Okay, maybe I'll talk to you.

A Fun Day


My computer is dumb. It's being slow. It might just be the internet, but I got a warning about virtual memory being low. What do I do about that? David? Meh.

Today started slowly. I had a slow time waking up, getting my stuff together, etc. I finally got to breakfast about 10 minutes later than I would have liked, then slowly made my way to the ARC. I was about 5 minutes late, so I stretched while everyone did their thing. Then I went on to play with Patrick and the guy whose name I do not know and should be embarrased because of that. It was fun, but got a little silly.

Greek was sweaty. Seriously, gross. I smelled. But midterm tomorrow, so learn learn learn. The usual.

After class, Ian caught ahold of me and conned me into joining him for a review. I've always thought of him as a strange cookie, so I was a little hesitant. Finally, I decided it would probably be the best for me too, so I gave him my number to call when he was free.

I went to the bike barn and pumped up my tires. They were getting low and saggy. Now I feel every bump in the road. Go me.

I came home, cleaned up, then ate lunch at the Posh Bagel. It was pretty good.

For the next little while, I sat browsing the internet. After a while, Amy came online and casually announced that she was going to bike to the DMV. Seeing how it's halfway across town, freezing outside, and she's accident prone, I offered to drive her there. She graciously accepted.

Well, after the DMV jaunt, somehow the Domes came up in conversation. A quick right turn and there we were. So I showed her around and her reaction was similar to mine: sheer amazement. So after walking around, explaining everything I knew, I took her back to her place then met Ian at his apartment.

It took a little while to find his place and a suitable parking spot, but I managed. We studied for an hour or so, probably more, going through the paradigms and passages, as well as old homeworks. Then we just started talking about everything. I have a much higher respect for him now. He knows quite a bit, which is why he is so argumentative. I can understand why he's ostracized in most classes, but he's really a nice guy if you get to know him. The conversation shifted from our Greek class to our Theology class to beliefs of specific religions to personal beliefs. From there, I handed him an invitation to the gospel meetings in town to which he said he would definitely attend. He then proceeded to ask more questions over dinner at the Quarto DC, after which I left for home.

It was a nice little evening, I must admit. As I was getting off the elevator at the third floor, my roomates were crowding in and forced me to go back to the basement. They were heading off to their champion floor hockey game. I was planning to go see them, but I got caught up in other things. I was also still bitter that I was not invited to play on their team. Only four-fifths of our apartment was on it, no reason for more. Hey, I would have at least liked to have been asked. Instead, I got to wonder where my roommates left Monday nights, only to learn that they took our mutually agreed plan and ran off with it. Bah them.

Now I'm here, bitter, and angry at my computer.



Sorry about last night. I was in a pretty bitter mood, mostly due to Kirstyn and her lack of being able to talk to me.

Today was an average day. I did a lot of procrastinating, which is not good. I realized I have two papers and a midterm next week, all no later than Wednesday. I better get cracking.

I woke up slowly after a night of uneasy sleep. I realized later that my pillow was upside down. Seriously, it makes a difference. I had my breakfast and cup of green tea, then went to Greek.

Slow day, except for the stormy weather. The power went out three times. It was so exciting. So of course, we had to prove our mad Greekiness and continue learning despite lack of vision. Hard core, I tell you.

Since my ears were starting to chip off my head, I stopped by the Gap on my way home and made a rush purchase of a matching scarf and beanie which I proceded to wear for the rest of the day. Wisest purchase I made all day, except perhaps my two other purchases that both went on to provide nourishment and existance. But I like them. They keep me warm.

In Theology, we got our midterms back. I was not too happy. I really really need to study and do well on both the final and paper. Seriously. In both classes.

I made a quick stop at Hurst's office to ask about a book, but Kevin was in there, so I sat in while he was talking. Kevin is a nice guy. Typical super-Christian.

Once Kevin was done, I asked Hurst about a book he mentioned, so he scoured the room for it, but no luck. Instead, he found a book that he mentioned several times in class, "The Human Face of God" by J.A.T. Robinson. Interestingly, I noticed the book had a library card taped to the back page, with several stamps in it. It also had Shield Library's famous categorizing numbers on the spine. Yet most interesting was the "Lincoln D Hurst" written on the front page. Has Hurst been stealing from the Library? We shall see.

