Today has been very hot. Not hot as in the way everything is, but hot as in, ouch, it feels like I'm in an oven.
As I was the only college student in Davis whose mother was more than 2 hours away, I was the only one in meeting this morning. As a result of that and various other absences, it was a small, short meeting. I got out of there before the ratdog started attacking innocent bystanders.
My rearview mirror was wiggling on the way there, so I got in my car and inpected it. The wiggling was apparently a result of the stub glued to the window breaking in half and waiting for me to look at it to fall, dangling from the ceiling. I thought it was kind of funny.
I went home, changed, then embarked on my journey throughout the mysterious parts of Davis. Turns out Kragen is located roughly two blocks from my apartment (actually, a literal two blocks). It was surprising that the people working there were ridiculously helpful, since Davis is a bike oriented town. I was expecting them to reprimand me for driving a car or something. He even helped me fix my windshield wiper fluid problem (there was none in the tank).
With that all fine and dandy, I went to Safeway to get some pectin, corn syrup, and chocolate. I was going to bake a cake, but it was just so hot, I never got around to it.
I came home and scraped off the old hook, then followed the instructions to put the new one on. It was like sitting in an oven. Apparently it got up to 90 degrees today.
I've been eating chocolate covered strawberries all day. All all day long. I have a lot of strawberries. I was going to make jam, but it was just too hot.
For the past day, I've been living off Togo's and apple juice. See yesterday's blog for more details.
For an hour or so, I worked on a transcription of Jason Webley's "Music That Puts Everything Together." It's turning out nicely.
I read a bit of homework. I think I should do my tangible homework now.
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