Okay, maybe I'll talk to you.



Perhaps it would have been best to leave a goodbye message instead of just disappearing in the blog world. As it is now Summer, I'm living in Santa Barbara. Ergo, my life is no longer in Davis. Thus, posting in this blog would make no more sense. Also, the computer situation has changed somewhat, leaving me without a computer long enough to comfortably make a post. Adding to this is the fact that it's summer and my life's excitement has exponentially decreased. So maybe I'll post something every once in a while. You'll just have to wait and see.

Last Day in Davis


Well, I just called Nick to talk about tomorrow, but he's in Santa Barbara. He just kind of forgot to tell me.

I woke up with all intentions on going to the math review, but after I got breakfast, I didn't have much time. So I just packed up instead.

My room is now in its original position, looking sad. No more loft, no more hammock, much more sadness.

Around 3:15, Riddy called to study. We finally got to a place of study around 4:30, where we sort of worked on stuff until 6. Being right next to Starbucks, we each ordered a drink. Since we would be there for a while, I got a venti. When the guy called out the order, he said, "Venti back tea..." then muttered, "Strawberry... lemonade." Then put down whatever he made and started making mine. It was funny. And I got two drinks out of it, both of which were too large for me to consume. After that, we got to my room and moved the boxes into Riddy's car, then went to meeting.

Meeting was large. We left quickly.

We transferred the stuff in my car, then dropped my car off at the Greenways. Both being very hungry, we went to Pluto's as a last meal together in Davis sort of deal. It was a lot of food. I am not very hungry anymore.

Well, I'm definitely going to fail this final. There is little doubt in my mind.

Last I checked


Well, where did I leave off?

I woke up, sort of. Meh. Basically, I finished my paper after breakfast, just in time to print out a copy then go to my final. It wasn't as bad as I expected, since I confidently knew all but two or so questions. My crowning achievement was remembering the title role in Elmer Gantry, Burt Lancaster. It took a while to come to my head, but it did.

As we had two hours for the final, I wasn't pressed for time. Instead, I waited my time, trying not to let my hand cramp as usual. It succeeded. I'm not sure how the essays made out, though.

Afterwards, I thanked Hurst, who recognized me and asked about previous questions. Cool, I have an in.

Since I was in the area at the time, I went to Voorhies to pick up my chapbook. Amazingly, I got an A. That meant I got an A overall. Go me.

With my litle calculations, even if I completely fail Calculus and get Bs in both Physics and Bible and Film, I can still make out with a decent score overall.

After that, I tried to recuperate from my hazy night, but that mainly consisted of me whining about a lack of sleep. Oddly, I'm not in bed right now.

After both lunch and dinner, with a few miscellaneous things in between, Jackie dragged me to a Calc review. I was definitely not prepared to sit through all two hours of it. But I managed. Barely.

There was a special thing going on at the new DC, showing what we won't be able to use. Basically, a free tour with pancakes. That place is nice. They have couches in their DC. It's on the same level as Segundo North. It disgusts me. I have a feeling Amy will be swiping me in at least once next year.

Yeah yeah yeah, get to bed. Okay bye.

Hey, Check it Out!


No post last night! Crazy! You know what I was doing instead? Not sleeping!

Actually, I took a couple "power naps" which were more like "power rests" which could theoretically be called "interrupted sleeping." Basically, I set my alarm about 45 minutes after I fell asleep. When it went off, I would proceed to hit the snooze button for another hour.

I finally finished my paper at 9:56 this morning. It was due at 10:30.

As far as the rest of my day was concerned, it was spent procrastinating. By 11 that night, I had 5 out of 10 pages done, not even thinking about studying for the final. Great.

I ate three meals at the DC though. One of the few times that's ever happened.

Brandon came and picked up my big cushion chair.

Yeah, that's about it. My day today has been pretty good, but I'll save that for tonight.

Yeah Whatever.


I had my Physics final today. Prior to that, I finished my cheat sheet and ate breakfast.

The final wasn't that bad. It was mostly questions I knew how to do. Two questions were tricky.

After that, Doug and I went out to eat. Pita Pit. On the way home, we stopped by the farmer's market and I bought half a flat of strawberries. They're almost all gone.

Since then, I've basically been doing nothing. It's pretty boring, actually.