For lunch, I had my usual at the CoHo. I said hello to Kevin and met his girlfriend, soon to be fiancee, then wife. Weird. Seriously though, I had that discussion with him today. He says that as soon as she gets accepted into a nutrition program, they're going to get married and move to wherever for school. Strange.

John was fine. Claire was back, so we caught up. There really isn't much to catch up on, so she basically gave me her email address and I would later send her my notes for the days she missed.

We're finally closing up the quarter. It's scary.

Psych was blah. I did my Sudoku in record time and realized that the midterm is next Wednesday. And that I have to do well on it. Really well. Bah that.

Back, I went to dinner with Brandon and Riddy at Woodstock's. It definitely wasn't bad, especially with the student special. I'm still full, which is a good thing. I feel like I need to drink a lot of water though. I love how I associate feeling gross with the need to drink water. I am so utterly awesome.

Getting back to the room, I learned more about our apartment. We can start moving things in next week, but can live there two days before finals. That's pretty bah. We're going to try and ask them if we can stay, since they are finals and we are not wanting a life change during them. I'm sure they'll be understanding.

As everyone was off doing IMs, I spent my evening talking to dozens of hot chicks online. Well, at least one. Man, I'm pathetic.

I played my trumpet, got my Greek done. I think I'm going to head on over to the shower, maybe read some of that book. Oh shoot. Papers, midterm, finals, blah.



Well, it surely has been a while since I last posted. Let me check what last happened. Okay.

Wednesday, I went to Greek, came home, got my stuff, then learned that Theology was cancelled, the paper moved a week back. Joyous occasion. That meant no class except for psych, which I opted to skip.

I packed up, then grabbed a bite to eat. I went to Chipotle and got a burrito bol, but my stomach was not handling that well. It felt like there was a really long stick awkwardly shoved in my stomach. I had to stop by Watermelon Music for a rest, then on a bench on the side of the road. It was pretty bad. Because of that, I spent the next few hours lying in bed, trying to soothe the pain. I eventually decided that it wasn't going away and I better just get to Kirstyn's, so I went to the florist, picked out pretty flowers for a pretty boquet, then hopped in my car. I first stopped by the storage unit and grabbed slash dropped off some stuff, then went to my dear's place.

When I got there, I probably did something. We went to meeting, except Kirstyn stayed home and worked on homework. When we got back, her uncle was there. He went on to spend the rest of the weekend there.

Thanksgiving was thanksgivinglicious. It was weird having a traditional traditional Thanksgiving dinner. But tasty. Too many pies, though. Way too many.

Nap time or something.

I don't remember this weekend. It was mostly spend doing nothing. Actually, if you want a nice idea of the weekend, I'm going to direct you to Kirstyn's blog, except keep in mind that I was there too. I think she likes mentioning me as an afterthough because she doesn't like me very much. I mean, she'll stay home feigning sickness and I'll go hang out with her cousins. Or she'll choose homework over me. And I'm joking too.

Hum, Double date with Kyla and David. Okay, I'm conducting a poll right now. The three of them opted to eat at Red Robin instead of the PF Chang's that was right next door. Their argument was that they didn't want to waste too much money. Now the question for you: Where should we have eaten, Red Robin or PF Chang's? My vote was for the latter, but they all disagreed. They really need to learn to listen to me.

I absolutely hate television. I just thought I'd throw that out there. It's loud, annoying, distracting, and on. Please turn it off. I hate it when I'm trying to read my bible, but can't concentrate because the television is on. I can't hear Kirstyn on the phone because it's too loud. I can't get homework done because the only place I can do it is right in front of the tv. Basically, my range of motion is now limited to only places that are in direct view and earshot of the television. I have seriously considered taking an ax to that thing, except I don't have an ax. Bah.

Well, I'm sick of this. But feeling better physically. I came home after gospel meeting. Kirstyn was not there. I did not eat dinner. I did my homework, then was going to bed, but the television was on. Seriously. That thing is going to die.



Well, what a fun day. Richard is pokering, so my internet is not plugged in. This is annoying.

I woke sleepily, got ready, and went to breakfast. This morning, I tried regular flavored oatmeal, which was a terribly bland mistake. The tea is starting to wear on me, but I'm still drinking it. Unlike regular flavored oatmeal, that's for sure.

