are you doing?
Becca: I'm writing a note to Doug.
Doug: Well, I'm right here, you can just tell me.
Becca: Shhhhh.

And she continued to write:
How are you doing?

It looked like it was written by a very talented dog.

Rachel had a friend over, and the two of them were just very hyper. They challenged each other to do cartwheels down the hall, but Rachel was extremely afraid she was going to hit the walls, so would always fall to the ground. They wanted loud music, so they went into Patrick's room, where the three of them danced with a strobe light to Gunther. It was funny to see drunk people running in circles with a strobe light. I think I broke something from laughing so hard.

About that time, all the sober people were going to watch a movie. Being one of them, I joined in. The movie was "Saved," a pretty funny movie making fun of superchristians. There were a bunch of people crammed into a very small room watching a rather small screen.

Afterwards, I decided it was bedtime, since it was 1:30. After showering and all, I was in bed by 2.

I had a terrible sleep. I never remember waking up because I never actually fell asleep, I don't think.

When I finally did get up, around 10:30, due to a phone call from Maria, my day was slowly beginning. It turns out she was calling abuot a get together to play some sports up in Natomas, so I basically told her that if I could get a ride, I would be there.

In my morning activities, since there are no more oatmeal bars, I ate a row of Chips Ahoy! I bought last week in my fit of hunger. My morning was very hard, since I played racquetball for the first time in a week yesterday. I came back from brushing my teeth to a note on the door saying:

When do you want to play racquetball?

So I wrote on his board:

Right now.
Get a court.

So by 11:30, we were playing racquetball. We played until 12:45. After that, I was so sore, I had a very hard time walking. I would stumble into things. Also, it was a very windy day today, so I didn't have enough energy to move to keep warm.

When I got back to my room, I realized I had not eaten anything substantial, so I went to the DC. There, they had the usual bruncheon going, which continues to bother me. After eating, there was a series of phone calls between Brandon, Riddy, and myself, concluding with the situation that Riddy and Abe would drive all the way from Sac to Davis, only to turn around and drive back to Natomas. We got there and it was very windy. Very very windy. And I was so sore, I was considered handicapped. Anyway, the way things were heading, there was a football game. Finally, Darren insisted that I stand up and play, so I got running around. I never actually touched the ball, which was probablya good thing, but I did get nice grass stains all over my socks and knee. After that, I didn't really feel like playing basketball, so I sat on the ground, in the wind, getting colder and colder and more miserable and more miserable.

After way too long, they decided to go to Darren and Maria's before whoever's house for dinner. So we did. It was cold.

Then we headed up to Lumas for dinner. It was a nice little place, done in Japanese style. We had spaghetti. It was good. I played the piano a lot. It was warm inside.

Then Riddy and Abe took me to my place. It surprised me that it only took half an hour to get from Lumas to Davis. But then again, Riddy was driving like he was he had a pregnant wife and was being chased by the police.

Now I am back. I had a fun time watching the hall prepare for Adam's party by deciding who would drive, then everyone else get wasted. Now I hunger and desperately need a shower. Bye.

Bowling and Racquetball


I'm really sore. My right leg feels especially crampy.

I took my Chem midterm 2 today. I felt pretty confident about it, but so did everyone else. If things hold true, that means there won't be as awesome a curve as the last one. Which makes me sad, because when an A is 76% and it takes 18% to get an F, I'd say that's a pretty awesome curve.

After that, I exclaimed, "What a jubilation," then went to my math lecture. That was pretty fun, since optimization is pretty easy.

Lunch was good. By the way, I'm out of the barf bars that I so hungrily ate for the past month. I can manage without breakfast until Thanksgiving though. Don't worry.

At 2:50, I met up with Brandon, Joe, and AJ for an hour of bowling. That was pretty fun. I scored my all time high of 117 today. Joe bowled over 160. I'm trying to learn how to palm the ball. Rids and I need to go for an hour someday. Monday. Someday Sunday Monday. After we get the shoes.

I've been meyandering for a while. I got a racquetball court at 8, but couldn't find anyone to play. So I went by myself. It felt so good. I haven't played for a week. I'm really sore now. I need to get my own racquet. The grips are just a little too big for my likes. And the cords just don't work properly.

Anyway, I'm dirty. I must get some sleep.

Failing a Midterm


I am going to fail my second Chem Midterm. I lack the ability to study. It's a physical strain for me. It just doesn't work.

Today was a blah day. Most of the time, I felt really bad for not studying. But I didn't actually make the effort to study. After my Chem discussion at 8, I went to bed and woke up at noon. It felt weird. I was still dressed, but I was really really tired. How odd.

