I would like to be in bed right now.
When I woke up, I rolled out of bed, made it, ate breakfast, blah blah blah. Racquetball was fun. We got one game in, cutthroat with Jon and Brad. It was pretty evenly matched for the first half, with Jon at 8, me at 7, Brad at 4. Then Brad got up to 13 in one go. It was a fun game nonetheless.
I got back to my place and showered. I was pretty tired, so I just did some other random things on the internet until class.
Greek was fun, but a little slow. Half the class was absent for some reason, nothing I can actually explain.
Immediately after Greek, I met with Claire to go over my monologue for Classics Day. Things went pretty well. I just need to practice getting angry and loud, which is hard since I tend to have roommates and am always around people.
With an hour and a half to kill, I went to the MU and got a bagel, read the paper, did my Greek homework.
My English lecture was possibly more boring than normal. I did two sudokus. After that midterm, it has come to my attention that I don't actually have to do anything in that class. I kind of hate it a lot.
After class, I rushed back to the apartment so Brad and I could start making pizza sauce. Unfortunately, Brad didn't get home until half an hour later, so we went to Safeway then and made the sauce. Just in the nick of time, I left for my discussion.
That was interesting. It consisted of Adam trying to explain how to write a paper to a mixture of experienced English majors, clueless non-majors, and a cynical me. It was actually relatively fun.
As I left the building, I snuck up on Emilia, then Lionel snuck up on me. We had a posse moment, then I went to bake some pizzas.
They turned out really good. Homemade pizzas tend to be a million times more delicious than not. Seriously. They're good.
I came home and have been wasting time since. I am going to bed now.
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