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Today has been a rather interesting day.

Waking up bright and early, I went to racquetball. John and I warmed up quite well, then got our assignment. We were playing doubles as a team.

That actually went really well. We've gotten better at communication, to the point where we won both games. The only problem I could see was that I didn't hit the ball a whole lot. Whenever I play with people my level or better, I always play a lot more passively, especially in doubles. I don't have to hit the ball every time, so I rarely do.

After that, I showered then went to lab. It was an average lab, a little tedious, but still better than Chem labs. It also involved magnets of the neodymium kind, so that was fun. Luckily, I had my own, so it was even cooler.

I got some lunch in my stomach, then went on my way to goof off. I'm really good at that.

At 2, Doug and I went to the Problem Solving Session. It was really hot and pretty tiring. Oh well. Go physics.

More goofing of. Seriously, I'm amazing.

Trumpet playing, etc.

Dinnertime. It was a themed night: Broadway. The food was all right. But that wasn't the cool part. They had a piano set up. Just sitting there. So after dinner, I went up to somebody that worked there and asked if I could play it. He directed me to the guy they hired, who told me to go right ahead. So I hopped on and played some Phantom. His eyes lit up. Apparently he's more of a classical and blues player, so he doesn't know any actual musical tunes. Also, he used to work for the DC, so they asked him to play. Anyway, he asked me if I would like to play for half the time and he'd give me half of the $100 they were giving him. My eyes lit up. So I went home and got my music, then came back down. We rotated for a bit, talked, etc. Oh, the joys.

Well, they didn't pay him that night, so he gave me his phone number. The money wasn't all that important anyway, but it was a nice pleasant surprise. Very nice.

Anyway, I had to run out of there since I had a racquetball appointment at 8. Becca, Diana, and Doug all joined me. It was really fun. It was completely different than this morning, since I was the most agressive player. It was interesting seeing the game from the other side. Fun though.

Well, Doug and I were supposed to work on the Physics problems, but that never happened. Now I'm just really tired.

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