My life has been fairly busy. Busy enough to not feel the need to mindlessly browse the internet and spend time posting. With four upper division classes, I actually feel the need to read most of my material. And with three languages and four literature classes, there is plenty of material. I actually have my Shakespeare anthology open on my recliner waiting to be read. I have one more scene in Act one of Romeo and Juliet left. I have three chapters of Bradford to read in a packet which I do not even own yet. And I have about a hundred pages of Shakespeare background I might read but will definitely not understand.
As far as the languages go, there isn't too much trouble there. It's just a matter of doing the assigned work, which isn't that bad. I imagine things will be much worse later in the quarter, when midterms and other things start clouding my vision. I will have 7 papers due at different times throughout the quarter. I am so excited.
Today was a Monday, meaning my life was pretty stressful. At least until 2 pm, when I got out of class. After that, my life was a breeze. The only problem is that after sitting through 5 straight hours of class, I don't feel like doing anything. The only productive thing I could do was nap. So I didn't.
I needed food though. So I caramelized some onions with some garlic, then put that on top of some bread I baked Saturday, then added some raspberry mustard. It was rather tasty, but that might have been due to my not eating for 7 hours. Meh.
I cleaned my desk. This was a big deal. Well, it had potential to be a big deal. I ended up really only dusting it, but that involved taking everything off. As a result, a few loose papers were put into drawers, so it looks a little nicer. The biggest result is that my computer no longer slides; the pads actually stick. Well, they would, except for the fact that I just noticed I lost one. Hmm. Curious.
Intending on cooking the chicken legs I started marinating, my dinner plans were set. Then AJ decided to cook tacos. The legs are marinating overnight.
I contributed to the tacos by making salsa. It was actually pretty good, probably because of excessive lime. AJ contributed by obtaining moose. At least we think it was moose. It definitely tasted more gamey than beef.
After a brief stint of football, I went to my room and read some Shakespeare. And that's pretty much where I am now, less a phone call to Rachelle. Yeah, that's about it.
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