Okay, maybe I'll talk to you.

Too Much Excitement


I need to force myself to go to bed. I just discovered the Perseus Project, where there are hundreds of classical works online, in their original languages! Hey, check it out. I'm reading the New Testament in Greek! Probably the coolest thing that's happened to me in the past five minutes, maybe even ten.

Gah! And now college and high school facebooks are merging. You can add friends from each! This is too insane. I think my entire world is now collapsing.

Today was bleh blah. We were late to meeting, since Riddy decided to jump in the shower at 9:55. It was a big meeting, but still nice.

Lunch at the Grad, as usual.

The afternoon was spent trying to fix our internet, which sort of worked. Yeah, whatever.

Gospel meeting was nice, since a special girl decided to show up. I'll let you make guesses as to who that was.

Rushing to get back to town, I met with my English group, where three of us stood in Border's for five minutes and then left. It was actually the most productive our group has ever been. Ever.

Since then, I've actually done stuff. I ate some curry, it was delicious. I started reading, but it got boring, so I flipped around, then glanced at the words. They were utterly ridiculous, so I read the whole thing. I forgot to do my Greek homework, so I'll do that tomorrow before class. And now I've been wasting away in amazement at the internet. I really do need to get some sleep.



It's been quite a little while, now hasn't it?

I've been busy getting murdered by multiple midterms. I'm not looking forward to hearing how I did. It was pretty bad. Not good.

It's late, I'm tired. Let's sum up the past few days with some nice little words from my head.

I like bread. Baking it. I have baked three batches of bread in the past 4 days. I am a bread fiend.

I do not like midterms.

I do not get enough sleep.

Kirstyn and I can resolve most of our problems through wrestling.

There was a huge party next door, involving a stretch SUV (no idea how it got back here) and a peeing contest.

I am a huge fan of baby names.

Brandon feels sad for not dressing up like a nerd.

I could probably remember more if I was fully cognizant, so I'm going to try and achieve that.

Yeah, Whatever


So it's been a while. I've had things to do. I'm really not in the mood for writing, since I have three midterms and a quiz this week, regarding two novels and a handful of poems I haven't read and a language I don't understand. Oh well.

My life has been going along as usual. I see and talk to Kirstyn quite regularly. I spent yesterday with her, attempting to study. In my book, this usually means procrastinating. I did it well.

Realizing it was the end of a three day weekend and everybody was going home after skiing, I decided to spend the night and get up in the morning, just in time for rush hour traffic. Bah. I got home, jumped in bed for a good 45 minutes, then went to racquetball.

That was fun. I was really tired, so I played a few great games with some people slightly worse than me. I had a lot of fun.

English was spent conversing to Tom in Greek. It's like killing two birds with one stone, except the English bird never actually died, as noted by the butchering of the overextension of an analogy.

Greek. Same as always.

It was good to feel clean. And eat. And read my paper.

English again. Really slow. The entire lecture hall was falling asleep. Same thing in discussion, but this time our leader was falling asleep too.

Now I've been home, have eaten part of the wonderfully prepared meal, and am falling asleep. Okay bye.

Parents in Town


Seeing how half of my audience has lived this day with me, and I just spent half an hour telling about it to the other half, there isn't too big of a point in writing it down. Oh well.

It's a Friday. That means awkwardly suffering through a lecture on a book I didn't read, trying to concentrate in Olson 109, and taking a Greek quiz for which I was ill-prepared. I forwent the weekly Greek lunch for a more personal gathering with the family. And I have spent the rest of the day with them.

Lunch was Pho. It never really fills me up, probably because it's pretty much drinking large quantities of salty water. We toured downtown Davis, stopping at such exotic locales as some Asian market and the Co-Op. Good times.

We went to Safeway and cooked four dinners, then stuck them in their appropriate storage containers for when I actually eat them. Then for our real dinner, we ate at Round Table. Delicious.

Then we vacuumed the carpet by hand. Not fun.

Now I'm tired.

Yeah, Just Hush


I know, I haven't posted in days.

I spent Tuesday night at Kirstyn's dad's new house in honor of the day (Tuesday). Nothing exciting happened before that.

Yesterday, I learned that our router is funky and sometimes doesn't like letting us view web pages. Fancy that. No blog, bitter Jeff.

Today. Well, I've been in front of this too long (not very long), so my head is starting to hurt. I will try and make it as interesting as possible in not too much time.

At 7, I went and saw a lesbian read stuff she wrote. Not going to lie, I thought she was a dude. Seriously, check it out:

That's a rather feminine picture, too. She was hilarious though. She had a great reading voice and knew exactly how the author would have wanted them read. I bought one of the books she read from and had her autograph it. It's my way of paying for her reading stories to me.