In English, we spent most of our time yelling or dinging. C. Kiefer decided we need extra credit, so he gave us the opportunity to go to anything listed in the performance section of the newspaper and write a page on it for extra credit. How exciting. It was funny since there was an ad for the Spongebob Squarepants movie, so he's allowing that too. Blah.

At 4:30, I got a haircut. It was really weird. The guy has been there for 35 years, in the basement of the MU. Just cutting hair. It was $12. Not a bad haircut, but I am unpleased since the top is too long. I didn't notice it until I left, since he combed it over. But my hair still goes down to my eyebrows. It annoys me. Short sides and long top. I feel Catholic or something. I think I'll try the Flow-Bee when I get home.

Speaking of home, I have a long list of things I need, all of which I expect to be handed to me on a silver platter... make that an easily carriable box, perhaps with wheels. You should know the list already. And if you don't, you're a terrible person.

Since the haircut, I've been getting mad at myself for not studying, but then feeling like throwing up for the disgusting amount that I don't know. I need to shower the dirtiness out.

I'm Just Really Tired


I woke up and did my Chem and Math thing. We only had half a lecture in Math since we got out midterms back. I got a 79 without curve. Not bad, since the range was 96 to 23. Good for me.

I went to trumpet ensemble. That was fun. We're starting to have a bunch of inside jokes now. It feels good to have those again.

Since my day was free, I did nothing. I ate lunch, did some nothings, then ate dinner. Went to meeting, then went bowling with Riddy and Brandon. This might be a weekly thing. It wouldn't be bad. The three of us are really bad influences on each other. We basically spend our time trying to get each other to do stuff. Come on, we need those bowling shoes. Matching bowling shoes.

Now I am tired. I almost fell asleep in Maayan's bed. I must go. Chem midterm on Friday. Haircut tomorrow.



Either my life has gotten drastically boring or I've just been really bored with life. Probably both.

I got up today, and worked on my essay.

After going to improv at 10, where I feel I'm actually learning how to solo, I went back to my room and worked on my essay.

I had a quick lunch then went back to my room and worked on my essay.

By the time class came around, it was too late to work on my essay anymore, so I printed it out. I am completely ashamed of the finished work. I can't believe I actually turned it in. It makes me feel barfy. But I feel so good I actually got it done. Granted, I'm now exhasted from going to sleep at 2, but it's over. I no longer have to think of that dreaded poem again. Except for the fact that C. Kiefer told me I could write an actual essay on it for my final essay. I will have to give it some thought. Barf.

In English, we had a great time. We read the parable of the prodigal son then a version by Garrison Keillor. Good stuff. I yearn for sleep.

Afterwards, I went back to my room to work on the math homework. Dinner and checking the answers later, I went to discussion and turned it in.

After that, there was a social committee meeting for our floor, which I went to because it was going to be funny. It was definitely funny. Funny funny funny. I need to go to bed.

Work Work


I have so much to do and such little motivation.

My math TA gave the lecture today. It was great. We got out early.

I had a Chem lab. It wasn't bad.

I have a huge paper due tomorrow that I still am in the starting phase. Must go

Riddy Walker


I can't focus at all right now. I feel like running around in a clown outfit for the amount of studying/work I can get done right now.

My day has been pretty good. It's been very full of lotsa stuff. I woke up at 9, got ready, and met the Greenways at 10 to go to meeting. The sky was clearing from a very foggy morning.

Meeting was good. Small, but good nonetheless. Afterwards, Riddy and I decided to hang out together, for a forming traditional Sunday lunch. We went to Chili's today. Bottomless chips and salsa. And then we got our entrees. I was stuffed silly.

From there, we went to Sportmart to check out their stuff. It was there where I realized that we are a terrible influence on each other. We came so very close to buying several dozen random things because we were planning on getting really into it. I think the worst was getting matching bowling shoes. That one really bothers me. Not because the idea is so ridiculous (it is), but because we didn't do it. I mean, the shoes are pretty snazzy and they're only $30. We do plan on bowling quite a bit. And the shoes would save us an extra 85 cents per time. But it's just so out there. What's wrong with us? We had to force ourselves out of there.

After that, we went back to his place and ping ponged it up until meeting time.

Gospel meeting was pretty good. I got to see a lot of new faces who apparantly don't find my face so new. Riddy's mom gave us cookies. They were delicious. Prune filled oatmeal cookies, apparantly Dick Middleton's favorite cookies. Yum.