Racquetball was fun. Brad showed up late, so I played one game with that fun guy whose name I still don't know. We were both not caring and agreed we left the court worse players having played. oh, how I love that game.

Greek was as usual. I'm still getting over my snotty self, so it was slightly annoying. Also annoying was that I left my copy of the Aggie in the room, so I had none to read. Bah that.

After Greek, I hopped over to Shield's Library and stole all the books on Karl Barth. I now have about 25 books checked out of the library. My back hurts.

I came home and showered. That made me feel much better. I was dirty.

I ate lunch at the Posh Bagel, a strangely smelling bagel shop run by full blown Asians. The food is pretty good though.

When I came back, the internet was mysteriously not working. Annoyed, I took my computer to the lobby and abused the free wireless there. Surprisingly, it's a better connection than with the cable in the room.

When I got back to the room, I discovered that the internet was not working since I was not plugged in. Oh, Riddy.

Speaking of which, he had a midterm, so I played my trumpet and accordion in his absence. Then I did my Greek homework.

Sat around, blah blah. Around hungry time, I went to Pluto's and got the special. It was delicious. Seriously. Then I browsed the Gap and almost bought a lot of things.

Home, I sat and read while listening to music on random. I have way too many different varieties of music.

Gospel meeting surprise! Tuesday night. Riddy was taking his own car, so I waited for him to tell me, meaning I picked up Amy a little late. It was interesting, as Brandon noted, that it really was a very gospel meeting. Very simple and straightforward, as if intended for outsiders. Afterwards, we learned it was. There's a foreign student that was in attendance. He seems like a nice guy.

Back. It was cold, Riddy was playing poker. I took a shower and am now typing in bed. He's done now, so I should post this and get to bed.



I woke up slightly late on the wrong side of the room. Actually, I woke up early, but got out of bed later than I would have liked. I got my life ready, then went to the lobby and ate breakfast. I brought my own tea bag to brew my own tea.

Once in the lobby, I ate, then studied for my Greek quiz.

As far as the quiz went, I think I aced the paradigms. Vocab was slightly shaky. For translations, I did averagely. The rest of class was spent making fun of Nick and Tyson while sniffing up snot.

Back in the hotel room, I sat on my bed and browsed the internet. I also stopped by the front desk and got my new parking pass.

Theology was fine, a little slow. I had a nice chat afterwards, then went to lunch. Before going to class, I went to the library to pick up some books on Barth. I ran out of room in my bag and will have to go back for more.

John was a slow day. I finally got back my midterm. Not good. A 67. With the curve, a C-. Oof. Lecture, then we watched more of the movie.

Psych was again boring. Bah bah bah.

Back at the room, Joe and Brandon were going to eat, so I went too. We went to El Mariachi. It was delicious, as usual. When we got back, I digested my food while wasting time online. Then I played my trumpet, then wasted more time.

In all, it has been a boring day. But the internet has become happy again, so I'm not complaining too much. I should drink more water.

It's a Post!


Crazy, I've been so utterly lazy when it comes to posting in here. But ha! I'm tired and it's late. I guess I'm just not caring again!

Let's see. Thursday was postless because I finally got to bed around 3:30 or so. I didn't feel like spending that typing a bunch of nonsense.

The day panned out as usual, except for me being sickly when playing racquetball. It was whatever weird. Greek was Greek, shower, lunch. Man, it was a pretty slow day. I did manage to walk to the Co-Op for the first time. Let me tell you, it's like they managed to create a hippie government and this is their headquarters. I bought tea.

Then Kirstyn and Shawna arrived. I was in the middle of taking a nap, so I was lying in bed with Scooby Two (see, it's a play on words). Then they sat on me or something. Bah. I finally decided to get out of bed, then the three of us went to Borders.

Kirstyn was being a girl, but I was still too waking up from my nap to care. We ate at Pluto's because it's better than Subway.

When we were walking back to the hotel, the line was already wrapping around the theatre, so we jumped in, taking turns going back to the room slash car for needed things. I got some blankets and tea. Books, stuff, long line boring, four hours. Riddy spent the time braving it in the hotel room while we comfortably sat on concrete inhaling secondhand smoke from the fat woman who must be in a race to kill herself. Poor Riddy.

The movie started, played, then ended. Well, it started half an hour late because the lady with a megaphone probably likes women. She was mean. And kind of manly.

