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The Aggie Pack

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As I am very tired right now, this may be a little bitter.

I woke up several times, each time falling back asleep. This trend started at about 8:45 and continued until noon. I just felt like I would make too much noise for Tony if I decided to get up and have a day. Although it was pretty funny, since once he was stretching and did that little yawn you do while your arms are in the air, then yelled a bunch of things in Chinese, and started wiping his neck, eyes still closed, then returned back to sleep. I smiled. Then I took another nap.

At noon, after having a Balance Bar, I started walking around the hall, where I learned that a bunch of people were going to the football game. UC Davis vs. North Dakota, eh Shane? Well, it turns out to be the last game of the season, so I went along for the ride. Unfortunately, it was very bright, so Doug and I went back to the dorms to get some sunglasses. When we got back, I realized that I had not eaten and was therefore very hungry. Extremely hungry.

A somewhat side note:
I was always intrigued by the spirit of UC Davis. We are able to boast that we have the largest spirit team out of any college in the US. Today I found out why. As we were walking in the gate, there was a big booth with a bunch of computers. Confused, I asked what to do. They told me to give them my ID card. So I did. After they swiped it, the guy excitedly told me that I get a shirt. So he gave me a shirt. As well as a ticket from a fishbowl that turned out to give me two free guest passes to an aerobics center far away from here and less superior to the ARC.

And just like that, I joined the Aggie Pack.

So back to the game. I was hungry. Very hungry. Since we were sitting the Aggie Pack section, I learned how they keep the Aggie Pack coming to games: free stuff. They say they give away things like hamburgers and pizzas and you assume they pass out coupons to a burger restaurant or pizza place. No. They throw actual hamburgers, pizza boxes, pitas, sandwiches, candy, plush dolls, tube socks, etcetera into the audience. This, my friends, is why the Aggie Pack puts up with all of this school spirit nonsense. College students will do anything for free stuff.

By halftime, I was still hungry. After a huge reminder of why I did not join the marching band and not catching a burger, pita, or sub sandwich, I left while we were still down 25-0. Doug came with me.

Doug had not eaten either, so we went across the street to Rite-Aid. I had to mentally remind myself that I was hungry and wouldn't be later, since I was breaking the cardinal rule of food shopping: don't shop when you're hungry. Sure enough, two big bags of cookies later, I was disgustingly stuffed. But it wasn't with quality stuff either, like Doug's frozen chimichanga. How queasy I felt.

Speaking of queasy, I decided to do my laundry, changing my sheets for the second time. I was running out of money on my card, so in between loads, I had to go by the DC and recharge it. Riddy called me and asked how my essay was going, putting me on a guilt trip. He told me that he was going to ask if I wanted to play racquetball, but since he was acting as my father, he said that I needed to do my homework instead. Actually, he wanted to watch the Kings game, then he would call me. He has yet to call. The Kings must have gone into some major overtime.

After a solitary meal in the DC between another load of laundry, I went back to my room to rot my brain out on the computer. After a conversation that put me in a very bitter mood, I had to go to the piano to relieve my anger. There was a guy on the phone on one of the couches who an hour later turned into a girl studying. I have to learn how he/she did that. The girl turned out to be one in my Chem lecture whom I once made fun of for falling asleep. Oh the joy. Ocean in view.

Now I am back, not from outer space. I must go now to cleanse myself. Brandon is in Chico with his carawong, so I am getting a ride from the Greenways. And we'll find out about gospel meeting then too.

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