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It's 10:00 on a Friday night, and I find myself in my room, alone. Somehow, this does not surprise me. Tony took off again for home, although this is the first time he's done that since school has actually started. There are people in the halls discussing the current parties that they are trying to get to. Christie, or "Hootch" as Adam calls her, is announcing that there are two vehicles that can take people. What an exciting night it will be for them.

With my new routine of hitting the snooze button several times then falling back asleep, I found myself waking back up in the Chem lecture. Trying to stay awake and actually learn, this lecture was more boring than normal. I keep on being reminded that our first midterm is next week. Just great. I think it would be wise for me to get some work done this weekend.

Since all I had for breakfast was a banana, I was really hungry when I got back to the dorm. Unfortunately, I didn't have anything else to eat. So I went to math, still hungry.

In math, we learned the precise definition of a limit. How exciting. It was nice though, since people have started skipping the lectures, leaving the hall half empty. That meant that I got to sit in the second row with nobody to my left and nobody to my right. I took the opportunity to stretch.

It was an interesting lecture, where Dr. Hass, in an attempt to be funny, only made it as far as any other mathematician has before. I'm not really sure what went on, but as far as I could tell, he took a pinwheel, placed it up to the fan blade, and cut his hand when it went flying off. But I don't think he really cut his hand, since he didn't seem to be in pain and it stopped bleeding as soon as he wiped it off. Maybe I really should eat breakfast...

After that, my day was done. I called Brandon to see if he wanted to do anything, but he was completely exhausted from playing floor hockey against the cops (he tried explaining it to me... I still don't understand). So I sat around for a while. I tried installing iTunes on this computer, but the thing is just so slow, it got mad at me. I think I'm going to try installing more ram on it, since I only have 256 mb. But my computer at home has less and it's not sad. Oh well. Something else I need to fix.

I went out to lunch with Sarah and one of her sorority sisters. At least I think that was today. Maybe that was yesterday. I don't remember. Anyway, lunch wasn't that bad.

After that, Amy came by to see Sarah. When she finally got there, we spent a while doing nothing together. It turns out Tommy Cantillion's band Holden was playing in Sacramento, so he decided to stop by Davis and see how the Brinker twins were doing. I don't know how that turned out.

I tried a vegan cookie today. It was really good. Oddly, since vegans usually aren't.

In my many hours of boredom, I moved my furniture around in my room. The bed is now perpendicular to where it used to be, up against the window. My desk and bureau are right next to each other, with the bookshelf on top. This way, I can actually see the mirror and get to the other side of the closet. How amazing. I wonder how Tony will react when he comes back.

Anyway, I spent some time with Adam watching Battle Royale. Feeling a bit violent afterwards, we had to go do some controlled activities.

There have been some fires around here. For the past couple of days, the ground has been really orange and the sun red. C. Kiefer said it was the end of the world.

Well, I'm pretty drained. I feel like I need to work out. So I will probably go to sleep. Yawn.

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