Take a picture of me with my backpack in front of our apartment! No, that was only AJ.
I just switched to Blogger Beta, so we'll see how this holds up.
I'm still pretty tired. I'm adjusting my sleep schedule to a more normal one. You know, one where you sleep at night.
I'm really enjoying this whole "own room" deal. I think this year will be a good one. I'm almost done moving in. Yesterday I arranged the furniture and tried to get things in the closet. Today was more of an organizing day. I rearranged the books, making the top shelf novels (alphabetically by author's last name, then by title of an author's books), then classics. Second shelf is languages, followed by reference. Third shelf is my anthologies, since it's reinforced and I noticed the flimsier shelves were starting to bow. Beneath that is my Religious Studies books and music. On the bottom is my CDs, then cookbooks, then extra paper. Believe it or not, the thing is entirely full.
I organized my closet sort of. Pretty much, my room looks like a room. The desk is still pretty messy, but I'll probably work on that tomorrow. I butchered one of Jayna's paper sample books and now have completely random art hanging on my walls from magnets.
I only had one class today, Italian. My professor is hilarious. Picture a pretty big Italian man with a completely shaved head except for an enormous grey beard. Then picture him here:

He was very funny. Kind of random, but funny. I think I'll enjoy him. Maybe not all the
freshmen in the class though. Oh, who cares, they're kind of cute. Cute as in little bunny cute, not Rachelle cute.
And then I cleaned. Or did other stuff. AJ and I went on a quest to make sushi, so we went to the Asian Market and got real sushi stuff, things I still have no idea what they were. I know we had some gobo, but there was also either some sort of pickled vegetable or anchovy. No idea, but it was delicious.
And now I'm here. Or was, since I'm going.