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What? Jeff studying? Can such a thing happen? Well, maybe. If I don't spend too long writing this.

I woke up nicely around 11. Something made me get up, get on with my life. Around 11:30, I went to Hickey Gym to evaluate Coach Jones. As a result, I got a free Gradburger, a $7 value. Thank you Aggie Pack coupons.

Lunched it up, then went over to Thompson again. Again, it was just Negin and me. But it worked out nicely. I really wish I could have answered more questions. It seems that's how I learn best. But I'll just have to study on my own now.

When I was done of (with) that, I went back to my place and found my entire floor acting like zombies as the time to take the Chem final drew nearer. We started leaving on our bikes. It felt like there was slow evacuation, as it seemed the entire student population was flooding out to their respective places. It was a tremendous amount of people.

My lab section wasn't taking it too seriously. We were all laughing and yelling, while Slava's other secion was sitting quietly studying.

The exam was as expected. Whatever. I can't focus for 2 hours, let alone on Chemistry, so it was getting pretty brutal. I think at one point I threw my test up in the air. It was crazy. I know I got at least 6 points though. I was so happy. I made up equations, but they turned out to be right.

After that, there was a sigh of relief on everyone's part. My floor went out to the DC to celebrate. It was fun. It was the most people from our floor eating together ever. Good times.

I went rock climbing. I made a new route, entirely features. I'm excited to mark it. After break. It will be awesome.

Now back to studying. I think I'll shower first. Oh well. Things I need to know.

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