Okay, maybe I'll talk to you.

Yeah, Just Hush

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I know, I haven't posted in days.

I spent Tuesday night at Kirstyn's dad's new house in honor of the day (Tuesday). Nothing exciting happened before that.

Yesterday, I learned that our router is funky and sometimes doesn't like letting us view web pages. Fancy that. No blog, bitter Jeff.

Today. Well, I've been in front of this too long (not very long), so my head is starting to hurt. I will try and make it as interesting as possible in not too much time.

At 7, I went and saw a lesbian read stuff she wrote. Not going to lie, I thought she was a dude. Seriously, check it out:

That's a rather feminine picture, too. She was hilarious though. She had a great reading voice and knew exactly how the author would have wanted them read. I bought one of the books she read from and had her autograph it. It's my way of paying for her reading stories to me.

Other than that, I have my usual Greek quiz tomorrow, for which I am ill-prepared. I haven't been doing much (any) reading as of late, so I really need to catch up on that. The parents and brother are in town and in my living room, respectively. I should go to bed. If I race, I can make it before the cock crows thrice.

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