Okay, maybe I'll talk to you.

Some Stuff


I've been wanting to update this for the past few days now, but every time I think about it, I'd rather go to bed. So I do that instead.

One of the things I've been doing lately is planning the rest of my career here. I deeply regret not loving Classics my Freshman year, since it's totally screwing up my plans now. Oh well.

On Monday, I saw an academic advisor and met with him for over an hour. I also upgraded to Firefox 2.0, which is telling me that "advisor" is spelled wrong. But that's a different story.

Basically, the verdict was this: I am taking too many classes. Not so many that the university hates me, but too many for a sane human. In the next 5 quarters, I will be taking at least 21 units a quarter, probably more around 25. The reason I went in to talk to him was my fear of a unit overload. At 230 units, the university puts a hold on your records and starts yelling at you. We did the math and it looks like I'll be graduating with 259.5 units. He gave me three options.
  1. Take 35 units my last quarter. As long as you have 224.5 units the quarter before you graduate, you can take as many as you want that last quarter.
  2. Do Summer School the quarter after I graduate. The only problem is that my courses are so specific, I doubt any would be offered in the summer.
  3. Finish in four years (twelve quarters) and sign a petition.
Option 3 seems to be my best bet. Apparently I can take as many classes as I want as long as I graduate in 12 quarters. Just what I needed to hear.

On that line of thought, I figured out the classes I want to take for next quarter. I looked at the list and discovered that I have 29 units. I think I'll be auditing at least one of the classes, if not two. I also think I'm insane.

Other news. Last night we had moose tacos. I made a ridiculously delicious salsa. Seriously, it was amazing. That might have been due to the juice of a whole lime, but I don't think so. It was seriously amazing.

I've been hanging out with Claire a bit lately. I've discovered I am much more productive around her. I think it's because she always studies, so I feel obligated to do the same. It's not like I would be studying if she weren't there, so it provides great incentive to make use of my college tuition. Which, by the way, is what I usually do. I get good grades... now that I'm and English and Classics major.

Monday night, Brandon and I watched The Man in the Iron Mask. I ended up going to bed at 2, which is at least two hours later than I normally do. I have the strange tendency to get a freakishly healthy amount of sleep. On a weeknight, eight hours of sleep is a small amount for me. And yet I'm always tired. Strange how that works.

I'm scheduled to take the Upper Division Writing Exam on Saturday with Brandon. It's one of those mandatory university requirements, so I figure I should get it out of the way now. And also Brandon is going, so it will be on the buddy system. We can give each other the answers. You know, to the one essay prompt.

It was extremely windy today. Everyone was angry at the wind. The past few weeks, the weather has been perfect. Incredible, actually. Then today, it just ruins everything. Harsh wind making me out of breath and cold by the time I get to school. You have to ride with your hands on the handlebars, otherwise you get thrown off. I choose to wear sunglasses or goggles since leaves like to fly in your eyes. It is not fun. I hope it calms down and gets cold already. I can handle the cold.

My lips have been very chapped lately. Not just the lips, but my hands and ankles too. It's just as a trumpet player, I notice the lips first. I have a crack on the bottom corner of my lip and it bugs me a lot. I am constantly trying to do something about it. It makes me sad.

I'm supposed to go to a Halloween party on Friday for the CSA. I don't really have anything to wear except for the Ares costume from Picnic Day. I suppose I'll just wear that, although I do wish I had something a little more creative. I was talking to Rasmi the other day, when she commented that she was either going to be a Ionic or Corinthian column. Ah, classicists.

Well, I think I'm done for now. I can't think of anything else urgent to say.

My Life


My life is okay, but I'm kind of sad right now.



Today has been a very strange day. Not strange in the "aliens in my closet" sense, but strange like I don't know what I'm doing.

I had part two of my Italian midterm this morning. Having not thought about Italian in the past two days, I would say I did pretty well. My guess is a mid to low A. I got a 93.25% on the first part, so I'd say it's a pretty good guess.

I was planning on getting up to study, so I set my alarm for 5:45, knowing full well that I would sleep for another hour and a half. I'm sure there's some strange sort of psychology going on where it makes me feel better by getting less sleep instead of actually being productive, but if I thought about that, it might waste some of my precious procrastinating time.

I feel like I've been procrastinating all day, but I'm not sure it is I'm supposed to be doing. I don't have any major pressing issues. Sure, I have Greek and Latin quizzes tomorrow, but studying for those isn't a big deal. I could be doing some reading, but I always feel that it's sort of a waste of time. The stuff we're reading right now is so dense, I have a hard time comprehending it on my own. I find it so much easier to read the work after we've talked about it. Then I feel smart for noticing all these cool things going on.

