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I'm still awake. What's up with that?

I've been sleepy all day. I realized this morning at breakfast that I need to be more conscious about what I'm eating. Too late.

Greek was fun and fine. Small, since Tyson wasn't there. Still fun though.

To soothe my nerves, I went back to the storage place and checked my unit. Much to my relief, the unit was completely intact and locked. So I grabbed my Camelbak and Real Book, then went back to the hotel. I filled up my Camelbak, then went on my merry way.

Theology was fine. I forget what we learned. Afterwards, Robin saw me, so we ended up talking for half an hour. It was nice catching up. Then I got some food, then I ate it.

John was interesting, since he handed back the midterms. I spent the entire time fretting about what I got, only to learn that he forgot a stack of about 10 midterms somewhere. I'm really hoping he lost them, since it would mean automatic A's. That would be nice, since there were only three A's in the class. He lectured, then we watched some more of the movie.

Psychology was psychology. Blah blah blah.

For dinner, the three of us went to Pluto's and all got the special. It was delicious.

Surprise! Gospel meeting at the university extension. As Brandon put it, we were attending a lecture at the university on religion by two ladies with long hair. It was a nice place, so I'm glad they're going to continue holding them there.

Got back, blah blah blah. Now I'm going to bed.

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