This is the most unfriday Friday there has ever been.

I've actually studied.

Around 9, I woke up and got on with my life. I collected Doug for breakfast later, we ate, then got ready for the Physics practice exam. Fun times. Two hours later, we went to see Ryan in his office, to return the book he lent me, and show him cool magnets. I'll miss that guy.

After that, I lunched myself, then got on with my Physics studying. Making cheat sheets, etc. That's a doozy.

I did some other nonsense too.

I practiced my trumpet in the stairwell. Very echoey.

Dinner was really crowded.

I got on with my cheat sheet. I spent several hours writing really small writing. Miserable.

Well, it's been a boring day. Not much to tell you. It's been hot.

Oh, I went to Safeway with Sarah, just to do something. It was really hot.

Now I'm off to seek a night of rest before my final. Good luck to me.



I don't feel like much right now.

After two unusual awakenings, I got up and did computering. Then I ate lunch. Then I blahed around. Then I ate dinner. Then I played my trumpet. Studied for physics. Ate snacks. Biked to the Arboretum. Took a shower.

The end.

Two for One!


You might have noticed a lack of post yesterday. That's because I was experiencing a lack of hard drive.

Let's recap, shall we.

Tuesday was spent rather lethargically. Racquetball with Jon, last day of class, played really poorly. Actually, the floors were really dusty, making it a safety hazard to play hard. So most of our games were played with many small steps. I hated it.

Improv was all right. Very slow, probably the most boring day. We did our transcriptions, so it was a lot of individual time.

In my four hour break, I learned that my computer froze. I wasn't too worried, since it did that many times before. It freezes, won't start for a few hours, then works again. But it didn't. So I called tech support, got everything cleared, then they ordered me a new hard drive. Good times. Keep in mind this was over the process of an hour. Tech support couldn't be THAT helpful.

Lucky for me, I had a poetry chapbook due the next day. Since all of my poems were on my hard drive, that means basically starting from scratch. Great.

Math discussion was confusing and boring, but I did get to evaluate Joe. I always have fun with the evaluations, trying to give my best information and opinion. Because mine counts.

Dinner. Good.

Bible and film. We talked for quite a bit, about the paper, the final, etc. Then we watched "East of Eden," based on John Steinbeck's novel, starring James Dean. I never really understood all the hype about Dean, but then I saw one of his movies. He's so incredibly cool. That movie jumped to one of my favorite movies. It's simply amazing.

Afterwards, I got back and pretended to work on my chapbook. Instead, I talked to a really cute girl on the phone for a little bit. Then I got back to writing poems.

Really tired, I went to bed not even caring that I didn't write in my blog.

I awoke around 6 to finish writing poems and write them in a book form. Too lazy for anything else, I handwrote all my poems on random parts of loose pieces of paper, then put them between two magnets. I just had to tie in the magnets somehow.

Math lecture. Boring. Got out early.

I frantically wrote and wrote down poems.

Physics. Not quite finished with my chapbook, instead I worked on my memorized poem. In lecture. Good ol' Rod kept us going for a while. Ahh...

Having not eaten all day, I had to get a muffin. Scones were out, you see.

I hurried to the room, where I sat down and finished writing my last poem. I thought it was hilarious that I wrote the last poem in class. Oh well. Whatever.

It was a weird class. We just recited poems, then read ours. After that, we had a little party. Woot.

When we were done, I was free. Done with class for the year. Amazing.

I went to the LRC to print out a copy of Kouba's extra credit evaluation. I need it. I filled it out, ran it to the office, came back and picked up my hard drive. Next day air isn't bad stuff.

The next three hours were spent formatting the hard drive, installing Windows, and setting up my computer. I have a secret plan of "donating" my computer to Dad, then being at a loss of a computer for next year. Gracious for such a donation, a new, happy computer may appear in my posession.

Hey, it's a dream.

When done/sick of that, I chatted up a storm with that same beautiful lady. I'm pretty sure you all know who it is by now, since apparently everybody knew we were going out before the thought even crossed our minds (true stories), but I still like using the mysterious compliments. I think they're cute.

Dinner wasn't bad. It was accompanied by three editions of the California Aggie, roughly 3 times the amount I normally read during one meal. So I picked up a copy on my way out, to read later. It was the last issue of the year, so they went out with a bang. Or a triple bang.