I think Viktor Krum resembles Ryan Winterswyk. Anyone caring to disagree with me will not be tolerated.

Friday was spend in sleepy mode, not unlike every other day of my life. I got up early and finished packing my stuff up since they were kicking us out of the hotel for the weekend. Apparently there was a 110 member orchestra performing at the Mondavi Center and the city of Davis has only that amount of hotel rooms. Also, they had reservations and we were supposed to be living in an apartment. Imagine.

So we had to be out of there by 11, yet I had class until 2. Meaning I was living out of my car for a few hours. Once class was over, I went to Kirstyn's.

I stopped by her work on the way there. Apple cupcakes are pretty good.

I think Friday was a pretty calm day. I can't remember what happened.

Saturday, the family was going to see Harry Potter, so I went too. This time, since I had already seen it, I took a complete cinematographic standpoint, analyzing the movie for its film characteristics and ability to let me catch up on my sleep. Seriously, though. Check out Krum.

Then we went back and I did other things. Then Kirstyn got home and we continued to do other things. If this sounds really boring, it's probably because it was. Well, not boring in the "Shane's Camping Pictures" kind of boring, but boring like a quiet evening at home. And not the quiet evening at home that includes dogs in the microwave, picking at flesh wounds, and chemically persuading life to avoid the dirt under the eucalyptus tree. Just simple doing nothing, playing the piano, quiet evening at home.

Oh wait, I did my laundry. Yet everything went so smoothly, I didn't even remember it. I am so utterly amazing.

Sunday, today (crazy). I didn't really want to get up. I slept on my alternate couch since Kirstyn wanted to sleep by the fire. I actually like that couch better since it's more comfortable, yet it seems there is more action by it in the mornings. Maggots eating breakfast and stuff like that.

Getting ready was much easier when I didn't have to wait for the shower.

Meeting was bigger than normal. Odd.

For lunch, much to the surprise and dismay of everyone, we went to KFC/A&W. Enough said.

While Kirstyn napped, I packed up my stuff while Stephanie got a massage. Just normal Sunday afternoon activities.

Gospel Meeting was nice. It's amazing how many people I know in the field, which is surprising. When I first went to that meeting, I didn't know anyone. I think that's silly weird.

Afterwards, Kirstyn was going to go with her mom or something like that, but she never showed up. So we went to her dad's house instead. Turns out she decided to make some aesthetic adjustments to the back of the van and spent the time reevaluating her decision. So we met Shawna and the girls, then went on our respective merry ways.

On the ride home, I had a lovely chat with Jayna and my mother. Then I ate dinner at Dos Coyotes. It was delicious. Dinner, not the phone call.

Getting back to the hotel, we apparently have to go through the whole check in process, but I forgot about that and didn't really do that. Eventually. It's nice though. We have developed a level of trust with the people who work at the front desk. They put me in AJ's room, so I just went downstairs and asked for a different room's key. All they asked was, "What room do you need?" and there I had it. Amazing.

Riddy and I switched sides. I think he just wanted his computer on the desk. It makes sense, since it's a desktop, but I miss having my deskspace. It's so much easier to get homework done when you have a desk. Also, now I'm directly in front of the TV. I should ask for remote control rights. Then I will hide it. Oh the fun.

I've been catching up with life. Greek quiz tomorrow. I talked to Patrick for a little bit. Twenty minutes or so. He seems to be doing well. We need to hang out sometime.

I need to get to bed sometime. Seriously. Like right now.



I'm still awake. What's up with that?

I've been sleepy all day. I realized this morning at breakfast that I need to be more conscious about what I'm eating. Too late.

Greek was fun and fine. Small, since Tyson wasn't there. Still fun though.

To soothe my nerves, I went back to the storage place and checked my unit. Much to my relief, the unit was completely intact and locked. So I grabbed my Camelbak and Real Book, then went back to the hotel. I filled up my Camelbak, then went on my merry way.

Theology was fine. I forget what we learned. Afterwards, Robin saw me, so we ended up talking for half an hour. It was nice catching up. Then I got some food, then I ate it.

John was interesting, since he handed back the midterms. I spent the entire time fretting about what I got, only to learn that he forgot a stack of about 10 midterms somewhere. I'm really hoping he lost them, since it would mean automatic A's. That would be nice, since there were only three A's in the class. He lectured, then we watched some more of the movie.