In a fit of sheer boredom, I baked brownies from scratch. They were delicious and plentiful. Our apartment has a problem with brownies. Everyone loves fresh, hot brownies, but nobody likes old ones. As a result, we have brownies from four separate baking instances all sitting around our dining room because nobody has the heart to throw them away. It would be like eating a pet rooster or killing off Terry Schiavo. Something we all know should have happened a long time ago, but didn't feel morally up to the task.

In other news, I finally got my cuticle nipper back from the shop. Although, they replaced my broken spring with a much more wimpy one. It made me slightly sad, although simultaneously happy to have the nipper back. They also gave me a cool little case that probably cost them less than a penny. But it made me feel special and that's all that I care about. Well, I care about the spring, too.

I haven't been cooking a whole lot this past week. I think it's part of me feeling like this. Maybe I need to get some more physical exercise. I will guess that's part of the problem. I did bake four loaves of bread on Tuesday though. I brought them to the Nota Bene release party because Andrea requested that I do so. Two were a molasses bread, meaning I kept on adding ingredients so that it tasted like molasses bread. The other two were a garlic bread, meaning I made regular bread that had garlic inside. It's my sneaky way of pretending I know what I'm doing.

I'm sort of tired right now. I took a nap earlier and didn't want to get up. But I made myself anyway. Then I had nothing to do, so I felt kind of weird. Also, I got a haircut this morning, so I had little pieces of hair all over my pillow. That made me kind of sad and itchy. So I went and played the piano. My big thing for today was trying to play songs by ear. I've had "Norwegian Wood" and "With a Little Help From My Friends" stuck in my head all day, so I figured out both of them. I would say they sound decent. You can at least recognize the songs.

Blah blah blah blah. I enjoy how this post is about random things that come into my head in a completely random order. That's sort of how I feel about my life right now. I enjoy what I'm doing, but I feel like I'm in a haze. The end, for now.

Current Status


That was the shortest relationship of my life. Not that it's completely over, but in a sense. I mean, when it's this long of a distance, the difference between friendship and going out is entirely intangible. It's intangibly intangible, even.

So last night Rachelle and I broke up. It was by far the easiest break-up I've ever been in. We had both been thinking about it, not wanting to admit it. There was something that didn't feel completely right. I'm not too worried about it though. We're still good friends. It's just like the past two weeks didn't happen. But they did, and I was happy. I'm still happy, just a little confused.

I feel like this has been very cryptic. I'm sorry, but that's the best I can do right now.

Junior Year


My life has been fairly busy. Busy enough to not feel the need to mindlessly browse the internet and spend time posting. With four upper division classes, I actually feel the need to read most of my material. And with three languages and four literature classes, there is plenty of material. I actually have my Shakespeare anthology open on my recliner waiting to be read. I have one more scene in Act one of Romeo and Juliet left. I have three chapters of Bradford to read in a packet which I do not even own yet. And I have about a hundred pages of Shakespeare background I might read but will definitely not understand.

As far as the languages go, there isn't too much trouble there. It's just a matter of doing the assigned work, which isn't that bad. I imagine things will be much worse later in the quarter, when midterms and other things start clouding my vision. I will have 7 papers due at different times throughout the quarter. I am so excited.

Today was a Monday, meaning my life was pretty stressful. At least until 2 pm, when I got out of class. After that, my life was a breeze. The only problem is that after sitting through 5 straight hours of class, I don't feel like doing anything. The only productive thing I could do was nap. So I didn't.

I needed food though. So I caramelized some onions with some garlic, then put that on top of some bread I baked Saturday, then added some raspberry mustard. It was rather tasty, but that might have been due to my not eating for 7 hours. Meh.

I cleaned my desk. This was a big deal. Well, it had potential to be a big deal. I ended up really only dusting it, but that involved taking everything off. As a result, a few loose papers were put into drawers, so it looks a little nicer. The biggest result is that my computer no longer slides; the pads actually stick. Well, they would, except for the fact that I just noticed I lost one. Hmm. Curious.

Intending on cooking the chicken legs I started marinating, my dinner plans were set. Then AJ decided to cook tacos. The legs are marinating overnight.

I contributed to the tacos by making salsa. It was actually pretty good, probably because of excessive lime. AJ contributed by obtaining moose. At least we think it was moose. It definitely tasted more gamey than beef.

After a brief stint of football, I went to my room and read some Shakespeare. And that's pretty much where I am now, less a phone call to Rachelle. Yeah, that's about it.

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