After that, we went back to Riddy's place and ordered a pizza. The reason behind this was beyond me, since I was still overly full from lunch. Anyway, we veged there for a while, until Riddy had to leave for his game. He dropped me off at my dorm, and I've been attempting to do work ever since. I can't. I just can't. I need to focus focus focus. If anyone has ever had ADD, I'm sure I would be that person person. Can't focus.

The Aggie Pack


As I am very tired right now, this may be a little bitter.

I woke up several times, each time falling back asleep. This trend started at about 8:45 and continued until noon. I just felt like I would make too much noise for Tony if I decided to get up and have a day. Although it was pretty funny, since once he was stretching and did that little yawn you do while your arms are in the air, then yelled a bunch of things in Chinese, and started wiping his neck, eyes still closed, then returned back to sleep. I smiled. Then I took another nap.

At noon, after having a Balance Bar, I started walking around the hall, where I learned that a bunch of people were going to the football game. UC Davis vs. North Dakota, eh Shane? Well, it turns out to be the last game of the season, so I went along for the ride. Unfortunately, it was very bright, so Doug and I went back to the dorms to get some sunglasses. When we got back, I realized that I had not eaten and was therefore very hungry. Extremely hungry.

A somewhat side note:
I was always intrigued by the spirit of UC Davis. We are able to boast that we have the largest spirit team out of any college in the US. Today I found out why. As we were walking in the gate, there was a big booth with a bunch of computers. Confused, I asked what to do. They told me to give them my ID card. So I did. After they swiped it, the guy excitedly told me that I get a shirt. So he gave me a shirt. As well as a ticket from a fishbowl that turned out to give me two free guest passes to an aerobics center far away from here and less superior to the ARC.

And just like that, I joined the Aggie Pack.

So back to the game. I was hungry. Very hungry. Since we were sitting the Aggie Pack section, I learned how they keep the Aggie Pack coming to games: free stuff. They say they give away things like hamburgers and pizzas and you assume they pass out coupons to a burger restaurant or pizza place. No. They throw actual hamburgers, pizza boxes, pitas, sandwiches, candy, plush dolls, tube socks, etcetera into the audience. This, my friends, is why the Aggie Pack puts up with all of this school spirit nonsense. College students will do anything for free stuff.

By halftime, I was still hungry. After a huge reminder of why I did not join the marching band and not catching a burger, pita, or sub sandwich, I left while we were still down 25-0. Doug came with me.

Doug had not eaten either, so we went across the street to Rite-Aid. I had to mentally remind myself that I was hungry and wouldn't be later, since I was breaking the cardinal rule of food shopping: don't shop when you're hungry. Sure enough, two big bags of cookies later, I was disgustingly stuffed. But it wasn't with quality stuff either, like Doug's frozen chimichanga. How queasy I felt.

Speaking of queasy, I decided to do my laundry, changing my sheets for the second time. I was running out of money on my card, so in between loads, I had to go by the DC and recharge it. Riddy called me and asked how my essay was going, putting me on a guilt trip. He told me that he was going to ask if I wanted to play racquetball, but since he was acting as my father, he said that I needed to do my homework instead. Actually, he wanted to watch the Kings game, then he would call me. He has yet to call. The Kings must have gone into some major overtime.

After a solitary meal in the DC between another load of laundry, I went back to my room to rot my brain out on the computer. After a conversation that put me in a very bitter mood, I had to go to the piano to relieve my anger. There was a guy on the phone on one of the couches who an hour later turned into a girl studying. I have to learn how he/she did that. The girl turned out to be one in my Chem lecture whom I once made fun of for falling asleep. Oh the joy. Ocean in view.

Now I am back, not from outer space. I must go now to cleanse myself. Brandon is in Chico with his carawong, so I am getting a ride from the Greenways. And we'll find out about gospel meeting then too.

Midterm, Bowling, and Racquetball


It's one of those days where you sit back and think of the fun you were having last week then say to yourself, "Oh, that was today..."

We learned about orbitals in Chem. Some spdf stuff.

At 10:30 was my Pass 1. That meant I sat with a list of numbers that I lost sleep over for two days, punching them in until they didn't yell at me anymore. I finally got a schedule that somewhat works for me. I have a chem lab on Tuesdays, 7-10, and discussion before that. Besides Chem 2B and Math 21B, I'm going to take a Religious Studies class on the New Testament. It seemed interesting, and hopefully I'll learn something from it.

After that was my math midterm. I did surprisingly well, I believe. I remembered things I didn't think I knew. There were a few small ones I was unsure about, but for the most part, I think I got the big ones right. It's hard to say that right now, since I don't have the graded test in my hands, but I'm pretty confident.