Psychology was psychology. Blah blah blah.

For dinner, the three of us went to Pluto's and all got the special. It was delicious.

Surprise! Gospel meeting at the university extension. As Brandon put it, we were attending a lecture at the university on religion by two ladies with long hair. It was a nice place, so I'm glad they're going to continue holding them there.

Got back, blah blah blah. Now I'm going to bed.

A Sneeze


What am I still doing awake? I have failed one of my three requirements to try and get rid of this cold: Cut back on sugars, drink lots of water, and get some sleep. I never really eat candy, so the sugars isn't that hard. I've been drinking so much water, it hurts. But that sleep thing. Man, it's hard.

Woke up at 8:30, got some breakfast. I tried some tea, but it wasn't that great. I miss my teas.

Racquetball was bah, since I was sick. Brad and I tried to play seriously, but that went downhill quickly. It was pathetic.

Greek was Greek. The material we're covering is awesome. It's really cool.

After that, I took my shower and felt good. Then I sat around, lethargically. I went to Chipotle for lunch, getting a burrito bol. It was really good. I will remember that for the next time.

On my way back to the room, I grabbed a dolly to help move stuff to my car. Then I spent the next hour or so sorting through my stuff, filling up my car. I have way too much stuff I don't use. I'm a terrible person.

Once that was done, I hopped in my car and went to Woodland to put more stuff in storage. That went well, except now I'm left with the lingering paranoia of whether or not I locked my unit. It's still bugging me. I'm probably going to go back tomorrow to check.

Since then, it's been a mad rush to do nothing. I sort of took a nap, then watched some poker. It's amazing how addicting absolutely nothing is. I got caught up on the internet. I drank a lot of water. I peed a lot.

Amazingly enough, dinner rolled around. Brandon, Riddy and myself went to In-N-Out. I got my usual Double Double Animal Style. I was getting jittery from all that water. That's also when it started to hurt.

Well, when we got back to the place, I got to play both the trumpet and the accordion. Then, at 9:30, the front desk called to inform me that I had a package. I found this really odd. Where they waiting until it was awkwardly nighttime to call, or did they truly just get the package? The things we'll never know.

I took it back to the room and the roommates made fun of my nerddom. I still think I'm cool.

I wasted more time and drank more water. Now I am going to bed.



Riddy and I are Nerds. Well, at least we're full of them.

After thinking about it long and hard, I've decided that neither San Luis or Santa Barbara are Davis, therefore I'm at no obligation to write about my time spent there.

Picking up where I got back to Davis, I said goodbye to Kirstyn after a long and eventful weekend. I realized I had two midterms and a quiz the next day, so I got cracking.

I woke up this morning with good intentions. I finally rolled out of bed at 8:30, then weeded through my Theology notes. It turns out Riddy's internet doesn't work either, so I've taken to leeching wireless off of somebody's router nearby. It works, I'm not complaining.

At 9:20, I went to the lobby, ate breakfast, and studied for Greek. Then I left to take it.

I don't think I did too terribly. It was mostly the usual stuff, except this time we had to explain why we needed different cases. Then we talked more about third declension nouns and self reflexive pronouns. Oh the joys.

Back at the place, I finished going through my notes, trying hard to retain everything. I failed at that.

When I took the test, I knew where to find so many of the answers in my notes, but they just weren't there. It's really frustrating. But that's why I like the essays. Just write as much as you can remember and you'll do fine. If it might have something to do with the topic, throw it in. Oh for fun.

I ate lunch at the MU while studying for psych. That was the first time I thought about that test.

John was pretty fun. I sat next to Jonathan, some random friend of Claire's who is hilarious. I took quite a bit of notes too. We're now starting to go through chronologically instead of thematically. For fun.

After that was all said and done, I went to my psych exam. I knew practically nothing on that test. It was pathetic. Luckily, it's all multiple choice, so it was just fun guessing. Bah that class.

Out of there early, I went home and had some fun. I played my trumpet, then went to seek Brandon to see if he wanted to eat. He had just left, so I called him. But he did not answer. So I went to Pluto's by myself. I had the special, as usual. It was delicious.

Afterwards, I caroused Border's. Oh, I miss books.

Back at the place, I got caught up on the internet. It's been too long, good friend.

