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Sleep is Needed

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I've noticed I'm getting so lazy I usually sit in my chair sideways so I don't have to swing them over the chair and under the desk. I am pathetic.

This morning was a difficult one. After racquetball last night, I was sleeping very well. But then there was my chem discussion this morning at 8. Everybody was falling asleep. It was no good. I'm sure we were learning stuff, but it just wasn't getting into my head. At all. I don't think anybody in that room was awake, including Slava. Also, on the way there, I saw Chrissy, who was riding her longboard and late to class, so I pulled her to Wellman. I realized how skinny I am. It's disgusting.

After Chem, I biked to the ARC. I actually played racquetball for another hour. John and I partnered up against Eric and Sterling. It made for two good matches. We barely won both of them. The second match was much more brutal, since we were holding them at 14 for quite some time, but managed to get back up there and win.

I was exhausted. I went home intending on taking a nap. Stupid internet.

My goals for the day have been to do my math homework, take a nap, and study for my chem miterm tomorrow morning. One out of three is pathetic. Surprisingly, I did my math homework. Granted, I just now finished it, but still, I closed my eyes only momentarily, not quite enough to be considered a nap.

I think maybe yesterday I was reacquainted with Emma Wascher randomly. Nice girl. Huh.

Lunch and dinner were both good. For lunch, since I always go in the quiet ten minutes right before the storm, I told the girl serving food that I would like an enchilada then feign going back in line and get a second. So she served me one, I spun around, and she served me another. Oh the joys. Ocean in view.

A roasted chicken for dinner. Wasn't bad. I really liked the skin. There also was beef stew in a bread bowl. Good bread. And amazingly enough, the stew was better than convention stew.

Well, I've been wasting away at the computer, finding new things to procrastinate on. For instance, there apparantly is a secret organization here at Davis, dating back to the founding of the school, called "Sword and Sandals." Whatever. I need a life.

So I think the plan will be to take a shower, then maybe open the book, do the sample midterm, and shoot myself for being such a retard. Good? Cool.

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