Meeting was huge again, as Jonathan's family returned from Shasta today. So they were all there. And except for Riddy, I think we were all in attendance.

Afterwards, there was cheesecake in celebration of Miranda's and Kelsey's promotion, but I like to think of it as a celebration of my awesomeness. Meaning I just played the piano the whole time.

As Brandon dropped me off, it was continuing to rain. Much to my amazement, yet not my surprise, I found the entire lawn outside of Ryerson to be watered also by sprinklers. Only UC Davis would find it necessary to outdo nature.

Ever since I got back, I've been whining about how I need to get to bed. Yet look at me. No seriously, check me out. Yeah, bed.



Well, I am once again regretting my bedtime.

I woke up too early, so I ended up hitting the snooze button ten times. It's actually a bigger deal than you might think, as my bed is lofted, so I literally have to get out of bed to turn it off.

Math was blah. The material isn't going to be on the final anyway. Whatever.

I went to see if the Commodore was in his office. He wasn't. Apparently he has class. Who knew?

I grabbed Doug, then we went to Physics. Rod was as usual, teaching us physics. And stuff.

They were out of scones, so I got a cheese danish. It was good, unlike the poetry class that followed.

It was just really boring. Gettinge everything settled for Wednesday, where we turn in our chapbooks (that I have yet to start), recite our memorized poems (yeah, same), and generally reflect on the good times we've shared (no comment). Nah, I like that class. Good cool people.

After pretending to workshop poems but actually just walking away, I checked back with the Biltmore about the interview. Basically, they need people to fill jobs now. A week just isn't going to cut it, apparently.

In Bible and Film, we watched another documentary. The narrator was pretty awful though. That class is almost over. Sad.

Well, I tried to figure out the quiz problem with Doug, and we got to a point where we were satisfied. So I headed over to my discussion.

The Commodore had an interesting time. Basically, he gave us the quiz, then people handed them back and walked out the door. When he realized this, he asked if they were leaving, to which they replied in the affirmative, then continued walking out. We still had the evaluations to do, so he handed them out and let us leave, always giving the option of working on the scheduled problems. As I particularly liked Snow, I gave him a good evaluation, ending up being the last person to leave the room. So I went to his office next door and had a chat with him that ended up filling the rest of the hour. A nice guy, I will admit.

I dinnered myself. Then some other stuff too.

I finally got around to transcribing the solo for improv tomorrow. So that was fun. Meh. While I was in the lounge, I got a nice little phone call in as well. And that brings us to where we are now. Well, I stopped by Becca's room, where she and Diana were giggling and such. Funny gals. They seemed rather keen on hearing about my love interest.

Now I go. To shower and sleep.

I am tired.


I'm up much later than I usually am. Silly girl.

Woke up. Oh, I called the Greenways to ask for a ride. They were willing. Then remembering it's June, I called the Boytes to let them know that Brandon and I wouldn't be making it. I think we're 2 for 9 now.

I got ready... I had the hardest time tying a necktie. It was just way too long.

Meeting was huge. It went over by 20 minutes or so. There were some nice thoughts though. Jonathan's family was in attendance, as well as Javier Williams. Funny people.

Lunch afterwards was delicious. Free, making it even moreso.

Well, I got back. I didn't do a whole lot more. I talked on the phone, read up on Martin Scorsese, played with magnets. Pretty much it.

I ate dinner, that wasn't bad. I practiced my trumpet, tried to teach Becca how to play. Weird.

I studied for the quiz with Doug. We don't really know what's going on.

Then I talked on the phone for way too many more hours. Man, and finals week is coming up. Baaaad timing. Oh well. I like her.



What an odd day.

I woke up, checked my mail. I got a message from Harold about the baptism. I called mystery girl and told her the news that I won. Oooh, cryptic language.

I lunched myself. It actually was not that bad.

I pretty much just veged out for the rest of the day. More phone calls, internet, etc. My magnets came, I played with them a lot. A lot a lot. They're really cool.

I played racquetball at 5 with Becca and Diana. Oh, that was a bust. Good times.

Dinner. It actually was not that bad either. I enjoyed it, to tell you the truth.

After that, I settled down, played with my magnets. I went into the lounge and played my trumpets. I got a phone call, then 7 guys walked in, turning the room into a boxing ring. Talk about privacy.

