Today was the start of a new quarter, a new leaf in the tree of my life, another page in my book of bad analogies.
As I don't have class until noon on Wednesdays, I got up around 9:30 and baked some bread. It actually turned out delicious, so I brought a fresh hot loaf to my Greek professor. I believe she enjoyed it very much.
It was good to see my Greek class again, as I'm used to seeing them everyday. It's a very intimate and cozy environment and we all know each other very well. We went over our finals, then turned them back in. It's a ritual that is pretty much the only legal method for us to see our finals, something to which only Dr. Bulman adheres.
Speaking of awkwardly phrasing sentences to avoid common grammatical mistakes, I then attended my English Grammar lecture. Dr. Haynes seems like he should be less than boring or disorganized, although the book is apparently pretty awful. I was informed of this by Cari, who is the TA for the class. She had no idea I was taking the class until she did the usual glance-around-the-classroom-to-see-if-you-know-anyone survey and caught my eyes. Her own ones lit up.
We sat through a lecture of the history of grammar and the English Language, which was pretty unbearable for me, a student of the Greek Language. I had to hold back from asking questions like, "Would that be comparable to the genitive case?" or "How does that relate to the periphrastic structure?" to avoid becoming the guy everyone hates. Should be fun.
After class, I had a little chat with Cari as she trotted to the bus, where I branched off to go get lunch at the MU. Since it's heavy textbook season, there was a huge line at the bookstore, so I checked my bag to avoid doing that later. I ran into Keiz, so I talked to her for a bit about English 46C, then some other things. Apparently she's putting together a pot luck in honor of Cesar Chavez Day, the only stipulation being that no one bring grapes (he boycotted grapes).
I got my burrito (it was delicious), then went to the bookstore to get some notebooks and paper. I was a very good boy and did not buy anything else. But I came close.
Running off to Classics 10, Ancient Myth, I met up with Bocce outside the lecture hall. A friend from Greek, she is also the reader for the class. Inside, we found Allison Loveland, Jaina, Rasmi, Summit, and Nicole, so we had our little Greek posse in the middle of the lecture hall.
Dr. Rundin is a spaz. Something happened in the middle of the lecture that made all the lights go off and a huge (enormous) projector screen descend, so he sort of freaked out, then continued the lecture in the dark. It was kind of weird. Also, he tie was backwards for most of the lecture and it bothered me.
For New Testament Greek, Dr. Bulman reserved a seminar room in Sproul, the tallest building in Yolo County. The most interesting thing I learned in that class is that Davis is flat. Very flat.
It was pretty cool to have everyone sitting around a big table though. It was more intimidating, since she could see all of us clearly. Tom was being Tom and kind of creepy strange, but we just sort of ignored him.
Back at the place, I learned there was not enough time to cook the corned beef, so that was put off for another day. I had a slice of my bread though. It was delicious.
I got started on my Greek homework and wondered where all of my textbooks are. That still confuses me.
The three of us went to In-N-Out for dinner, with me sitting quietly as they talked about boring things. Then we picked up Amy, who is always nice to have around. That way it's Brandon and Riddy yakking in the back and me leaning over to Amy and whispering "I don't care." Oh, and singing Schnappi.
Meeting was rather long. It was fun to play with the little kids afterwards. They all seem to gravitate towards the candy bowl, for some reason. I don't know why. Maybe because there is candy there.
After that, we went home and blah blah blahed until now. That means I did my homework and talked to Kirstyn. That was pretty much all I did. Seriously. Blah blah blah.