I wasted time, then did my homework. Pretty boring, now that I think about it. I need to get some sleep. But Scooby is cozy, so that might make it more enjoyable.



I just had an amazing weekend. Unfortunately, I spent it having fun instead of studying for the two midterms and quiz I have tomorrow. So I'm going to pull an annoying Jeff trait and tell you to check out Kirstyn's blog since I'm sure it will be highly accurate and you will get a good picture of what happened. Perhaps I will write about it later.

Bah Internet


The internet isn't working. Bah that.

Today was an interesting and somewhat productive day. I tried to get up early and study for John, but that really didn't happen. I got maybe an extra 20 minutes in, which was mainly spent briefly reading over my notes. Not well enough though.

Greek was actually really fun. We're getting to know each other's personalities better, so all of us, including Professor Bulman, feel we can make fun of each other. It's funny watching a professor openly make fun of a student. Seriously. Fun.

Back to the room, I read over my notes. I have a lot of notes. Four hours a week of lectures will do that.

Enough studying. Before leaving, I changed my desktop background for Kevin, then left for class. Interesting stuff, but much deeper than the history we studied earlier.

After class, I followed Professor Hurst, asking questions that had been bugging me. We ended up going to his office, since it was his office hours. This involved running around Sproul, getting his mail, making copies, getting his key, etc. After talking for a little bit, a student came in with special needs, meaning double time for the exam. Since she wanted to start right away, he got her ready, then we finished our conversation in the hallway, on the floor. Actually, since there wasn't really a point to the conversation, we continued talking about random things. Two other girls in the class came to visit, meaning they had as much purpose there as I did. So the four of us sat on the floor outside his office, just talking about stuff. It was quite fun, I do say.

The only problem was that it took an hour, meaning I couldn't eat. Oh well.

The midterm wasn't terrible, just moderately bad. Turns out Hurst wrote it around 4 this morning with no sleep prior. There were a few questions that I was clueless on, but most of them I either knew or knew where to find the information. I'm guessing B or C.

Funny thing. In the middle of the test, he got up and went out of the room. Twenty minutes later, he still wasn't back. I finished my test, put it on the stack, then went to the MU for some food. Hilariously, as I was waiting in line, I saw Professor Hurst sitting at a table, reading the paper, drinking a cup of something. And there were still people taking the test.

After I got my food, I said hello, to which he explained he went out to get a paper but got distracted. Oh for funny. My carne asada sandwich was delicious.

I spent the next half hour wandering campus. When I was in Shield's Library, I saw an older man reading an enormous book that looked like it survived several fires. Turns out it was Dr. Traill, the head of the Classics department. So I went up to him and had a chat. He remembered me from the open house and had a few suggestions. There is an accelerated Latin course over the summer, shrinking a year of Latin into 12 weeks. I might look into that, since it would give me the chance to take 2 years of upper division courses in both Latin and Greek. Hm.

Psych was boring. I read two papers. We did get to fill out midquarter evaluations though, so that was fun. I nailed her. I dug her grave then pushed her in. I was harsh.

Back at the hotel, the three of us went to Pluto's for dinner. Their special was extra delicious or something. Man, it was good. Also, it seemed the three of us were extra giddy or something. We were weird.

Picking up Amy, we went to meeting. Much to our surprise, the chairs were all facing one direction and the workers were at the front. Brandon whisper questioned Lois "Is this a gospel meeting?" to which she nodded. For fun.

After meeting, we were all still giddy. Especially Riddy, since it just rhymes.

Getting back to the place, I started my Greek homework. Kirstyn called just to tell me she's awesome, so I acknowleged the fact. Then we talked for a bit, which was seemingly silly since we'll see each other tomorrow anyway. Fine by me!

Well, I finished my Greek, then whined because the internet is being sad. Now I'm going to shower.



True story. The word of the day really is "nosegay." Too silly.

The internet has been PMSing all day today. It makes formatting really funny. I don't like it.

Since Greek was cancelled today, I put an extra focus on racquetball. Not really, since my first game with Brad was incredibly silly. It was really fun, but had a complete lack of focus. After that, we decided to have a serious game, focusing strictly on hitting shots with good form and intention. Not surprisingly, we played much better, rarely hitting shots we weren't meaning to hit.

