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A Fun Day

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My computer is dumb. It's being slow. It might just be the internet, but I got a warning about virtual memory being low. What do I do about that? David? Meh.

Today started slowly. I had a slow time waking up, getting my stuff together, etc. I finally got to breakfast about 10 minutes later than I would have liked, then slowly made my way to the ARC. I was about 5 minutes late, so I stretched while everyone did their thing. Then I went on to play with Patrick and the guy whose name I do not know and should be embarrased because of that. It was fun, but got a little silly.

Greek was sweaty. Seriously, gross. I smelled. But midterm tomorrow, so learn learn learn. The usual.

After class, Ian caught ahold of me and conned me into joining him for a review. I've always thought of him as a strange cookie, so I was a little hesitant. Finally, I decided it would probably be the best for me too, so I gave him my number to call when he was free.

I went to the bike barn and pumped up my tires. They were getting low and saggy. Now I feel every bump in the road. Go me.

I came home, cleaned up, then ate lunch at the Posh Bagel. It was pretty good.

For the next little while, I sat browsing the internet. After a while, Amy came online and casually announced that she was going to bike to the DMV. Seeing how it's halfway across town, freezing outside, and she's accident prone, I offered to drive her there. She graciously accepted.

Well, after the DMV jaunt, somehow the Domes came up in conversation. A quick right turn and there we were. So I showed her around and her reaction was similar to mine: sheer amazement. So after walking around, explaining everything I knew, I took her back to her place then met Ian at his apartment.

It took a little while to find his place and a suitable parking spot, but I managed. We studied for an hour or so, probably more, going through the paradigms and passages, as well as old homeworks. Then we just started talking about everything. I have a much higher respect for him now. He knows quite a bit, which is why he is so argumentative. I can understand why he's ostracized in most classes, but he's really a nice guy if you get to know him. The conversation shifted from our Greek class to our Theology class to beliefs of specific religions to personal beliefs. From there, I handed him an invitation to the gospel meetings in town to which he said he would definitely attend. He then proceeded to ask more questions over dinner at the Quarto DC, after which I left for home.

It was a nice little evening, I must admit. As I was getting off the elevator at the third floor, my roomates were crowding in and forced me to go back to the basement. They were heading off to their champion floor hockey game. I was planning to go see them, but I got caught up in other things. I was also still bitter that I was not invited to play on their team. Only four-fifths of our apartment was on it, no reason for more. Hey, I would have at least liked to have been asked. Instead, I got to wonder where my roommates left Monday nights, only to learn that they took our mutually agreed plan and ran off with it. Bah them.

Now I'm here, bitter, and angry at my computer.

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