Okay, maybe I'll talk to you.

Not Again

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Thanks, Riddy. Thanks for passing on your illness.

I guess I deserve it for giving you HIV over the break. But I would much rather have a plush doll of an STD than a sore throat, runny nose, and inability to function normally. But what can I do?

It didn't really start to kick in until after I got back from school. I had a mildly sore throat this morning, but I made it through class all right. When I got home, I shoved food into my body, then curled up across the room from a snoring Riddy and went to sleep. A few hours later, I awoke from extreme heat. I've taken off many layers, but my head still feels hot.

Through the course of the day, I've done my Greek homework, a bit of organizing, wasted a lot of time on the internet, and eaten at In-N-Out. I really wish I could have been more productive, maybe even by baking some cookies, but I'm going to blame illness. Take that.

Well, I should get some rest. Even if I don't actually go to bed right now, I should still get some.

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