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Yawn. I am completely exhausted.

After studying nonstop from about 12-12:15 last night, I felt more than ill-prepared for my Chem midterm this morning. It actually didn't turn out so terribly. I knew more than I thought I did, which is always the good direction to be heading. Also, while I was taking the test, I had a sudden pang of understanding how someone could actually enjoy this stuff. Weird, since I hate chemistry.

After Chem, I went to Mrak Hall to get the proof of current full time enrollment sent to the insurance agency. It was exciting.

When that was done, I was walking down the hall to my room, but three doors down, Katie and Doug were casually talking, so I joined them. It turns out I talked with them until I had to go to my next class, never actually making it the thirty extra feet to my room.

Calculus was fun, learning derivatives.

After math and lunching it up, I saw Doug wearing basketball shorts and an undershirt, so I commented how he must be going to the ARC. He confirmed this assumption and told me to go with him. After much deliberation, I changed clothes and we went to the ARC.

The following is the reason I am so tired. First off, we started with curls. As I was struggling with 20 lbs in each arm, Doug was working with 42.5. Then after we were dead from that, we worked our way over to the bench press. After I managed to bench the bar, Doug went on to put 120 lbs more on it. Then we went to the mat to do a series of ridiculous crunches. Now since Doug is officially a runner, we went to the track and ran a mile. When I say we, I mean Doug ran a mile. I ran two laps and then died. After we were dead tired from that, we then went to play racquetball, which I have decided is up there with badminton on the list of awesome sports. So that's why I'm so tired.

After that, I really wanted to take a shower, but realized that I don't have any clean clothes. So I had to do my laundry. It took a while, most of which I sat without a shirt, but I got everything done, then cleansed myself. Speaking of which, I'm out of soap. I need more if I want to continue to get clean.

The whole time after we got back from the ARC, my arms were completely useless. Brandon called me, but even the act of holding up the phone made my arm shake. It was pathetic.

Brandon actually called for a reason though. Riddy invited us over for a get together at their house. There were actually a fair amount of people there, maybe 15 or so. We played around the world ping pong, rook, and the usual types of things you do at parties of that nature (yes, we read comics... Get Fuzzy though, not Archies). It was really fun, but we were all really tired by the end.

So now I'm back (from outer space). And still tired. Must go to bed.

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