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My most sincere apologies for not posting a goodbye note or something to that effect. I assumed that everyone would understand my location now being Santa Barbara, not Davis, thus the uncomfortableness writing in a blog about the latter.

I write today to inform everyone of a minor change to this site. You might have noticed (although probably have not) that I removed the link to Kirstyn's blog. I must inform you that this was not out of spite or bitterness to the somewhat recent ex-girlfriend, but rather out of an effort to keep my blog clean and free of dead links.

The link, kjirstyn.blogspot.com, was rendered inactive a while ago. I first noticed this when there were no posts for an extended period of time. Figuring she was busy moving her life, I didn't wonder excessively, but remained curious as to why she initiated a hiatus without informing anyone. As it turns out, she did inform people. A mass email was sent out indicating a new blog for a new life. Not surprisingly, my email address was not included on this list. Fortunately for me, my sister, and her entire office, my mother was.

The new blog, myslolife.blogspot.com, had an awkwardly similar tune to it. In fact, the title seemed to echo that of another blog I've seen. Anyway, that was that. At least, it was, until I mentioned in passing that I read her new blog. That sparked an explosion of fury and anger which resulted in her requesting that I never talk to her again.

Not much later, her constant posting subsided to the familiar halt we have seen previously. A quick look at her profile indicated some suspicious activity, mainly the formation of a new blog that looked almost exactly like her old one. Her old new one, that is.

The newer blog, myslocalledlife.blogspot.com, was only slightly different. She figured out how to include a picture with each post and to give her posts titles. Yet most importantly, she installed a statcounter that logs the IPs of all visitors. From this, I deduce that she noted a substantial number of hits coming from Santa Barbara IPs and changed all of her blogs to the beautiful 404 pages you see today.

While there are many witty and characteristic things I could say at this point, I will refrain from saying them all. Sometimes you need to think up these things yourself. But as of right now...

My ex-girlfriend is not crazy; she just likes making people think she is.

If you don't want people to see something, don't post it on the open internet.

If acting like a three year old gets you ostracized in public, why not try the internet?

No, I don't hate Kirstyn. I still stand by my word claiming that I'd like to be her friend. And as little as this post does to emphasize that fact, I'm completely serious. I just find it hard to do anything to come to any place of apology when she gives the "scowl o' death" to any member of my family. If she can't understand and accept my form of sarcasm and love for making fun of people, it's probably a good thing we're no longer going out. That, and the whole Olive Garden thing. Just kidding. No, I'm not. Yes, I am.

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