Other than that, I have my usual Greek quiz tomorrow, for which I am ill-prepared. I haven't been doing much (any) reading as of late, so I really need to catch up on that. The parents and brother are in town and in my living room, respectively. I should go to bed. If I race, I can make it before the cock crows thrice.



Yesterday, I suffered a stern reprimand for not keeping up on my blogging. So out of spite, I wrote nothing last night. Actually, I just forgot.

My life is pretty interesting, but I don't think it's worth putting it in words. I'm going to claim it's just one of those things you need to experience. So turn off your computer and come visit me. Human interaction can be so rewarding. This is one of the things I've learned in my month without internet. Another is that you don't get up to the minute weather updates. Also, it's a lot easier to not spend money.

Today was a very normal day. It's been getting hotter, to the point where if I wear pants inside, I start feeling gross, as if I've been sweating a lot but it's all dried up. But it's still that point in Winter where I feel naked and uncomfortable wearing shorts. Oh, the dilema.

I felt so accomplished by not doing any homework over the weekend. I got to Classics this morning with my clean copy of the Iliad, opening it only to learn what the professor was talking about. Afterwards, I went downstairs to make up sentences for the Greek homework, due an hour after that.

There's an interesting phenomenon with my Greek class. It's very much a big family. Everybody tends to look out for everybody else and feel comfortable with them. After class, it's not surprising to see 5-10 people just sitting around talking for a good 20 minutes. It's gotten to the point where you feel late if you're not in class 20 minutes before class. There are usually a good 7 people sitting in the hallway waiting for the classroom to open. But we all think that's normal. It's also kind of creepy how much we know about everyone else. I can tell you rather surprising things about most everybody in our Greek class, yet can barely tell you the names of a handful of people in any of my other classes. Oh, how I love Greek.

So afterwards, Ian, Allison, Nick, and I stood by our bikes talking about how cool we all are, then I went home.

My lunch consisted of the second half of my BLT from yesterday, then probably random bits of food. I really can't remember.

It's strange having the internet. I waste so much time on here now. I really need to ration off my time. Staring mindlessly at a screen can be my reward for getting tangible work done. It's too bad I don't consider reading tangible work, since I'm way behind in that.

After fixing (heh, aorist participle) the network, I went to Safeway and Officemax to pick up some soy milk and super glue, respectively. I was bored. However, I did manage to have my sketchy moment of the day in the parking lot. It went as follows:

As I was getting into my car, a red SUV pulls up behind me and shouts out rather quickly, "Do you want some speakers?" Confused, I asked what he was talking about. Eventually, he pulls over and explains the situation. They got a shipment in, twice as many as they ordered, if he went back to work, their boss would just take them all. Since apparently these speakers were worth $4,000, he thought he could make some money and help out some stranger. At least, this is the story he claimed.

Now, the speakers in question were either a set of surround sound with satellites, or tall ones, a left and a right. If you know me at all, I am known for deliberating incessantly over large purchases. I'm not going to make a large purchase such as this on a whim. Unfortunately for them, they seemed pressed for time, so they tried to rush through everything. Not working for me. I insisted they show me proof that they're worth the value they labeled and could open the boxes and prove they were the same speakers. Also, they wanted me to name the price. Being me, I opened my wallet and offered them the cash inside. Thirty dollars. Hey, I'm not in need of any speakers. Apparently it wasn't good enough. The haggling got down to $100, which was the price I labeled for speakers even if I did need them. He gets discouraged and goes back in the car, but his partner jumps out and starts putting the towers in my arms, saying that $100 for a left and $100 for a right is the best they're going to do for the time. I went on to explain that I meant $100 total, which was not enough for him, so they went on their merry way, and I went to get some glue. Oooh, sweaty palms. I don't like rushed big decisions.

Back at the place, I discussed the options with Brandon and Joe, both of whom thought it was extremely shady. Interestingly enough, Brandon had the same thing happen to him in Chico, with nearly the same story. That's some shady business there.

Oh well; I don't need speakers.

I did some homework. Crazy.

For dinner, we went to Redrum. Honestly, cooking at home is not a default for my roommates. This really bothers me. I think they hate cooking or something. I would, if only I knew how and if they would help pay for it. It gets really annoying. I really want to cook something, but every time it's time to eat, they offer up suggestions for eating out. It's getting old. Even older than pasta.

Blah blah blah. Those two 1/4 lb burgers never settle perfectly in my stomach. I need to get going to bed before I fall asleep right here. I hope I play better tomorrow than I did on Thursday. That was miserable.

