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I've been really good about getting to bed early. Except for today, so I'll keep this one short.

I've been sore from racquetball yesterday, so it's been a groggy day. Greek was Greek, then Grammar was Grammar. After that, I went to Dr. Haynes's office hours to introduce myself and have a nice 20 minute chat regarding grammar, Greek, and anything else I could think of. He's a very nice person and enjoyed the chat.

As I was in Voorhies, I stopped by the Undergraduate Advisor to figure things out. I have to take at least 14 units a quarter with two English classes for the rest of my days here. I'll total at least 215 units, still under the max. So I'm doing well.

Myth was fun, since Dr. Rundin is a spaz.

NT Greek was hilarious, since it's a much more intimate setting. Oh, good times.

Since we were all in Sproul anyway, quite a few of us travelled up one floor for the Nota Bene release party. Basically, a nerdy thing Classics students do. Put out a book of essays, pictures, and creative works all relating to Classics. I can get anyone a copy if they want it. Please, want one.

We went to meeting, then came home and made some pasta. Claire came over since she needed to get out of the house, and left once her work was done. I am now here and tired. I apologize to Kirstyn for not calling her, but I am going to bed instead.

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