Manly Month of March
Published Wednesday, March 01, 2006 by Jeff | E-mail this post
Celebrate the Manly Month of March by giving up shaving for Lent. I think it's a great idea, even though I have no idea what Lent is. What a better way to finish off Furry February than to kick off the Manly Month of March? Try: sleeping.
Yesterday, I was so amazingly caught up on homework. Today, I seem to be incredibly behind. I have no idea how that happened. I am disgusted.
Lots of stuff has happened, but I have no time to tell it. I am procrastinating from writing one of my three papers due next week, though this draft is due tomorrow. I should get to that.
I bought another bible today. That makes... 5? I think. Except this one is the best translation of all: No translation! I finally broke down and got a Greek copy, which is spectacular. And another copy of the Iliad and the Odyssey, both translations by Stanley Lombardo, my new favorite translator. I think I might be a nerd.
Right. English stuff. Bah.
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