For the next two hours, I did normal afternoon activities, such as eat lunch and play the piano. At 2:07 I had a double date with Riddy, Brandon, and Kara. We went bowling. We purchased a lane for an hour, and played two games. My scores were pathetic. After that, Brandon and Kara had to go, since they were going on a hot date tonight. So Rids and I played for another hour. It was weird, since I was bowling really well. I scored above 100 three times, with my all time high of 113. It was awesome.

Afterwards, Riddy and I were really tired, so we ended up talking while nearly falling over for maybe half an hour. One of the things we did that would actually be considered productive is write down the number of the barber on campus to make an appointment later. My hair is really long and annoying me.

When I got back to the dorms, I anxiously checked my mailbox to find a notice for a package. Package number three contained my racquetball items. I was so very exciting. Everything fit perfectly and I enjoy them immensely.

I saw Doug walking down the hall, and told him that we had to play tonight. He agreed, so we set the time to 8. I made the reservation then practiced my trumpet.

When Doug got back at 6, we went to eat dinner. I didn't eat a whole lot at lunch, so my body wasn't that happy. I had to make sure to eat a bunch. I did and was happy.

We returned to our rooms and did stuff for an hour until we went to the ARC. Racquetball was awesome. I enjoy my glove and my shoes, as well as the goggles, but they're less noticeable. It was so much fun and I am so very sore.

Now I'm just sitting in my room, very lazily. I think I'm going to retire early tonight. I need to take a shower though. Goodnight.

A Whole Lot of Nothing


It amazes me that today has already passed.

I woke up from a very late night at 11 or so. I got dressed and such, very slowly, and went to play the piano. I played straight through Les Mis. It was glorious. I didn't even notice an hour and a half go by. How fun.

After that, I blah di blahed around for a while, then went and ate lunch. Lunch was good.

Afterwards, there wasn't a whole lot going on. I watched Chris and Jared play Halo 2, then they coerced me to play with them, probably just so there would be an easy target. How exciting. We then went over our math practice midterms together. Yummy exciting.

Riddy came over and we played racquetball at 6. That made me happy. He let me play with some of his toys so I could get used to them and see if my purchases were worthwhile. I'm really anxious about my glove. Whee. We made a date for tomorrow to go bowling with Brandon and Kara. Then we decided to tell them.

After I ate and got back to my room, I went to the lounge with Chris, Jared, and Alexey to review for the midterm tomorrow. It was pretty unproductive.

Since then, I've just been planning my schedule for next term. It looks like everything will be working out. Sure hope so. I need to go to bed, even though I'm not tired. Midterm tomorrow. Whoop-de-do.

A Really Long Day


My day has been very long. Let me try and start from the top.

Wet outside, I got up. After munching, I went to the bathroom, but Josie was cleaning. I did something else until she was done. Then I did my regular bathroom activities.

Chem was actually pretty fun. Everybody around me was falling asleep, so I would tickle Stephen's nose and make him wake up very confused. This was especially fun because we were sitting in the front row and I think Professor True was watching us. Oh well. I think she knew I was the only one remotely awake, since I refuse to even think about nodding off in class. It's just rude. Don't go if you're going to fall asleep.

After that, I did a bunch on nonsense in my room, mainly looking up reviews of Creative's mp3 player, the Zen Touch. Looks good for the most part. The thing I'm concerned about is that I can't find an fm transmitter that is stated to be compatible. Maybe I should ask. I will.

Anyway, my stupid computer, being stupid, decided to set itself 6 minutes slow, so I had to hurry to math. I got there right before he started talking, which was close, since my seat is again in the front row. I think he enjoys me sitting there because I laugh at his hilarious attempts to be funny. Ha.

Right. Today was probably the most interesting lecture we've had. He likes to show us random examples of problems to show they exist in the real world. I guess the best thing to describe what he does is to say it's like having a lab in clown college where the instructor is a monkey. This one example today was to show how to figure out the needed initial velocity to make the peak of a trajectile at a particular height. So for this, he brought out an egg carton. Right before he threw it in the air, he decided that it would probably be safer to put some sort of protection in case he didn't do his calculations quite accurately enough. So he put the egg in a plastic bag. He threw it up in the air and it landed about 4 feet from myself, breaking and looking like a smashed egg. When he went to pick it up, we learned that the fall had ripped a hole in the bag and it leaked all over the floor. Hilarious. Then, since he didn't quite hit the ceiling the first time, he (very quickly now, before anyone could think) took out another egg, walked to the center, and threw it as hard as he could to the ceiling right in the center of the lecture hall. Fortunately, this one he threw was a plastic egg, which broke into two with a nice crack, scaring the living daylights out of everyone in the hall. He received a round of applause for that. It made my day. Or at least lecture.