Once our games were finished, we waited around to see if anyone wanted to play us. Turns out nobody did. We had a lovely chat with the coach, who earlier in the class handed out a whopping guide on how to eat right. Probably not a good idea for me, since it seems like something I would follow strictly for no reason. I tend to do things like that.

Getting back to the hotel, I showered then wasted time. I had to sort through possible classes, then register. I'm currently at 14.5 units, but will probably take on another class or two by the time the quarter begins. I'll be taking Greek 2 and New Testament Greek, Racquetball, and two English classes focusing on Fiction. Oh for fun.

Hungry, I ate at Chipotle. Some new girl was making my burrito, so it was slightly drippy. Still delicious.

Doing more nothings, Riddy decided to take a nap. Not wanting to bother that, I decided to actively seek my right to vote. I went to the MU, the place I was told to go when I registered, but after waiting for ten minutes in a two person line, I was told to go across the city. It amazes me how inefficiently government associates manage to get things done. That meant I was to bike back to the hotel, get my car, then drive to south Davis. Which I did.

The polling place there was much quieter and seemed actually happy to see someone vote. Everything was right in order for me there. So I went to a booth and whipped out my prepared sheet of yeses and nos that I had so quietly notated earlier. The only thing I had little clue on how to vote was the school board, yet since it was "Choose three of the following four," I decided it wasn't that big of a deal. I left happily with my stubs and "I Voted" sticker.

Riddy was still sleeping when I got back. That left me to actually get some homework done. I did most of my Greek, since it was two days worth. Lots of stuff.

Brandon, a season ticket holder for the Kings, invited Riddy to go to tonight's game with him. So the two of them played hockey then went, leaving me to my peace and quiet. I finally got my trumpet out and played for a while, then switched to accordion. Oh how fun. Then I opened up my lecture notes for John and set them as my background in case I really wanted to read them. They're incredibly dense. Bah.

Hungry, I started walking downtown. I stopped in Woodstock's, but they told me slices wouldn't be available until 9, so I walked out. Instead, I went to Subway and got a meatball sub. It was okay.

I was getting sleepy reading my notes, so I pulled out my textbook. Bad idea. It turns out a textbook author is even more dense than my interpretation of my professor's words. Instead, I called my Kirstyn and talked to her for a bit. That made me feel better.

I think I'm going to pull a leaf from the "Good Study Habits" book and go to sleep early. I may or may not have skipped the chapter entitled "Actually Study," though.



I've noticed I seem to be focusing more on enjoying my life than telling you about it. I guess I win.

So this weekend was nice. I got to be with my lady friend.

Friday was Friday. The quiz went well, as usual. I missed a few things, but nothing to worry about. Eat. More class.

Once packed, etc, I went to the florist and had him put together an awesome boquet for Kirstyn. I figured it would totally rack up points in the boyfriend category, so I went for it. Totally worth it.

The drive to Grass Valley always seems longer than the drive back. I think the reason for that is at least in part because it's usually no less than half an hour longer. Bah traffic.

The boquet was well received. It was a gorgeous boquet, if I do say so myself.

That night was pretty fun, whatever we did. I don't really remember.

Saturday morning, Kirstyn had to work, so I spent the day with the family. I feel pretty comfortable around them, which is probably a good thing.

For lunch, we visited Kirstyn. Oh right. Barbara Fleck and a friend were there getting a massage, so we all went to lunch. Kirstyn called ahead and told me to bring the flowers so someone could rearrange them, meaning she wanted to show off. So I did.

I think it was that night when we went into town for pizza. It was delicious. Then we went to the grocery store, yet since everyone was left of sane, we parked clear on the other side of the empty parking lot. It was interesting. You should have been there.

Sunday morning, a rushed getting ready. Union meeting was smaller than normal, since I guess that's how it is. Strange.

Lunch was spent eating my people with some other people from meeting. Afterwards, we visited Bob's investment, an extensive Victorian house completely filled to the brim with stuff. And not just any stuff, but amazing, intriguing antiques. Clocks, phonographs, player pianos, jukeboxes, cameras, etc. I could spend hours in each of the rooms. It was like exploring a past I've never lived.

After that, I couldn't really find anything to compare. So I spent time with my lady. That worked. Dinner, homework, sleep.

