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First off, in case you haven't heard, Kirstyn and I are no longer going out. To answer your question, it was something that just needed to happen, despite the fact that we both still really like each other. I think we need some time and space alone in order to sort things out and set straight our priorities. Granted, we might not want to, but we need to.

My day has been a little slow, either because of some major life event or the weather. It has been really hot here in the past few days, enough to wear down anyone. And just shushy to anyone who likes the heat. It could serve to be about 5-10 degrees cooler.

I've been spending too much time on the internet being unproductive. This is a bad thing. I must start limiting myself again. I think it's a crutch for my pointless life or something like that.

It's weird. I feel so much better physically, emotionally, and productively when I'm not on the computer. Yet I get so many complaints from people when I don't blog. Maybe I'll start handwriting things and taping them to my wall. Anyone who wants to read them can come visit me. Or maybe I'll take pictures of them and we can bring back Blanks and Postage. Or maybe, or maybe...

So I woke up this morning around 9. I think I'm cursed with the affliction that I always wake up between 9 and 9:30 when given the opportunity to sleep in. It's really strange. About that time, I feel awake enough to start the day, even if my body isn't or whatnot. If it's too early, I go back to sleep, but wake up in the time span. It's not like it's that big of a deal, I just think it's kind of strange. Besides, I get plenty done in my mornings now. It's kind of nice.

Except for this morning, which I spent perusing the corners of the internet. Not a whole lot done. Although I did finish translating a passage for Greek, something that was nearly pointless, as I didn't get a whole lot of it correct. It was based on Thucydides, well known for being the most difficult prose writer of Ancient Greek manuscripts we have.

Greek was fine, as usual. It was a little cold and my eyes were sore from I don't know what, so my day was a little more subdued than normal. Although I did make a funny joke about Dr. Bulman. She was complaining how her watch battery died, so couldn't tell the time. Someone offered the idea of checking her cell phone, to which she noted that she's probably the only person on campus without one, as she's from the dinosaur age. To this, I mildly suggested that she break out her sundial. Now logistically, it wouldn't make sense, as we were indoors, didn't have a compass, and nobody really had a sundial, but it was a joke. And jokes aren't supposed to be worked out logistically.

After breaking out a sweat in the 30 second heated bike ride to Olson, I found myself anxiously awaiting my Grammar quiz. I ended up getting the verb type wrong, which was my one main dilema when taking the quiz. No matter, I still got a 99%. That, combined with my 300/300 homework assignment and my 102% from the last quiz, I think I'll be fine.

Wandering around the quad a bit, I ran into Keiz, with whom I had a little chat, then Doug, who overtook the conversation. It was nice catching up for a little bit. Then I went to the CoHo and got a burrito. I wasn't planning on getting a full meal, but I needed food and it worked.

On my way out, I ran into Danae, who was working at the Bookstore, so I had a little chat with her. I think I was really out of it. It's not often I have so many little chats in such a short time.

As usual, our Myth lecture was spastic, thanks to Dr. Rundin's uncontrollable giggling. I ended up getting an 87% on the midterm, which wasn't bad at all, considering my studying. I had a nice little time next to Allison and Jaina, as I was completely tired and hot.

When I got home, I wasted more time on the internet, then decided I should cook dinner. Looking through cookbooks for ideas, I found something that looked good. I took a chicken out of the freezer and started thawing it. Unfortunately, my methods of thawing are very primitive, as I managed to cook half the breasts in the microwave in the defrost setting. I feared the worst. Which actually ended up being relatively dry chicken, but not a big deal.

Once it was pretty much thawed out, I cooked them until colored on the outside, then took the pieces off the heat. I sweated a red onion in the remaining liquids, then added equal parts water and Cabernet Sauvignon. Once boiling, I threw the chicken back into the pot, and let cook for another 20 mintues. Once thoroughly cooked, I threw in a bunch of halved grapes and cooked until warm throughout. I suppose I could have thrown in a bay leaf or some garlic, but was more worried about the defrosting techniques.

Joe and AJ were still around, so I gave them some too. It went over really well. I really liked the flavor of grape and chicken. Try it. I dare you.

We're out of butter, so I couldn't make dessert. Seriously, I wanted to. Still do.

Since dinner, I've been wasting more time on the internet and doing my Greek homework. I haven't been that happy with my day, aside from the dinner extravaganza. I should go to bed now and put a cap on how much internet I can allow. I must parentally control myself.

2 Responses to “Back”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Dude, you gotta get a kilt. girls love kilts!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey, I'm Scottish, so it works.

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