After that, I headed over to trumpet ensemble. This week, we had a performance review, where anyone, usually performance majors, played a piece in front of the rest of us, and we critique them. It was actually pretty fun and informative. I'm feeling a lot more comfortable there now.

Afterwards, as I was walking out to my bike, I had a little chat with Nick, the guy that sat next to me. He's a year older, but has been taking lessons from Scott for several years. I got his number to meet up later. He's also going to give me his comp ticket to the orchestra performance, since the people he knows already have tickets. So that's cool. It looks like little Jeffy has made a friend.

Anyway, during that, Brandon called to let me know he won't be at meeting, since he's going to Santa Rosa to pick up his carawong, so he couldn't give me a ride. I then had several message conversations with Riddy, since our cell phones hate each other. We confirmed that he would pick me up at seven.

After a bunch of mulling around, I decided to go to the Shields Library to learn more about Tibetan Buddhism. That place is very scary. It felt like anything I did would be wrong and someone would yell at me. And this is a place where your six-inch inside voice is too loud. Anyway, if you can imagine, the Tibetan Buddhist section isn't exactly the most popular part of the library, so it was in the basement, along with the periodicals. It was way around the back, in a back room that I felt I needed an employee badge, thumbprint and retinal scan to enter. Anyway, I found some books, then went back to the (somewhat) living world to check out my books at the circulation desk. Apparantly everything was kosher (not meaning Jews could eat them, but a general term to mean "OK").

As I was leaving the building, I saw a girl smoking. This may seem irrelevant to the story, but just wait. I looked to my left and saw a huge cloud of smoke. I figured the guy sitting in the middle must be doing the same, only at a much higher intensity. He turns around to reveal a 3 liter bottle of 7up, with which he throws in the garbage can and runs away. For some reason, people seemed to stay away from that garbage can, at least until new, innocent prey came. I finally got bored, so I started biking away, soon to be stopped by a huge bang behind me. The funniest part was that nobody really seemed to notice or care. Nobody was even shooken up. How sad.

I did a bunch of mulling again. I checked the status of my orders to realize that it said my Amazon.com order was delivered to Davis already. I went to the mailbox and sure enough, a package had arrived for me. How convenient. I went and picked it up with a huge grin on my face. As I was walking back to my dorm, I couldn't wait to play my music. So I went straight to the piano, playing with a torn open box next to me. I really love Les Mis. I must go see it. I was getting goosebumps just playing the music. Weird. I enjoy my real book too. That's going to be a lot of fun.

After doing nothing for a while, I decided I was hungry and went to go eat with Jared. Katie and her friend joined us. There was sushi in the north stage. It tasted disgusting, but Jared and I missed it so much, we didn't care. Katie, a white girl (how racist does that sound?), had only had sushi once before (pretty racist!). I then left to get ready for meeting. I found Tony napping.

A few minutes before 7, Riddy called me to tell me to wait for him under an awning. I soon found out why, as I stepped out into the real world to find raindrops so huge, they hurt when they hit you. I saw the black beetle (it was a gift... he's not gay), and ran. Unforunately, he didn't see me, so he started moving forward to loop around. So for maybe 15 feet, I was running in this harsh rain, trying to catch a car. Eventually I was able to bang on his window, so he stopped. I got in. We drove to the Greenways, while listening to a heavy metal version of Carol of the Bells. What a way to get into the spirit.

Meeting was good. Everyone seemed a bit confused by the study. Well, most people. Some, I should say. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure it was just me and one other person. Maybe just me.

After meeting, Riddy asked if I had eaten, to which I replied yes. So I asked him if he wanted to go to Starbucks or something. He replied in the affirmative. We then went to Starbucks, listening to Prince and Oingo Boingo.

At Starbucks, I had my default caramel machiatto, and Rids had a strawberries and cream. Mine was good, at least. I think his was as well, because he finished it. I paid for it with my Starbucks card, so graciously given to me for graduation by Ron and Teri Bone.

Riddy and I sat there talking for quite some time. The RA's for out building were there playing Mafia, so I had to make fun of mine. Not all that important, but Jarrett is easy to make fun of, so I had to throw that in there.

As we were walking out, maybe an hour after we arrived, Riddy asked if I had gone bowling at the MU yet, to which I responded in the negative. So we decided to see if they were still open. They were. They close at midnight.

All the lanes were taken, mostly by asian students, apparantly very happy and very rosy cheeked. I think there was a party or something. There was the occasional high school group, as noted by their youthful countenances and lack of clothing.

