Okay, maybe I'll talk to you.

Time Away

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Hey, so it's been a long, long time! Crazy, isn't it? Yeah, I don't really care. I've had paper after paper after midterm after quiz after journal after not enough sleep. And it's still going. I have a final tomorrow, then a paper due Thursday, so it's a little break for me right now.

Yesterday, I baked eight pizzas. They were all delicious, but there were too many of them. It gave me the opportunity to reach out and make some neighbor friends, so I offered some to Brad, Dan, and their roommates, who then came over and hung out for a bit. Nice to have some of my own friends over, who are capable of doing more than play halo.

A few days ago, I updated Rather Dashing, so check that out.

I've been a little stressed out today over due dates and such. I've had a headache for the second half of the day and am rather annoyed at Kirstyn right now. I need to go.

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