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Bo Diddly

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Today was as blah as yesterday. It was raining for the majority, creating this nice pathetic fallacy. It was kind of like listening to sad music all day. I started grumbling to myself.

Chem was so boring and monotonous, I could barely stand it. And I was sitting next to a large left handed girl who wasn't using a left handed desk, so my attention was focused primarily on regaining my writing arm space. I think it bothered her too, so she finally got up and moved seats halfway through lecture. I felt liberated. And mean too, but the liberating feeling was more important.

Claire gave me a note. It was very colorful, as she was very bored.

I did some useless nonsense. Oh, I dried my pants on the heater since they were wet. And Tony walked in with me pantless at my computer. I wonder what he was thinking.

I updated Rather Dashing, so check it out.

Lunch wasn't bad. Pannido.

Math was interesting, trying to find the volume of a 3-D object. Grishin was having an interesting time explaining.

Right after that, I went over to Sproul to catch Dr. Hurst for once, and after about 10 minutes of waiting outside his door, I actually did. I only had a few simple questions, since Francisco answered a lot of them, but I think he appreciated someone coming. I asked him about next quarter, if there were any classes he is teaching. One, Bible and Film. I might take that. Seems kind of obscure. Next year, he's going to teach a class on the Synoptic Gospels, and I will definitely take that. I really like this professor. He knows everything about everything. Someone once asked if a verse had any connection with Melchizedek, almost randomly, and he replied, quoting book, chapter verse, of every verse mentioning Melchizedek and how the Jews interpreted them. I, along with most of the students, sat there with my mouth open as he rattled on in detail about something randomly asked. So much knowledge. So much.

Anyway, I got back to my room, collected my computer, and went back over to Everson.

Hurst is sick, so he talked quietly. It seemed he was stalling a bit for time, as the end of his lecture was a little less informative than most. The topic was the resurrection.

Brandon was havng allergies, so did not pick me up for meeting. Riddy did though.

We had a good, small meeting. Quite a few people were absent. Those little kids are funny though.

Riddy dropped me off after, as we cannot go bowling with only two legs.

I've been wasting away my life since then.

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