After going to the bathroom twice, we finally got our lane, and put two games on it. We played those games, Riddy and I each taking a game, I believe, both scores near, yet under 100. We put on another game, then another. Riddy won one, I won the other. My best score was a 98. That's actually pathetic if you seriously bowl. But since I have a hard time wearing their unusually slippery shoes, I cannot take bowling seriously.

By that time, we had been playing for an hour. It was way too long and we were way too tired. So much fun though. It's odd though, since Riddy really reminds me of Zach. Weird. I need to sleep. Like really bad. Nothing else happened after that. We went back to his car, banging the wind chimes on the way. He dropped me off and we said we must do that again. Yawn. I'm done.



My day has definitely been weird.

I woke up at 9, only to write a completely terrible intro paragraph to my essay. At the time, I went to my improv class.

In the improv class, I felt I really bonded with the other trumpet player, Zack. He's also in the trumpet ensemble. We now have all sorts of trumpet jokes, which I guess would make us both losers. But we play trumpet, so by our definition, we are cool.

We worked on cycle songs, such as Blue Bossa, Just Friends, How High the Moon, and Autumn Leaves. It's actually pretty cool because I'm starting to learn how to solo. Really. Weird, huh?

After I got back, it was write write write. I had 1500 words to compose, none of which would be comprehensible. I had two hours to get that done. Although I wrote for 2 hours, not even eating lunch, I had only written 1000 words, in a format I would fail to call a rough draft. I decided to just hand it in anyway.

The way rough drafts work in our English class is that on the due dates, we have a draft workshop. This means that we are assigned other people's drafts to edit and murder to bits. I talked it over a bit with C Kiefer, and he understands my predicament. Luckily, he doesn't know what to make of the poem either, so he personally looked over my rough thoughts, and noted on there what I should do. Lucky luck luck. Meanwhile, I got to murder other people's terrible papers. So much fun, except I was really hungry.

After that, I decided I needed to start the math homework due at 7. So I did the first section until 4:45, when the DC opened for dinner. That meant I was there at the opening bell, eating. It was so good. It doesn't matter what it was, I ate it. That was the first actual food that entered my mouth all day. Yum.

I then pathetically finished my math homework. I have a lot of studying to do, since the midterm is on Friday. Tomorrow will be mostly review, so that should help a bit. Also, Thursday is a holiday, so that will be a big part of my day.

After the math discussion, I headed over to Olson 267, where a meeting was supposed to take place. Some girl told me that there was a meeting for all half breeds at 7, so I came after class, but everyone was gone. It felt a bit like James Joyce's "Araby." Sad and lonely.

Since then, I've been wandering around, happy that nothing is immediately due, since I've been working my little tail off for the past few days. I even did homework at the get together. I was proud of myself.

At 9, I called Amy because she was supposed to call me. We talked for an hour forty five minutes or so. It was nice to talk to a human being again. Especially one my age. I felt a little overwhelmed because everybody at the get together was either several years older than me or wished they were so pretended to act like it. Too formal. Bothersome.

Now I am tired. And I want to take shower and bed myself.

Too Busy


I finally finished my 100 page poem. Now I have until 2 tomorrow to write a 1500 word essay on it. I have a week of math homework due at 7 pm tomorrow as well. And two hours in the morning will be devoted to awkward feelings towards chord changes. Must keep this short.

I finally woke up to the sound of my alarm instead of my cell phone. I took it with me to Chico because it wasn't picking up the signal that the time has changed, so I didn't want to rely on it in case it noticed when I was asleep and failed to wake me up properly.

From there, I hobbled over to Chem, where nothing was done for an hour.

I got back to my room and read some more poem.

I went to math, where we talked about speeding and triangles and volume and math.

I ate lunch. Then I read some more poem.

I went to my Chem lab, where we watched purple turn to gray, then green. I rubbed my nose and felt a liquid on it, which I thought to be hydrochloric acid, so I thought my nose was stinging for a while.

Dinner was boring and lonely.

I decided I needed to do something, so I played racquetball for an hour. By myself.

I finished the poem. It's really weird. Odd. Hum.

I took a shower. I need to sleep. And write an essay. Blast.

The Weekend


I'll probably have to keep this short since I have a million (100) page poem I need to read.

Friday, after classes, I packed then got picked up by Brandon. Interesting and fun-loving ride.

We got to the Leen's house around 5 or so, I guess. Unpacked, made ourselves at home. I played piano. I played piano a lot.

Not really sure what all went on. We ate dinner, I remember. I forget what it was, but it was good. No wait, we had burritos. They were in fact good.

That night consisted of a whole lot of talking, playing piano, pool, music, and pretty much anything else that goes on at a get together. Nobody broke out the Archies, which was surprising. They couldn't do without Rook though.

