Okay, maybe I'll talk to you.


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I know it's been an awful long time since I've last posted, but I've been going through a lot of things in my life, just trying to sort them out. I'll probably start posting a little more regularly now, as long as I feel up to it.

In other news, apparently the City of Davis has a law against being annoying.

3 Responses to “Hiatus”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    keep up the fight bro. thanks again for the superior trumpeting. sounds amazing, and i'm glad we had you to call on....

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I have no idea why it shows my last comment name as that absurd number/code.... ha.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    We'll see how things turn out. And if you ever need any trumpet, piano, or accordion players, you know where I'll be.

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