Tonight? Sailor's delight?
When I woke up this morning, I found myself talking to my mother. Unfortunately, she called around 8:56, four minutes before my period of wake up. Also, Riddy was sleeping in the room, so I was even quieter and more mumbly than normal. She opted to call back. (Never did).
From there, I slept for another 15 minutes, then did my daily morning activities. I ate cereal, then made something. This time it was some cookies from Betty's recipe. Betty is the old lady that works at the Segundo DC. I asked her to be my Valentine last year, but she declined.
Anyway, I mentioned that I love to bake. She got very excited and told me all about this great recipe for cookies. "It's the easiest recipe ever. There are only four ingredients. It's very simple. You only need four things." Wait, I might be confusing her with my own grandmother. Or my own father, for that matter.
No matter! I tried out the recipe she gave me (handwritten, on an old timey recipe card). The four ingredients ended up being butter, flour, sugar, and vanilla. When I first glanced at the recipe, it seemed odd to me that it called for 7 cups of flour. Then I realized that it serves 100. I quickly quartered the recipe and all came out well. Except the dough was really dry. I was the texture of moist sand. It was like muffin batter, except no milk. Well, that was essentially what it was.
Anyway, the cookies tasted pretty much like how you'd expect. Except once you start eating a few, they get addicting. You can ask Brandon about that. I personally prefer chewier cookies, but you just can't say no to Betty.
Once that was all squared away, I went to class with Riddy still in bed. Greek was as Greek usually is. The most exciting part was when Allison taught me about the awkward turtle. Probably one of the coolest turtles ever. And that's saying something, since turtles inherently possess amazing levels of coolness.
Grammar went as usual. For how exciting that class is, it sure can be kind of boring.
On my way out, I trailed Dr. Haynes to his office, where three other people had the same idea. It became apparent to me that I had a certain level of cockiness going in there figuring out why I only got 99% (it was his fault), as the others got around 65%. But I did have some other pressing issues that were resolved. So it was worthwhile.
I had my bagel at the CoHo and read the Aggie.
Myth was hilarious, mainly because we're reading Aristophanes's The Birds. He was a great Comedy writer, for his day. Think of it as taking the writing ability of a genius and combining it with the maturity of a middle schooler. The Greeks loved sexual puns, phalli, and poop jokes. As Dr. Rundin put it, "everyone had a huge padded buttocks because they thought it was funny." And of course, he was giggling the entire time, so the whole lecture hall was laughing at him. Great times.
In NT Greek, we went over our midterms. I got an A-, which was around what I expected. Dr. Bulman passed out this week's quiz, which ended up being more of last week's. We all became frantic, since after the quiz last week, those words were all gone. So we worked on the passage while Dr. Bulman printed out the right one. Once that was taken care of, we took the silly quiz. I think I got an A. It wasn't that bad.
After riding home with Hack, I went back to my room and perused the internet. Riddy came home, Brandon left for his LSAT class, I played my trumpet. Apparently Riddy has allergies, so didn't feel up to going to meeting. As I left to pick up Amy, he was consoling himself with video games.
Our meeting was small, as Daryl and Lois were gone, plus the Woods, and Brandon and Riddy. Nevertheless, it was pleasant. I felt a little out of it though.
After I dropped off Amy, I went back to my place, arranged some apples on a tray, threw stuff on top of them, then baked them. Essentially the same as last night, but in a different style.
When I was eating that, I got a phone call from Kirstyn, apparently regarding a miscommunication with Shawna. We ended up talking for quite some time, which I had missed. She's a good friend, and I would like to keep that part of our relationship.
Now, after doing my Greek homework and showering, I am exhausted and needing bed. Seriously, right now.
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