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In Other News

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Well, I should be getting to bed now.

My day started a little later than normal since we left the AC on last night. I've been too lazy to do my laundry, so I've run out of undershirts. If you know me at all, you will understand what a feat this is. This means I have been sleeping without a shirt for the past few days, leaving only a thin sheet, blanket, and comforter to protect my emaciated body from the frigid air. So I kept warm (in the relative sense) for a little while longer than I would have liked.

I managed to find myself in the breakfast lounge eating with Brad. At the time, we went to his room and collected his bike, then rode our way to the ARC.

Racquetball was the most fun I've had in a long time. Brad and I played singles, the best game I've played all quarter. I miss the feeling of intense competition, especially when there are people gawking outside the glass. I had one amazing dive, coming in on my left leg, hitting an amazing backhand drive shot. That deserved a good game.

After our exhausting game, Coach challeneged us to a game of doubles with one of his better players from the 11:00 class. I was really tired and I think Brad was too, so they won with only a little fight. I'm really liking singles now though.

All sweaty and gross, I went to Greek. That was pretty normal. Enough said.

When I got back to the room, they were in the process of cleaning it, so I went to the lounge and read the Aggie. Oh for fun.

When I got back to the room, Riddy was already there, so I took my shower and proceeded to do my regular activities.

Once satisfied with the internet, I went around to get food. I decided on Chipotle, so I walked past Watermelon Music. Okay, I had to go inside. There, I found two Bach Megatone mouthpieces, 1 1/2 C, silver plated, for $50.25 and 30% off. Amazing. So I had to try one out to see if it was worth it. I couldn't really tell, since I didn't have anything to compare it to but my own lips. So I declared I would come back later.

Chipotle was as always. Did you know that if you visit them on Halloween dressed in a costume made of aluminum foil, they will give you a free burrito? True story. Try it.

I went back to the hotel and did a little research on Megatone mouthpieces and Accordions. Man, I want that Accordion.

So I went back to Watermelon with my trumpet and mouthpieces and declared that the Megatone didn't make any difference. It felt and sounded exactly like my regular 1 1/2 C. But that Accordion. Man, I really think I might get it. I'm waiting to hear back from some experts, then I'm going to call some locals who know what they're talking about and find out if it's worth it.

Well, I went back to the room, dropped off my horn, wasted time saying hello to the roommates, then went to Sproul. The Classics program was having an open house, so being a prospective Greek minor, I stopped by. I had quite the long and lovely chat with my professor and others, giving some insight and direction for my life. And they had a fruit platter. It was delicious.

Back at the place, I don't remember what I did. It was around 5:45, so I guess I didn't do much. At 7:30, Brandon came over and we went to Pluto's. Riddy was starving, so he ate a lot. I got onion rings because I wanted some. And Brandon got mashed potatoes. It was all amazing.

Since then, I've been alternating between being lazy and lethargic. I did my Greek homework though. Always a necessity. I would die if I didn't have homework in that class. Weird. Liking homework? What has college done to me?

Sure has made me sleepy.

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