Okay, maybe I'll talk to you.

Oh, Great.

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Guess what. I am sick again. This has to be like the fifth time I've gotten sick this year. This is not fun. Something is really messed up this year. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but I think I need to pinpoint it and get it out of my life. Fairly confident it's not Kirstyn, just to throw that out there.

I feel gross. Sometimes my brains like to drool out of my nose.

My throat is really sore from coughing so much. I don't like it.

School was fine. I made it through without falling asleep. Surprising.

Damon is here for the weekend. Here apartment here, for the night, here Davis here for the weekend. The roomies have spent a high majority of their waking hours in the dark, in front of our wall. It surprises me when I see them elsewhere.

I went to another reading tonight. It was pretty interesting. The first girl read a long story about a woman going through a separation and her friend is going through a sex change operation. The second read one about a summer camp counselor who is afraid of bees and water.

I am here now and my nose is leaking.

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