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Cock to Asclepius

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I'm still pretty tired. School exhausts me.

Lots and lots has happened. I still enjoy my life outside of the internet, which is something new in the past several months. Damon still enjoys telling me that I don't blog enough, which is normal for Damon.

Today was a lazy day. I woke from my slumber around 9:30, which was surprisingly early. After the long car ride back, I was amazed I was coherent at that hour. But I got up and got a move on my day.

Kirsten Kinsella called and let me know they were in town on a tour, so I met up with her, her sister, Katie, and Carli for lunch and to show them whatever else they wanted to see. It ended up being a rather long tour, so my legs were pretty tired afterwards.

At home, I finished my laundry, baked my bread (it turned out delicious, even more than normal), then heated up some pork from two days ago. The bread complemented it very well.

Later in the day, Joe came home. Brandon had been here since morning. The three of us watched the Thomas Crown Affair, one of my personal favorite movies. It's just so great.

That's pretty much my day. Sometimes I like not blogging just to spite Damon.

I think I have a new favorite phrase. "Cock to Asclepius." Go figure it out yourself. Impress your classicist friends.

3 Responses to “Cock to Asclepius”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Regarding your classics reference, I'm glad you're feeling better.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Actually, I'm surprised I'm not currently ill.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Socrates last words.... PAY MY DEBT FOR ME YOU FOOLS!!!!!

    Oh, and dude...Its not that I lay awake at night wondering when you will blog...i just notice that your blogging frequency has be reduced dramatically, and am wondering why....

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