You might have noticed a lack of post yesterday. That's because I was experiencing a lack of hard drive.
Let's recap, shall we.
Tuesday was spent rather lethargically. Racquetball with Jon, last day of class, played really poorly. Actually, the floors were really dusty, making it a safety hazard to play hard. So most of our games were played with many small steps. I hated it.
Improv was all right. Very slow, probably the most boring day. We did our transcriptions, so it was a lot of individual time.
In my four hour break, I learned that my computer froze. I wasn't too worried, since it did that many times before. It freezes, won't start for a few hours, then works again. But it didn't. So I called tech support, got everything cleared, then they ordered me a new hard drive. Good times. Keep in mind this was over the process of an hour. Tech support couldn't be THAT helpful.
Lucky for me, I had a poetry chapbook due the next day. Since all of my poems were on my hard drive, that means basically starting from scratch. Great.
Math discussion was confusing and boring, but I did get to evaluate Joe. I always have fun with the evaluations, trying to give my best information and opinion. Because mine counts.
Dinner. Good.
Bible and film. We talked for quite a bit, about the paper, the final, etc. Then we watched "East of Eden," based on John Steinbeck's novel, starring James Dean. I never really understood all the hype about Dean, but then I saw one of his movies. He's so incredibly cool. That movie jumped to one of my favorite movies. It's simply amazing.
Afterwards, I got back and pretended to work on my chapbook. Instead, I talked to a really cute girl on the phone for a little bit. Then I got back to writing poems.
Really tired, I went to bed not even caring that I didn't write in my blog.
I awoke around 6 to finish writing poems and write them in a book form. Too lazy for anything else, I handwrote all my poems on random parts of loose pieces of paper, then put them between two magnets. I just had to tie in the magnets somehow.
Math lecture. Boring. Got out early.
I frantically wrote and wrote down poems.
Physics. Not quite finished with my chapbook, instead I worked on my memorized poem. In lecture. Good ol' Rod kept us going for a while. Ahh...
Having not eaten all day, I had to get a muffin. Scones were out, you see.
I hurried to the room, where I sat down and finished writing my last poem. I thought it was hilarious that I wrote the last poem in class. Oh well. Whatever.
It was a weird class. We just recited poems, then read ours. After that, we had a little party. Woot.
When we were done, I was free. Done with class for the year. Amazing.
I went to the LRC to print out a copy of Kouba's extra credit evaluation. I need it. I filled it out, ran it to the office, came back and picked up my hard drive. Next day air isn't bad stuff.
The next three hours were spent formatting the hard drive, installing Windows, and setting up my computer. I have a secret plan of "donating" my computer to Dad, then being at a loss of a computer for next year. Gracious for such a donation, a new, happy computer may appear in my posession.
Hey, it's a dream.
When done/sick of that, I chatted up a storm with that same beautiful lady. I'm pretty sure you all know who it is by now, since apparently everybody knew we were going out before the thought even crossed our minds (true stories), but I still like using the mysterious compliments. I think they're cute.
Dinner wasn't bad. It was accompanied by three editions of the California Aggie, roughly 3 times the amount I normally read during one meal. So I picked up a copy on my way out, to read later. It was the last issue of the year, so they went out with a bang. Or a triple bang.
Meeting was huge again, as Jonathan's family returned from Shasta today. So they were all there. And except for Riddy, I think we were all in attendance.
Afterwards, there was cheesecake in celebration of Miranda's and Kelsey's promotion, but I like to think of it as a celebration of my awesomeness. Meaning I just played the piano the whole time.
As Brandon dropped me off, it was continuing to rain. Much to my amazement, yet not my surprise, I found the entire lawn outside of Ryerson to be watered also by sprinklers. Only UC Davis would find it necessary to outdo nature.
Ever since I got back, I've been whining about how I need to get to bed. Yet look at me. No seriously, check me out. Yeah, bed.