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Yes, I realize it's been a few days. I was at Buttonwillow. And I've been pretty tired.

I woke up from the best night of sleep I've had in a long time. I only woke up once and didn't have to put in earplugs since Riddy wasn't snoring very loudly. I started and finished my Greek homework, which wasn't that much, then ate breakfast and did all sorts of other morning activities. At noon, I went to Greek.

It was pretty normal. Pretty tired. I got my midterm back, B+. About what I was expecting. We're starting the Optative mood, so that means more learning. Great.

Grammar was fine as well. More on conjunctions, parallel structure, etc. Stuff that nobody else cares about.

After walking to the MU with Cari, I got a burrito and read the Aggie. It was a slow time. I ran in to Alicia and Amanda, who tried to get me to go on a blind date. Fortunately, they found someone else.

On my way back to Olson for my bike, I ran into Claire and Kelsey (in separate instances). They are both faring well, in case anybody knows either. Claire and I set up a hot date for tomorrow to go over my monologue for Classics Day on Saturday.

Myth was a pretty normal day. Everyone was really tired and the lecture wasn't overly ridiculous, so I should modify that and say that it was less than average. Whatever.

Back at home, I started thawing out a chicken for roasting for dinner. In between the thawing and the cooking, I did my homework and addressed all sorts of other issues. Around 8:30, I was eating my delicious chicken. I love roasted chicken. My wife had better learn how to make herself love my chicken, because I sure do. I also love the onions roasted with it. Delicious.

No dessert, since I am way too tired. But I want some still. But I need to go to bed. Dilema. Either way, I should stop typing.

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