Happy Valentine's Day, Kirstyn. Oh, and anniversary today. Apparently I'm supposed to remember and tell her of this every month. Are we going to keep on doing this forever? Because you do that for babies for a little bit, then it just gets old. No respectable person celebrates his hundred something month birthday. Where are we drawing the line? Just curious.



So, in deepest guilt, I went to visit Kirstyn today.

In order to make sure I didn't stay the night, I left all my overnight stuff at home. I got her really pretty flowers, hid my car, and waited. She was happy.

We had a nice, quiet evening. Went to Sizzler with the family for dinner.

I think I might have pink eye. My eyes were crusted over this morning and have been sore all day.

I am tired. I am going to bed.



So I didn't write last night. So what?

I spent 13 hours at school. I didn't really feel like writing. I felt like sleeping. So I did. And oh, it was good.

I have been rather sick in mind for the past few days so I would first like to apologize to the world, most specifically my girlfriend. I'm feeling better physically right now, just a little loopy.

I did a bunch of stuff. I watched a terrible movie entitled "Hercules in New York." Probably the worst movie ever made, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger in his first time on screen, you know, before he developed those wonderful acting skills. It was horrible in every way imaginable. My favorite part was when Hercules wasn't doing so well, so the gods decided to send some help. First they sent Atlas, failing to realize that if he was there, nobody was holding up the world. Then they decided to send Samson, a completely biblical character. It was as if they were joking.

Other than that, well, I don't know what I'm saying. I took a quiz today and I think I did rather poorly. We had our usual after Greek lunch party, our number growing. I am sick. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm very confused.



I don't know why I am still up. I'm drugged out on NyQuil even.

Although, that didn't really help last night, so why bother? I woke up with my sheets completely upside down and I don't really know how that happened. Directly on me was my fuzzy blanket, then my comforter, then my sheet. It was the strangest phenomenon. It made making my bed awkward.

Class, class, class.

Kirstyn came, it made me happy. I really like her. A lot.

We all went to Applebee's, then meeting. Large, as usual. I am sick and loopy.

Loopy, loopy, loopy.



What do you do when you have too many eggs? Apparently the answer is to give them to our apartment. We must have gained about 2 dozen eggs in the past hour or so. Granted, they are now only good for making our balcony smell and awful to clean, but at least we have eggs, right?

My thinking is that Joe really angered somebody today by throwing water balloons at the bike path. This person, or group of people, presumably male and not Asian, according to throwing accuracy, then went to comment on how many commas are in this sentence. They did so by throwing eggs all over our balcony. I must say, their aim was dead on.

Other than that, I've been sick and tired all day. I've been falling asleep in all of my classes, especially the evening ones. I just chugged a dose of NyQuil, so I'm getting even more loopy as I type this. Okay, I'm heading off to bed.

Not Again


Thanks, Riddy. Thanks for passing on your illness.

I guess I deserve it for giving you HIV over the break. But I would much rather have a plush doll of an STD than a sore throat, runny nose, and inability to function normally. But what can I do?

It didn't really start to kick in until after I got back from school. I had a mildly sore throat this morning, but I made it through class all right. When I got home, I shoved food into my body, then curled up across the room from a snoring Riddy and went to sleep. A few hours later, I awoke from extreme heat. I've taken off many layers, but my head still feels hot.

Through the course of the day, I've done my Greek homework, a bit of organizing, wasted a lot of time on the internet, and eaten at In-N-Out. I really wish I could have been more productive, maybe even by baking some cookies, but I'm going to blame illness. Take that.

Well, I should get some rest. Even if I don't actually go to bed right now, I should still get some.

The Superbowl


Imagine this:
A beautiful apartment, snack food galore. A barbecue on the balcony cooking beef-moose-elk burgers. Inside, there's a high definition projector lighting up the wall with a 12 foot diagonal view of the most hyped football game of the year. There are around 20 people there, all friends.

Now find me, in my room, listening to banjo music and trying to do homework. Luckily, I got to go to gospel meeting in the afternoon, so it wasn't that big of a deal, but still. There were a lot of people there, and not the type that I would usually desire to befriend.

It is now late and I am tired, but what else is new? I have the internet, for one. Another is that we have a washer and dryer finally. I've been doing my laundry. I did my towels, lights, and dark heavy fabrics tonight, and will finish up with my softer darks and whites tomorrow. It's a system, don't mess with it.

Riddy's snores are on a low. I should go to sleep before they get bad again. Oh shoot, I think I heard a moan. No wait, a growl.

The Internet


I'm back. I just wanted to throw that out there before I went to bed. Quite a bit has happened since I last posted, but the fact that I'm always tired remains. And alas, I go to bed before really saying anything.

Last posts



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