Anyway, I went into my bedroom and talked some more. Now it's late. I think I need to go to bed. I also think I might have a ----------.



It's been an interesting day.

I woke and went to heat the oven. Surprisingly, Doug was there waiting for me. We had a conversation last night about how much longer your day is when you get up early, so I guess he was trying it.

Anyway, around 8, when my muffins were good and eaten, he decided to go to the DC. So I joined him. It's been about 8 months or so since I last ate breakfast there, but it wasn't bad. My stomach sure felt odd though.

Math, blah. We're now on things that won't be on the final. Why do I even bother?

Goofed off. Played around. Etc.

Physics. Well, this stuff is interesting. Angular momentum is crazy stuff. He started talking about wind currents and angular momentum, and soon enough, he explained hurricanes. It was insane. Same with the floating bike tire. Then our quiz. It turned out to be an evaluation. Sweet. I totally got that one nailed. There's nothing like the feeling of giving a good evaluation to a professor who really deserves it.

Since then, I've just been goofing off. Tony went home for the weekend, so I've been doing my usual nonsense. Sitting around, eating lunch, eating dinner, etc. Come to think of it, this is the first time in a mighty long time I've eaten three meals from the DC in one day. Crazy. The earth will probably explode.

I spent my evening/night chatting on the phone with a lovely anonymous lady.

Now it's time for bed.



I'm sleepy. I need to start getting to bed earlier. Eleven is just way too late.

I baked muffins this morning. Patrick was up, probably pulled an all nighter. He was in the lounge stringing his dad's 12 string. So I chatted with him and shared a muffin. Good times.

At 8:30, I was on the racquetball court. John was fun, until we started playing doubles. It seemed to be bothersome or something. Oh well.

Lab was great. Great because it was awful. It was the last lab, so half the people didn't show up. We made up answers. Whatever.

Lunch was delicious. It actually was.

The Problem Solving Session was average. It's hot outside, making everyone slow.

After that, I just goofed around. Did my laundry, tried to tidy up the room some more. I ironed all my undry and wrinkled clothes. Fun.

Dinner. Whatever.

Piracy. Meh.

Physics with Doug. How quaint. I started to fall asleep. Now look at me.

Well, Yeah.


My day has been simply awesome. As long as you keep in mind that my everyday boring is always awesome.

I woke and wrote journals. No time to bake muffins, sadly. I got most of them done by the time I went to math, but there were still a few left afterwards. By that time, I had yet to eat anything, so I grabbed one of the instant mashed potato things Tony keeps on the shared food shelf. It was disgustingly delicious.

With that in my belly, I finished off my journals then went to the LRC to print them off. Sadly, I emailed myself everything except for one, so I had to run back up to my room, turn on the computer, email the file, run back down, log in, print it out, then bike rather quickly off to my Physics lecture. Amazingly, it just isn't in me to unnecessarily skip class.

Physics was interesting, about angular acceleration. I really need to study.

English was sleepy, as usual. It got even worse when we decided to go outside and workshop our poems, meaning we just sat on the grass, lazily making somewhat coherent comments. It was a nice rest.

After that, I went to the bookstore and picked up my jacket. It's awesome. Very comfortable and tight fitting.

Back in my room, I ordered more magnets. I took pictures of myself wearing the jacket for my mother, then proceeded to invade Becca's room to burn CDs. She wasn't there, so it was no problem. It took quite a while, but my computer has been filling up.

After that, I went down to the lawn where the DC was putting on a luau theme dinner. It was actually pretty decent. I like eating out on the lawn, especially in this weather.

I got dressed, then waited for Brandon to come pick me up.

Meeting was small, but I didn't notice until Lois pointed out that two families were missing. Meh. Walter Pollock was there. Apparently he knows me well, but I have no idea where that came from. I figured it was because Jayna was in his field when she was in San Diego, but he asked me when she was graduating. That left me slightly confused.

Back in the building, I ran into Negin while she was on her way to the lounge for an RA meeting. She's going to be an RA next year. I think that would be awesome if Amy was one of her residents. Not a high probability, but it would still be pretty cool.

Anyway, she's been wanting to see my room, so whenever they're done, she'll come visit me. It's getting late though... it's almost 10.

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