Saturday morning was lazy, since they couldn't get the gym until 2:30. We had a late breakfast, supposedly brunch, but nobody ate enough to consider it one. We sang. At the time, we went to the gym.

There, since basketball was being played for 5 hours, I went outside and read for a couple of them. I made it through part one of three, so I was proud.

Getting pretty bored, I left when I saw some others heading back to the Leen's. It just so happned to be Damon, Justin, Rob, and Melissa. So that was fun. Interesting conversations, which I will stop mentioning now.

Dinner was delicious and full of sweaty men. Nobody really cares who won. We had lasagna. It was good. After that, there was pretty much the same lulling around until everybody went to bed. Instead of sleeping on the floor, this time I slept with Jed on Brandon's bed. It was much better.

Sunday morning was funny, since 30 or so guys needed to use one iron.

We got to our respective meetings quite well, and aside from their unusual length, they were quite nice. Afterwards, we went back for lunch and more mulling around. I played trumpet with piano accompaniment, then both simultaneously. We went to gospel meeting and Brandon and I left from there. Awesome.

Now I'm back, hungry, and needing to read. We took a floor picture too.

Racquetball (Stuff and Playing)


I am very tired and sore. And that is because of racquetball.

Oddly, even though I took way too long to get up this morning, I wasn't completely tired. It would seem that I would be, since Tony was watching anime very loudly with the lights on when I was trying to sleep, and left his desk lamp on the entire night, but I wasn't. I didn't even take my usual Thursday-morning-after-Chem-discussion-where-we-don't-do- anything-for-the-half-hour-we're-supposed-to-be-there nap, so I must have been doing well. Instead of that nap, I played the piano. Fun.

One of the heavy suggestions from my Improv teacher was that we buy The Real Book, a book of jazz standards written so you can basically do whatever you want with them. So I went online to buy that, the cheapest place being Amazon. Needing my $25 get-free-shipping limit, I also bought the Les Miserables piano/vocals book, since I've had that music stuck in my head. And I'm going to be home from December 19th to January 3rd, so we better be going to Les Mis, or something bad will happen.

Anyway, since I bought that, I decided that I might as well buy the racquetball shoes that have been sitting on my taskbar, patiently waiting to be purchased. As I completed my order from trpros.com, I called Riddy to see if he had my shampoo with him. When I told him I bought racquetball shoes, he told me about a great racquetball site. Sure enough, when I went to racquetballwarehouse.com, they had the same shoes, but offered free shipping. Since trpros.com is mainly a tennis site, I decided that I could take advantage of the free shipping and get some goggles and a glove as well. I called trpros.com to cancel the order and the guy was very friendly. After it was all done, he said, "Would you mind if I asked why you're cancelling the order?" to which I explained the situation. He was very understanding, and then went on to explain how they have a lot more racquetball stuff that isn't on the website, then offered to put together a nice little package for me. So I did a bit of research and found some goggles and a glove I liked, then after a series of emails with him, we reached an agreement. It ended up costing $79.99, shipping included, which was probably $20 cheaper than anywhere else. It was more than I was wanting to pay, but the way he handled the business was too helpful and courteous to ignore. If you ever need tennis or racquetball equipment, be sure to check out trpros.com.

In a very happy mood, I went to lunch with Doug. Afterwards, I stopped by the Junction to get some Hot Cheetos for Lydia's 18th birthday (it was the only thing she said she wanted). I still have yet to see her, so they're sitting on my desk.

After finishing the reading and writing about it, I went to English. It was actually pretty fun. I got in an argument about meter with C Kiefer, which I won, I think. Afterwards, I was talking to him about the next paper (on poetry), and he suggested I write about this one poem by Norman Dubie. It turns out the poem is called "The Book of Crying Kanglings" and, when printed out, is 40 pages long. It seems I will be a bit busy this weekend. Because I'm going to Chico for a get together.

Dinner was actually quite tasty. There was a salad with roasted turkey and yams, covered in a vinagrette dressing. Odd, but good.

At 7, I had a racquetball court reserved, so Jared and I went to play there. Oh, how good and oh how pleasant. It was so much fun. And So tiring. Man, I'm tired. I plan on reading a whole bunch tonight. I'd best get to that.

Trumpet People


Despite the fact that it was only 8:15, it was extremely hard to wake up this morning. But I did my best, checking on the status of the election first thing. Things were looking all right when my boy got 1% if California. Looks like we know how to vote. I was one of 275 people in Yolo county to be super cool too. How exciting.