Waking up just in time to get ready to go, I went. Greek was all right. Sleepy, that's for sure. Come to think of it, this whole day has been sleepy. I've been falling asleep in all my classes. That was the only exciting thing that happened. Well, then there was me fantasizing about a sniper picking out my psych instructor. And me getting a new notebook. Then Riddy and myself going to In-N-Out. Man, I am going to sleep.

Well Then


I'm as ill prepared for my Greek quiz as always.

Thursday morning. Racquetball at 9. It was a singles tournament, so I won all three games I played. I didn't get to play with Brad though, so it made me sad. Oh well.

Greek was actually pretty fun. It's getting more personal, where we kind of are getting to know each other. How odd.

For lunch, Brandon and I went to Chipotle. Delicious.

After that, I did my regular waste time activities. Read the Aggie, browsed the internet, played the accordion and trumpet. I actually got a lot of accordion time in. I moved on to minor and seventh chords. Seriously awesome. I just need to get my feel for rhythm and using the bellows correctly. With time.

A big bunch of meh all day long. Brandon and I went to Pluto's for dinner. I got a salad, his sandwich took forever to make. It is cold outside.

For the first time, I tried the headphones-to-nose speaker trick. It's pretty awesome. You should try it. Right. Now.

I got to talk to my Kirstyn again tonight, probably not good for my Greek grade. But good for other things, so it's okay.

Man, I need to do something exciting with my life.



Well, I'm up later than I should be. I felt like I had to hurry since they're turning off the water between 1 and 7 am, but whatever.

So I woke up this morning as usual, then did usual things. Nothing unusual. Greek was as usual, blah blah blah.

Seriously, today was such an average day, I don't feel like I need to tell you about it.

During lunch, I saw Chip, so I had a nice little chat with him. It seems he's liking doing grounds work, yet he misses the people from student housing. Nice guy, that Chip.

We kept on watching Jesus of Nazareth for the second half of our Wednesday class in John. That movie is good, just really really long.

Psychology kept me asleep. That's the only class I've ever been so bored, I've pulled out the crossword puzzle. It's just that bad.

Back at the hotel, I picked up Riddy and we went to dinner at Pluto's. It was delicious. When handing me my food, the guy threw half the sandwich on the ground, so they had to make me another. I felt sad I didn't get anything special out of the deal. Oh well, it was still delicious.

Riddy has a midterm tomorrow, so he stayed home and studied. Brandon was in Sacramento with his family stuff, so it was just Amy and me. Interestingly enough, Daryl spoke about Economics and how we all made the choice to go to meeting. We all have midterms only hours away, yet we were there. Sort of ironic, since Riddy is the only economics major out of all of us.

Well, it was nice having some chat time with Amy, since most of our conversation time is spent with Brandon and Riddy talking about manly things, stuff neither Amy nor myself are interested in.

Back at the hotel, I got to talk to my Kirstyn. Then I showered, now I'm here.

To Myself


Man, I wish I was in bed.

I got to bed pretty early last night, around 11. That meant when I woke up at 8, I got more than an average sleep time. I was actually awake today.

Racquetball was fun, despite lacking a serious tone. Brad and I played singles. It was intense, yet not really competitive. Then we played cutthroat with the coach. Fun times. I had some amazing dives.

Greek was very sweaty. I don't recall much. It was all about pronouns, yet they can also be used for emphasis, or to show similarity. Too much information.

When I got back to the room, they were cleaning and Brandon was walking out, so he invited me to lunch. We went to Pita Pit and had a lovely chat. I couldn't tell you what it was about, but sure.

I got back and did normal procrastinating things. When Riddy left for his midterm, I took a shower and felt clean.

More stuff happened. Then Brandon, Riddy, and I got in a huge monster fight about absolutely nothing. We were practically clawing at each other's necks over the inconsequential pedantic aspects of Chicago. It turns out we were arguing completely different things, too. Seriously, it was so pointless and boring that it is not even worth spending the time to write about it.

While they went to play their hockey game, I stayed home, did my homework, played my trumpet. They got back and brought In-N-Out for dinner. Delicious.

Brandon's mom made cookies, so I asked if I could have one. He gave me his key, so I walked in his room. To my surprise, Joe was in there with a girl. So I stepped back, knocked on the door, then continued in. I thought that was hilarious since I didn't plan or think about doing that at all. But the cookies were delicious.

Well, I talked to a lady for a while tonight. Now it's time to go to bed.

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