So it's been a while. I've had things to do. I'm really not in the mood for writing, since I have three midterms and a quiz this week, regarding two novels and a handful of poems I haven't read and a language I don't understand. Oh well.
My life has been going along as usual. I see and talk to Kirstyn quite regularly. I spent yesterday with her, attempting to study. In my book, this usually means procrastinating. I did it well.
Realizing it was the end of a three day weekend and everybody was going home after skiing, I decided to spend the night and get up in the morning, just in time for rush hour traffic. Bah. I got home, jumped in bed for a good 45 minutes, then went to racquetball.
That was fun. I was really tired, so I played a few great games with some people slightly worse than me. I had a lot of fun.
English was spent conversing to Tom in Greek. It's like killing two birds with one stone, except the English bird never actually died, as noted by the butchering of the overextension of an analogy.
Greek. Same as always.
It was good to feel clean. And eat. And read my paper.
English again. Really slow. The entire lecture hall was falling asleep. Same thing in discussion, but this time our leader was falling asleep too.
Now I've been home, have eaten part of the wonderfully prepared meal, and am falling asleep. Okay bye.
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