After a morning of slow waking up, I realized it was raining outside, so I put on my sweatshirt and rain jacket to venture out into the open. I realized later how much the rain jacket keeps warmth in, since my sweatshirt lets little streams of cold air flow right to my skin.

Chem and math were both a little blah today. It was funny to turn around and watch half the class either asleep or nodding off. They way I have it worked is that in both of my lectures I sit in the front row, partly to get the professors to recognize my face, but mainly so I can see. That way, if i want to see someone behind me, I get to see every single sleeping face. It sure is fun.

After math, I headed on over to the music building for trumpet ensemble. That was actually more enjoyable today than the previous times. I'm starting to feel more comfortable around these people now that I'm seeing them every week. There was a new guy today. He looked young, probably a freshman. He seemed nice, but knowing he was a trumpet player, I'd say he's cocky. He had a really bright tone too, which bothered me since it's chamber music. Whatever. I actually started to bond a little with the other guys around me. There's one guy that's in the improv class too, so we had a little Miles Davis musical conversation. And another guy was intrigued by my horn. So that was fun.

I've pretty much just been lollygagging the rest of the day. I ate lunch with Doug, Caitlin, Aziza, and her roommate. It was actually pretty good. I then played the piano for a while, then went back to my room, then went back to the piano. I finally put on a jacket and went to Brandon's awaiting car. There's a get together in Chico this weekend. You should go. I'm going, that's for sure.

Meeting was hot, since I neglected to take off my jacket. It started raining again after a nice sunny spell. Bah. Cold and gloomy.

I'm sleep. I want to bed.

Voting and Haiku


Yawn. Must go to bed earlier.

Hum. What happened today?

I woke up to my phone at 9, then again at 9:15. I got up and dressed, getting ready for my improv class at 10. Everything went normally.

Improv was good. Now I have the cycle of fifths stuck in my head, with songs like Autumn Leaves and All the Things You Are repeating about my thoughts. I nailed Miles' solo though.

After lunch with the Brinkers and Jill, a hallmate of Amy's, I headed off to the polling place. It was located across the street from campus in some apartment community. Voting was fun. I enjoyed punching the holes. It was soothing. And on top of it, I got a sticker.

After that, I went to English. It was much more subdued than normal. Everyone was just lethargic. Perhaps it's because we're working on poetry. But we did write Haiku. C. Kiefer told us his favorite haiku anyone has ever written for his class:

Sitting on the steps,
Writing something for Christian.
And now I am done.

I thought it was clever.

After I got back, my time was spent on math homework and laundry, both of which were equally exciting. I've decided that Chris is cooler than I thought originally.

When I got back from my math discussion, Clay let me into the lounge since they were watching the election there. I sat there for a while, but then I got a phone call, so I finished my laundry.

Since then, I've been walking around, getting stuck in a child's giraffe costume. Much too small, yet even more ridiculous looking. Oh how fun. I almost fell asleep in Clay's beanbag. Must go to sleep in my own bed.

Sleepy and Racquetball


My day has actually been pretty relaxed.

I woke up to the sound of my cell phone, because my atomic clock has yet to pick up the signal from Boulder, Colorado, so therefore I am afraid to rely on it to tell me the accurate time. Sad, because it's atomic.

After waking and morninging, I went to Chem, this time sitting in the front row with Margot and a pretty cool guy who's name starts with an S. I sat too close to the screen and my neck hurt. But I was able to accurately assess that Professor True uses Sharpie permanent markers on the overhead. It was bothering me immensely.

Math was blah. I did manage to learn the name of a girl that I would consider my closest friend in that class. I finally learned and retained the name Jackie. I am proud of myself.

After DCing it up, I went to work on my Chem lab actually a few hours before it was due. How rare. That went surprisingly well. I did it entirely without the help of Doug. This time I asked Diana because Doug was gone.

Chem lab wasn't that bad. Twice we managed to overtitrate our solution, making it sad. But since all it took was an extra drop, it wasn't that big of a deal. We were out of there an hour early. It felt great, except that it was really dark outside. Depressing.

On the way to the DC, I checked my mail to learn that I finally received my confirmation of registration to vote. Apparantly I mailed it on the last possible date, so I was very lucky. But since it was so late, they didn't send me any information and I had to go online for all that stuff. I've got the propositions down, but as far as the Davis electors, I think I'll leave all that blank. Who are these people anyway?

The rest of my night has been filled with lollygagging, and racquetball. I reserved a court at 9, played for a half hour then Sarah joined me. Fun times. I'm getting better. I think I need the shoes though. My trail running shoes definitely weren't made for racquetball.

I am weird. And sweaty. So I will go unsweat myself. And then sleep.

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