I am writing this from a new chair. It is one of those wicker basket cushion chairs. It is cool.
I woke up slowly. It took a while. I remember falling asleep standing on my desk, looking for my pillow. I'm not sure what was going on.
Chem was funnier than normal because I was sitting next to Claire, who, despite caring more about Chemistry than myself, cares much less about respect for the lecturer. So she would simply do anything to try and stay awake. It kept me amused by poking her.
After that, I relaxed and fooled around on the piano and such, ate lunch, played with the elevator. The elevator is now back in order, and despite being much nicer, is much slower. Odd. Go figure.
Math was scary. We were getting our tests back. Gulp. Grishin got there, but realized he left the tests in his office, so ran back and fetched them. After a dreaded lecture, I found out that I did not indeed fail as I expected, but received a D-. I love curves.
Trumpet ensemble was more blah than normal since I wasn't standing next to Nick. We worked on a theme from the Irish something somethings for our performance next week. If you happen to be in Davis at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, March 15, there will be a pretty cool concert in the music building. But only if you happen to be here. It's a chamber music concert, so I'll only be playing one song. And it's probably not even in a theatre, but in a classroom. But it's cool.
New Testament was good, but sad. I convinced Zoe to sit next to me and made her worried because she didn't remember the things she told me in Patrick's room when she was drunk. I felt empowered.
Due to time constraints, we skipped over II Corinthians and went straight to Romans. This makes me sad. We have two lectures left. I hope we can finish.
After that, I did a bunch of nonsense. I saw Chip and he gave me my name carved out of wood. It's a little business he has, but doesn't charge kids that live in the dorms, probably for legal and moral issues. Oh well. I'll see if I can strum up some business for him. Maybe I'll buy one for Ridders and Brandon.
After many attempts throughout the day, I finally managed to reach my mother to wish her a happy birthday. She is ancient years old.
Gloria came and gave me a present. It was exciting. Presents on March 9th are usually reserved for my mother, so I was pretty happy. She turns up at my door with a little box, cardboard lunchbox style. There was grocery bag wrapping it with straw confetti. It had my name on it. I felt special. Then I began to look at it.
The side of the box said "Petco." It also said "Live animals. Handle with care." About the time I read that, my head decided that there was something live inside. I peeked in and sure enough, there was a little white mouse with red eyes. What a gift.
Now, in the span of about three seconds, my little head processed the following:
-This is most definitely against housing policies.
-Where will I keep this mouse?
-I can't just throw it away, it's a gift.
-I can give it to the Johnsons. The like animals like that.
But as soon as I asked if it was really for me, she replied in the negative. It turns out that it was just food for one of her snakes. By the way, snakes are much more against Student Housing policies than mice. I thought that was even better. My present was death.
So I went to her room on the second floor to play with the snakes. I've decided that snakes are pretty cool. They're ridiculously strong. Man. Then I played around with the stuff in her room. It turns out I know her roommate from around. Whatever.
Meeting was bigger than normal, with the Gibsons from San Diego and Jeremy Gibson. Wow. I didn't put those two together until now.
The Flecks brought my chair. I sit in it now.
Brandon and I discussed living possibilities for next year. He's going to talk to Joe and AJ about it. I hope it turns out well.
As for now, I'm dying of tiredom. I go.