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Yeah, I'm tired. I hope to remedy that quickly.

I woke up and tried to study for math. That didn't go so well. I got plenty of procrastinating in, though.

By the time I was supposed to take my midterm, I knew a lot less than I should have. I sat next to Zoe so we could cheat. I don't think we did. I think I failed.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I failed that one pretty hard.

Physics was all right. A little confusing, trying to convert my thinking into angular velocity and momentum, but I have a few days for it. Yeah...

No English today, as Megan was out of town having fun.

So instead, I ate lunch. It was pretty good. I'm sure I did some other things, like contemplate life, but whatever.

In Bible and Film, we watched Hitchcock's "I Confess," his only overtly religious film. It was actually really good, but I felt saddened by the entire plot. It made me feel remorseful inside. Check it out, though.

Physics discussion went all right. Karen and I pretended to work, which actually went better than seriously working. I was really tired though. We worked slower than most others, so by the time we were done, everyone else was gone. Karen wasn't feeling all that great, so she left while I copied down the quiz problem. As I was the only one left, I asked the Commodore if he could explain the problem. He was a little surprised that everyone had left, since he was going to anyway. But we had a nice little chat, I convinced him to buy some magnets. They're really cool, I'm telling you.

I basically goofed off for the rest of the day. Seriously. I ate some dinner, then browsed the internet. Time flies when you're having bandwidth.

I played my trumpet then called Kirstyn to ask if there was anything important she needed to tell me. There wasn't.

The end.

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