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Today has been a very strange day. Not strange in the "aliens in my closet" sense, but strange like I don't know what I'm doing.

I had part two of my Italian midterm this morning. Having not thought about Italian in the past two days, I would say I did pretty well. My guess is a mid to low A. I got a 93.25% on the first part, so I'd say it's a pretty good guess.

I was planning on getting up to study, so I set my alarm for 5:45, knowing full well that I would sleep for another hour and a half. I'm sure there's some strange sort of psychology going on where it makes me feel better by getting less sleep instead of actually being productive, but if I thought about that, it might waste some of my precious procrastinating time.

I feel like I've been procrastinating all day, but I'm not sure it is I'm supposed to be doing. I don't have any major pressing issues. Sure, I have Greek and Latin quizzes tomorrow, but studying for those isn't a big deal. I could be doing some reading, but I always feel that it's sort of a waste of time. The stuff we're reading right now is so dense, I have a hard time comprehending it on my own. I find it so much easier to read the work after we've talked about it. Then I feel smart for noticing all these cool things going on.

In a fit of sheer boredom, I baked brownies from scratch. They were delicious and plentiful. Our apartment has a problem with brownies. Everyone loves fresh, hot brownies, but nobody likes old ones. As a result, we have brownies from four separate baking instances all sitting around our dining room because nobody has the heart to throw them away. It would be like eating a pet rooster or killing off Terry Schiavo. Something we all know should have happened a long time ago, but didn't feel morally up to the task.

In other news, I finally got my cuticle nipper back from the shop. Although, they replaced my broken spring with a much more wimpy one. It made me slightly sad, although simultaneously happy to have the nipper back. They also gave me a cool little case that probably cost them less than a penny. But it made me feel special and that's all that I care about. Well, I care about the spring, too.

I haven't been cooking a whole lot this past week. I think it's part of me feeling like this. Maybe I need to get some more physical exercise. I will guess that's part of the problem. I did bake four loaves of bread on Tuesday though. I brought them to the Nota Bene release party because Andrea requested that I do so. Two were a molasses bread, meaning I kept on adding ingredients so that it tasted like molasses bread. The other two were a garlic bread, meaning I made regular bread that had garlic inside. It's my sneaky way of pretending I know what I'm doing.

I'm sort of tired right now. I took a nap earlier and didn't want to get up. But I made myself anyway. Then I had nothing to do, so I felt kind of weird. Also, I got a haircut this morning, so I had little pieces of hair all over my pillow. That made me kind of sad and itchy. So I went and played the piano. My big thing for today was trying to play songs by ear. I've had "Norwegian Wood" and "With a Little Help From My Friends" stuck in my head all day, so I figured out both of them. I would say they sound decent. You can at least recognize the songs.

Blah blah blah blah. I enjoy how this post is about random things that come into my head in a completely random order. That's sort of how I feel about my life right now. I enjoy what I'm doing, but I feel like I'm in a haze. The end, for now.

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