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I Heart Rocks

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My life is now back in its schedule.

After catching up on Chem and Math, I actually learned some stuff. I can't tell you what it is, but I sure learned it.

I then went to work on the dreaded chem lab write up. Fortunately, my TA gave us a handout that told you exactly how to do it. It made things so easy. It wasn't that bad.

What was bad was the next lab. I haven't felt this bad about a lab since the first one that actually took three hours. Part A didn't work for anybody, and our Part B didn't work. So finally I just left. I felt gross.

It was good though. I went to dinner with Doug and Jared, then Doug and I went to the ARC at 8 for racquetball. It was good to play again. After we got out, we noticed the rock climbing wall done, so we decided to check it out. I learned that I am deathly afraid of heights. I started shaking nervously, like I do. I the realized why I like bouldering so much more. But I am determined to overcome this, so Doug must take me there often.

Sorry about the length of this... something bad is happening to my computer. So now I must turn it off in hopes that Eric can fix it tomorrow. Bleh.

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